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Then he smiled uncertainly for an instant, and the expression fell away as he went limp. Mathilda closed his eyes, drew the Cross on his forehead, then rose and leaned against Rudi?s shoulder. ?He said we were going to a better place,? she said quietly as he squeezed her for a moment with his free arm. ?I don?t doubt he has,? he said. Then:?Earth must be fed.?

Rudi touched a finger to the blood on his steel and then marked his forehead, murmuring the salute to the departed. After that he whistled a fluting trill like a bird?s-not any particular type, but with a generic avian sound. A few minutes later the same call came from the woods about. Edain appeared with Asgerd trailing him; she looked a little wobbly. Garb trotted at his heels, massive head low and licking her hairy chops, with a little congealed blood from a slight cut on her right shoulder. ?All right?? Rudi said; he couldn?t see any wounds on the Bjorning girl, though there was a spatter of red drops drying on the mottled white of her coat. ?In the event, Chief,? the young clansman said.?They?d come down from their perches, though, and weren?t where we expected, and there was an extra one. I had to shoot a bit fast-the last one was only winged. Asgerd took care of him, though. Might have been right nasty, if she hadn?t.? ?My first.? She swallowed and added.?It… wasn?t like practice. More like pig-butchering time. And as if I was watching myself kill him.?

Edain put a hand on her shoulder for a moment.?He chose to come onto your land uninvited with a weapon in his hand,? he said.?When a man does that, he consents to his fate and makes you clean of his blood.?

She took a pair of deep breaths and nodded.?That?s true. And.. . that?s one towards my oath,? she said, her voice growing stronger.

Then she looked at Garbh.?That dog is a man-killer.?

Edain grinned.?To be sure, when she needs to be, or when I tell her, she is a man-killer. So am I. And so are you, now.?

Asgerd nodded, but there was a dubious expression on her face, as if she was trying to frame an objection but couldn?t quite think of the words. ?And we?ve both hunted wolves, eh?? She nodded again.?The Gods have made the world so that sometimes we must kill to live; not just us, but our brother wolf and tiger and bear too. In the end, the Hunter comes for us all. Earth must be fed.?

Mary and Ritva were silent when they came ghosting up; the one-eyed Ranger was wiping the sickle blade on the end of her fighting chain, which was comment enough. Fred and Virginia appeared next; the girl from Wyoming had a fresh scalp at her belt, and the dark young man was limping very slightly. Rudi went forward with slow care, then down on one knee behind a screen of leafless brush at the edge of the woods-where forest met open country there was always a screen of it. Through his binoculars he could see past the besieger?s camp, which looked empty now except for a few threads of smoke that were probably cookfires, or heating water for healers to use.

Beyond that the town wall was even more battered than it had been from his treetop lookout earlier; they were getting a boulder into the air every fifteen minutes or so, good practice with a hastily built weapon and untrained crew. Shattered timber and rock made a rough low slope through the gap the trebuchet had pounded. The two scorpions bucked again, and the loads they threw trailed smoke. They were using incendiaries now, the best possible way to knock back any defenders massing to hold the breach. Thick volleys of arrows hissed up from behind the mantlets, not individually aimed but falling in a steel-tipped rain where any defenders would be.

Graber knows his business, to be sure. And I?d be betting that the pirate captains do so, too.

Crackling and muffled footfalls came from behind him; you couldn?t move two-score warriors through the forest silently at a trot, even if they were all woodsmen individually. ?Ready,? Ingolf said, slightly breathless; running in armor did that, no matter how fit you were. ?Their outposts didn?t give any alarm,? Rudi said; which was a stroke of luck, even with experts in what the Dunedain called sentry removal at work.

He raised his voice:?Form on me. Archers to the front, and then on the flanks when we charge. Edain, the usual for an assault. Now wait for the word… and when I give it, a steady trot keeping good order, no more. It?s useless a man is when he?s too winded to fight.?

Even as he spoke figures spilled out from behind the mantlets, running forward towards the ruined wall of Kalksthorpe under the cover of the ar rowstorm and the globes of napalm. Those lifted as they swarmed screeching up the rough slope, arching higher to fall safely behind the first rank of the defenders. The crest seemed to sprout armed men as the survivors of the bombardment rose to meet them. Faint with distance he could hear the screams of the Bekwa, and a deeper chant: ?Cut! Cut! Cut!?

The Moorish pirates had slung their bows; they formed up in two solid blocks behind the sloped siege shields, waiting and still. Tall poles or spear shafts held green flags over their heads, with a squiggle of some unfamiliar script in silver on them, visible as the sea wind streamed them out. The bleak light glinted on their spearheads, above the dun mass of their tall almond-shaped hide shields. Here and there ostrich-feather plumes danced on a helmet or jewels glittered, oddly cheerless in the light of northern winter.

Odard hissed between his teeth.?I suspect that they?re not all blood brothers out there,? he said.?It?s after you, my friends. No, no, I insist, after you!? ?You are a cynic, my lord Gervais,? Father Ignatius said; he was on the other side of Mathilda from Rudi.?I fear you are right this time, as well. Your Majesty?? ?Wait. Wait,? Rudi said, even as another long guttural shout rang out, this time from the corsairs: ?Alllaahuuu Akbaaaar!? ?Wait… not quite yet…?

The green flags waved and the rover crews ran forward towards the thump and clatter and screams of combat beyond the broken wall. ?God is Great,? the priest murmured.?So He is indeed. But men, alas… Father, forgive us for what we are about to do, and forgive us that we can see no better way. Lord who blessed the centurion, bless us also this day. But Thy will alone be done, for Thy judgments are just and righteous altogether.? ?Holy Mary, Lady pierced with sorrows, Queen of Heaven, intercede for us, now and at the hour of our deaths,? Mathilda added soberly; she held up her sword for an instant by the blade, kissed the cross the hilt and guard made, then tossed it up and caught it ready.?For us and for our foes.? ?Amen,? the Christians said.

Tension grew, with a taste like hot copper and salt at the back of his throat. For a moment Rudi thought the wings beating above were in his mind. Then he realized they were two real ravens, launching themselves from a tall spruce. They soared upward, circling above the town. He felt a chill worse than the sweat congealing on his flanks under the armor and padding. Then a great calm, and under it a lifting current of hot anger. ?Yes,? he said.?It?s time, Victory-Father.? Louder:?For Montival! Follow me!? ?Artos and Montival!? his companions called.

The wedge of them trotted out into the open ground, snow floating up around them like dust to the pounding of booted feet. ?No!? Abdou al-Naari snarled, cuffing a man over the head with a gloved fist.?I?ll castrate the first man who plunders before the battle ends!?

The crewman staggered, dropped the golden necklace he?d been pulling off a body and picked up his shield again. An arrow struck quivering in it a moment later with a hard dry thunk and the man?s eyes rolled in shock.

Abdou coughed; the whole town wasn?t burning, but there was enough smoke to lie thick. And it was a maze of lanes and log houses with steel shutters over their doors and lower windows; from the upper ones came arrows and spears, rocks and jars of burning lamp oil. Bodies of pagans and corsairs and their allies littered the trampled mud and dirty snow of the street, in a mess of blood and broken weapons and men who shrieked or whimpered or tried to crawl aside and bandage themselves.