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The ping of an arriving bundle sounded again through the information center. John glanced to his left. One of the data technicians, a middle-aged woman sitting in front at a control desk in front of Will Davis and Rico Ruggiero, had been hit. She was staring down at her own midriff, where a neat round hole had been punched to the right of her navel. She said, in a wondering voice, “Son of a bitch. Will you look at that? It got me!” Then she crumpled to the floor of the information center without another word.

John watched long enough to be sure that she was carried away for treatment. The position of the particle bundle indicated that it had passed through one lobe of her liver and perhaps the ascending colon. Neither wound would be fatal, but she might be the first of many.

He turned his attention back to the displays. It had been Amanda Corrigan’s idea to color-code the data on the number of bundles getting through the defenses versus their position on the surface of the space shield. Blue meant a safe zone — as much as anywhere could be safe, given the certainty of random penetration whenever a loop field failed to do its job. Red was the danger area, behind which Earth would be hardest hit. Amanda had probably never expected to see it this way, but the whole shield, viewed end-on, had become a rainbow of light. It ranged from the blue-violet bull’s-eye of the cone end beyond Cusp Station and Sky City, out to an angry orange ring close to the outward edge of the shield. In those regions, the protection offered to Earth was negligible. Even beyond that was an annular zone of dull red where there was no protection at all. Particle bundles in that region would hit the planet’s atmosphere, but not the planet itself. The surface would be affected only by secondary particles and radiation.

He swiveled his chair to take in activities in the information center. Every chair at every desk and panel was occupied, as it should be. The problem was, no one had anything useful to do. Even if the field generators failed to function, it would be impossible to reach and repair them before the particle wave hit its crest. Everyone, John himself included, had become no more than a spectator.

He knew that was true, but not everyone did. Young trainees like Jilly Wong and Al Morcelli thought that the senior engineers of Sky City were like gods, able to fix anything. Their eyes were on him now, waiting for him and the seniors to perform miracles.

John stood up. “All right.” He forced himself to speak louder than usual. This was the sort of thing he hated doing. “You’ve done a great job, but now it’s time to think of your own safety. This information center is close to the forward face of Sky City. It’s much safer at the rear face, where the bulk of the city shields us from the particle bundles. I’d like everyone to go there now. I’ll join you after I’ve taken care of a few details here.”

He saw Will Davis’s lopsided smile. The other engineer’s eyes signaled to John, That’s a crock of shit, boyo, and you know it. The particle bundles whip right through Sky City like it’s a paper bag. But I know what you’re doing.

Aloud, Will called in his best sergeant-major’s voice, “All right, everybody. You heard what the boss said. Another half hour, and we’ll all be home free. So let’s go sit it out in some safe place.”

It took a few seconds, but after a final glance at John and at the screens the others in the information center stood up and began to file out.

Finally there remained only John, Will, and Maddy. Will gave John another glance and said to Maddy, “It’s a lot safer—”

“I know what it’s like near the rear face, Will. I’ve been there, trying to help injured people. It’s no safer than here. The bundles have easily enough energy to pass right through Sky City.”

“Aye, well, if you know that—”

“But it would be good if you and John would go back there. Your presence will give people reassurance.”

John said simply, “I can’t. I must stay with the information center. We’re still trying to get signals through to Earth.”

“You, then, Will. You should go. I can stay with John.”

“But . . .” Will Davis frowned. “Maddy, this makes no sense. I’m the one who should stay.”

“Why? To show us you’re brave? We already know that. And it’s no more dangerous here than it is with the others near the rear face. I know. I’ve been there.”

Davis looked to John Hyslop, who nodded. “Take off if you like, Will. There’s nothing for you to do here — nothing for anybody to do but watch. If things go wrong, you’ll know it as soon as I do.”

“That’s one way to put it. All right, I’ll go and cheer up the trainees.”

“Why just them?” Maddy asked.

“Because I can’t cheer up the other engineers. They know too much.”

He turned and wandered out of the information center. John decided that Will might not be the man to comfort anybody. He certainly hadn’t gone out of his way to reassure Maddy.

As Will was leaving he passed Star Vjansander coming in. John, ignoring the displays for a moment, asked her, “Any new ideas?”

“Not a sausage.” Star sat down by his side. “Except me and Wilmer think maybe our old ideas are wrong. I suppose yer might call it progress.”

“I’d like something more definite than that.”

“Well, wait a few minutes an’ yer’ll likely get it.” Star gazed at the displays. “Only seventeen minutes ter flux peak. Then we’ll really have data.”

She waited a few moments and added, “We’ll have it. But I’m not saying we’ll like what we get.”


From the private diary of Oliver Guest.

When all else in the universe has been explained, the mystery of the human mind will remain. I am far from the first to make this observation. However, for this particular moment it possesses a special relevance.

Consider. Humanity was suffering its greatest threat ever. I, and my darlings, might not survive to see another sunrise. In the longer term, life itself might become impossible on the lands and in the oceans of Earth.

And what, at this time of crisis, occupied my mind? Three things: Was I right? Would my plan work? Were we about to apprehend the Sky City murderer?

To this should be added a fourth factor affecting all of the first three: No matter what Seth did on Sky City, I might be unable to observe it. In an unpardonable display of stupidity, I had overlooked the possibility of decreased telecommunication capability between Earth and Sky City. As the particle storm grew to its height, the images received at Otranto Castle faded and dimmed. Although I saw a flickering image of a dark-clad figure moving along one of the guy ropes, closing in on the white shroud, the picture quality was inferior and the angle was wrong for me to see the face. Seth, clear of his hiding place, glided forward with his beam weapon held at the ready.

He made no sound that I could hear. The other was facing the wrong direction to see him. Nonetheless, when he was still ten meters away the newcomer turned from the shrouded figure and looked directly toward Seth.

At last I had a view of the face. It was Lauren Stansfield.

I felt a thrill of immense satisfaction. No matter how powerful a theory might be and no matter how supported by collateral evidence, when verification comes through observation it is a special moment.

“No need to look inside the bandages, Lauren,” Seth said quietly. “You didn’t leave any evidence there. We checked.”

Lauren Stansfield remained totally still. I could see her shocked face. Even now, at this time of ultimate crisis, she wore dark eyeliner and careful makeup. Her clothes were elegant and well cut to show off her figure.

Finally she said, “What do you mean, I didn’t leave evidence on the body?” Apparently she didn’t realize that the figure was a dummy. “I didn’t kill Doris Wu. What possible reason could I have for killing Doris Wu? I didn’t even know her.”