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Tim leaned his head against the wall and looked at Aanders. “That probably won't matter once you hear what death coaches do."

"You keep saying that. What's a death coach?"

Aanders scowled as Tim finished explaining what he had learned during Sadie's round table sessions. “How do you know all this stuff?"

"I told you. I learned it from Sadie. She explains it after we come back."

"Come back from where?"

"The nursing home or the hospital. She takes us there in the morning and picks us up before supper. We're supposed to seek out the dying so we can cross back over with them. But first we have to make a death decision."

"You believed her?” Aanders said. “Everyone knows she's crazy. At least that's what they say.” He paused. “Everyone except Mom. She thinks Sadie's a nice old lady."

"I knew you wouldn't believe me.” Tim hugged his knees and rested his chin on one knee. “It's so freaky I didn't believe it at first, either. If you come to Cabin 14, you'll see all the crossers. There are five of us living there."

"Five dead people?” Aanders said with a gasp.

"Yes. There's a man in a suit who has a briefcase he won't let anyone touch. And there's a mom and a boy there too. The mom sits and cries all the time. She gets on everyone's nerves."

"What about the fifth dead person,” Aanders said.

"That's Rodney. He's mean. I'm afraid of him, but I don't think the guy in the suit is. The guy in the suit talks funny."

"Like how?"

"I don't know how to explain it. He sounds kinda like the President when he's talking about important stuff on TV. You know. He uses big words."

"Does Rodney punch the other dead people?"

"Sadie won't let him,” Tim answered.

Aanders struggled to grasp the information Tim had shared. “Can Mom see the crossers?"

"No. She's not a death coach. Sadie told us only death coaches can see crossers."

"That makes Sadie a babysitter for dead people.” Aanders watched Belly paw at Tim to get his attention. “But Belly can see you. Is he a death coach?"

"There's so much to remember, I forgot to tell you about Belly.” Tim picked at the four black hairs on Belly's tail. “Animals and death coaches can see the dead."

A sly grin formed as Tim said, “Man, is Sadie going to be surprised when she finds out you can see them, too. She told us there weren't any other death coaches in this part of Minnesota."

"I'm not going to her cabin. I don't want to be a death coach.” Straightening his back, Aanders said, “I'm not going anywhere to be with a bunch of dead people."

"Well I'm dead and you're with me. And you've got dead people in your house all the time."

"That's different."

"No it's not. What's the big deal? You don't need to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid.” Aanders’ shout echoed through the embalming room.

"You are, too. If you won't go with me, then you're a big chicken."

Belly stirred at the outcry and thumped his tail vigorously against the floor.

"I'm not a chicken,” Aanders said, cupping Belly's face in his hands. He pressed his nose against the dog's forehead.

"Then prove it."

As intriguing as the challenge was, Aanders felt his throat fill with acid. Over the years he had listened to rumors of Sadie's imaginary friends and had witnessed her waving her hands and talking into the wind as she stood on her porch. Now he understood why. He was cursed with the same powers. Sadie might be their babysitter, but he refused to take care of dead people.

Aanders pulled at his shoelace and flicked at Belly's ear with the stiff end of the lace. “Do you really have to make a death decision?” Gazing at Tim out of the corner of his eye he saw him nod.

"I either have to go back through the light or go to the parallel world. I don't want to leave you, but I have to find Mom and Dad. They'll miss me if I go to the other place."

"But they're in cold storage over there,” Aanders said, pointing toward the walk-in cooler.

Tim sat with his legs straight and tapped his feet together. “That's just their bodies. Mom and Dad aren't in those bodies anymore. Their spirits went through the light when they died. I saw it happen.” His body vibrated in rhythm with the tapping of his toes.

"You couldn't stay with me instead, could you?” A tinge of hope flickered across Aanders’ face.

"No. Sadie said I don't have a choice. If I don't go through the light within thirty days, I'll fade away all together."

"Like a ghost?"

"I don't think so. Sadie said it meant I'd disappear into the air like campfire smoke. I'd never see my parents again."

Aanders swiped at a tear as it rolled down his cheek.

"I'm going to miss you, Aanders.” Tim rested his hand on Belly's back and edged it toward Aanders until their hands touched. A sob escaped as Tim hid his face against his knees.

"Me, too. I still can't believe you're going to be gone for real."

"Me neither,” Tim said, wiping his cheeks across the denim covering his knees. “We can still be together until I have to go."


"I bet you didn't know I slept in your room last night."

Aanders felt the hair rise on his neck as he stared at his friend. “In my bedroom?"

"Yes. And guess what. I saw your mom in her underwear when she came out of the bathroom."

"For real?” Aanders said.

"For real."

Both boys leaned their heads against the wall to contemplate the past few minutes. Grunts from the obese dog drew the lads from their thoughts as Belly struggled to get to his feet.

"Don't you wonder what the other world would be like? If you decided to go there, I could go there when I die, too."

Tim paused before he answered. “No. I think I better find Mom and Dad. I don't want them to get lonesome."

"Maybe they're already in the other world. Maybe you should go there to find out."

"No, they're not. Sadie said only those who are held back from going through the light can go to the parallel world."

Aanders weighed Tim's answer. “You told me you had unfinished business. What kind of unfinished business would a kid have?"

"I wondered the same thing at first. I wasn't in business like my dad, but after I listened to the other crossers sort things out, I know why."

Both boys turned toward the sound of the hearse bay door rising.

"Mom's back,” Aanders whispered.

"Be quiet and she won't know you're here,” Tim said.

"She'll think we're crazy sitting on the floor in the dark."

Tim smiled. “She'll think you're crazy because she won't see me."

Footsteps shuffled past the door. Aanders held his breath. He listened to the sound of her shoes against the treads while she climbed and closed the door behind her.

Aanders exhaled, then he grasped the stainless steel counter. “I'd better get up there. She'll be looking for me.” Before Aanders left the room, he turned back toward Tim. “What was your unfinished business?"

"I already told you. We were murdered. I saw something right before the car rolled over and I think I know who did it. But because I can't go to the sheriff, you've the only one who can help me prove it."