At Winter's End
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Книги из тех же жанров
Страниц: 116
Символов: 752553
ID: 127582
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 1988
Издательство: Warner Books
Создана 2 декабря 2010 12:33


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After a recurrence of the cataclysm that killed off the dinosaurs and a resulting Long Winter of 700,000 years, the eventual New Springtime sees only two of the far future Earth’s original Six Peoples emerge from their deep cocoons: the resilient, insect-like hjjk-folk and the simian tribes who regard themselves as heirs to humanity. Young Hresh-full-of-questions is a member of one of the latter, a small band that must radically change its ancient rituals and taboos to adapt to their new life. Taking up temporary residence in the shell of a once great city, the group fearfully meets another people, is itself torn in half by rivalry and, through Hresh, achieves a new realization of who they are. This solid, dramatic novel expands on a favorite motif of Silverberg’s: the mixed terrors and pleasures of freedom, of going out into the wider world without guide, map or a sure sense of one’s own capabilities.

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