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"Why did you wait so long to call?" Arkady asked Zhenya.

"She didn't want to involve the police."

"Why not? Three days ago we could have turned the city inside out. Today? No one would lift a finger. Is she deaf?"

"No." Although for all the attention Maya gave Arkady, she might have been. The windows of the car were fogged with condensation on which she drew a happy face.

The longer they waited for Victor, the more questions Arkady had for Zhenya.

Who was this girl?

How old was she?

Where was she from?

How could she lose a baby?

Did Zhenya ever actually see a baby?

Did anyone besides the girl ever see a baby?

Maya was mute. She hated Zhenya's so-called friend, Arkady. Zhenya may have lied to her, but he was the only one who had the nerve to walk into a building in search of her and lead her down the stairs while the two men in the elevator were busy stuffing Yegor into a body bag. It took her a moment to realize that the investigator was asking her directly, "Did you recognize the yellow station wagon?"


"From where?"

"I told you. Nowhere."

"Did you recognize the two men?"

They were the men she called the Catchers.


"They seemed to know you." He passed back the poster of her that the two men had been circulating. She let her forehead rest on the coolness of the backseat window and answered in a dreamy tone that she had never seen them before.

"And the Pakistani?"


"You never bought anything at his kiosk?"


Zhenya said the last they saw of the kiosk clerk, he was being dumped in the Volvo and covered with a tarp.

"Did they see you?"

"On the street," Zhenya said. "That's how I found her, by following their car."

"Did they get a good look at you?"


"What did they look like?"

"Average. Average everything."

"Nothing else?"

The word Zhenya came up with was "Brothers."

Victor climbed into the Lada and said the office site was microscopically clean.

"Anyway, who is going to report that a runaway like Yegor is missing, or give a damn about a Pakistani? Not to mention, the age of consent is still sixteen. Do you think men who have sex with children are going to report suspicious activity?"

Arkady said to Zhenya, "You know better. You should have called."

It wasn't until they reached the richly dressed shop windows of Tverskaya Street that Maya realized the investigator hadn't taken her and Zhenya to the police.

Arkady remembered that his cupboard was bare and sent Victor and Zhenya dashing through the rain into a food emporium. Also, Arkady wanted a private word with Maya. He had not appreciated at first how close to the edge the girl was. He wasn't prepared for her. The streets of Moscow were lined with Viking women. Maya was small and graceful and her shaved head added vulnerability. He could see why Zhenya was senseless around her.

"You want to talk?" Maya said.

"That's right. Just you and me."

"Okay. Let's hear what kind of bullshit you come up with."

He thought she might be a good judge of character. He wondered what kind of self-justification had been poured into her ears by men paying for sex with a child.

"If you love your baby so much, why won't you try to find her?"

"Won't look for her? All I've done for the last three days is search the stations again and again."

"I know. But that's punishing yourself, not searching for the baby anywhere but Three Stations. There's much more to Moscow. It confuses me because I believe you're a good mother."

"How would you know that?"

"Because you're suffering."

"You don't know anything."

"Then let me guess. You're a runaway, you're a prostitute and you're running for your life."

She asked, "What else?"

"You hid the baby in something it could breathe in, maybe a basket, and probably traveled second class at night. Pickpockets and confidence artists work as teams. One bumps you while the other lifts your money. Or one threatens you and the other comes to your rescue."

"Auntie Lena chased a soldier who was bothering me."

"Afterward, did Auntie Lena give you anything to drink?"


"It had knockout powder. Once you drank that, you didn't have a chance."

"I asked people later if they saw a woman with a baby get off the train."

"By then the soldier had joined her, only he didn't look like a soldier and she didn't look like anybody's Auntie Lena. They looked like an ordinary family on a trip. That would be my guess."


"And the two men you saw in the elevator with Yegor are after you. I'm not sure whether you've seen them before, but you know what they are. Once in a while a girl escapes. Then someone has to go after her and not only catch her, but make an example of her, so other girls won't try."

"They take pictures."

"I've seen them."

She had visions of women hanging from a meat hook, set on fire, floating facedown in a swimming pool.

"They tell us it's useless to escape because they're everywhere. Not only in Russia. They never stop looking and sooner or later they find you. I could be on the North Pole and they would find me. Is that true?"

"Pretty much."

"You're cheery."


"What about the…"

"The bodies? I don't care about them, I care about you. They're dead, you're alive. There are two professional killers after you. We have to keep you as far from this scene as possible."

"I could do it if I knew Katya survived."

"That's the baby's name?"

"Katya. She has a blue blanket with a design of baby chicks and a birthmark on the back of her neck if you lift her hair. I haven't settled on a last name yet."

"Keep your options open."

"My own is Pospelova. Remember that later." She smiled. "Maya Pospelova was here."

They spread a bounty of cheese, bread, red caviar, chocolates and coffee on Arkady's kitchen table. He kept his eye on Maya. Surrendering her name seemed to have relieved her mind, as if a decision had been made. Her serenity worried Arkady, that and her use of the word "later." Arkady saw her wrist. He suspected that while Maya had little in the way of Plan A, she always had a trusty Plan B in the form of a razor blade.

Meanwhile Maya was entertained by Victor's stories. According to Victor, the art of the suicide note had deteriorated.

"A suicide tweet is not the same thing."

"Don't you think that people who believe in love are happier?"

"It depends on who you are. Arkady falls in love with the regularity of spawning salmon, whereas I have incredibly high standards, yet we're equally miserable. It's become a national crisis. No romance, no little Russians, no army. That's why Putin played Cupid."

"I don't remember that," said Maya. There hadn't been newspapers at the bordello.

"He declared a Holiday of Love with bouquets for all the married women who came to Red Square. The weather was a little cool, a little cloudy. Putin wants everything perfect, so he salts the clouds.

"We do it for every parade. Planes go back and forth seeding clouds. The seeds are pellets of silver iodide and liquid nitrogen compacted into a block of cement powder. Each block, as an airman throws it out of the plane, explodes into a puff of dust. All but one."

Arkady said, "It's a shame you don't have children just so you could terrify them."

Victor continued unabashed. "One block stays together and plunges to the city from ten thousand meters like, well, a block of cement. To the pilots it appears that the block is aimed directly at the Kremlin. Options are considered. Try to shoot the block and make it disintegrate, at the risk of mowing down dozens of mothers in Red Square? Ram the block, at the risk of bringing down the plane? Do nothing and perhaps witness the most unusual political assassination in history? Of course they ended up doing nothing and the block came down in an apartment building nowhere near and tore through a roof and three bathrooms before coming to rest in a tub. I like to think of it as 'Putin's Arrow.'"