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Please watch over Roberc and Borovazk, Marissa continued, and make sure they don't drink too much firewine!

The bladesinger laughed at that, but his laughter soon caught in his throat as Marissa's figure began to fade before his eyes.

I must go, Taenaran. Please know that I will always be here when you need me. Thank you, my love-for everything. With that, Marissa disappeared, fading completely from view.

Slowly, Taenaran turned toward the Red Tree and bowed profoundly. "I love you, Marissa."

He rose up once more, wiping a few stray tears from his eyes before turning back toward the path that would lead away from the Red Tree and ultimately away from Rashemen. As he walked forward, Taenaran felt the hollowness of grief begin to fill with gratefulness and with the warm memories of Marissa's presence in his life. It was as if a stone had rolled away from the dark tomb of his heart, letting in sunlight and air. It was enough that Marissa's life hadn't ended in darkness and pain. It was enough that he had seen her once more-and she was happy.

It was more than enough.

Slowly, Taenaran, bladesinger and hero of Rashemen, walked down the path toward his friends.

Behind him, the raucous cawing of an albino raven echoed throughout the vale.