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“General. Pleased to meet you.” Friday nodded. His eyes scanned the others in the group. He frowned and seemed slightly puzzled when he saw Bony Rombelle and Liddy Morse, but Gressel, squat and dark green, drew most of his attention. He stared at the Angel for a few moments, then abruptly sat down without being invited. His eyes blinked.

“General Korin,” he said, in a different tone. “It is my understanding that you are the leader of this force. I wish to speak with you on behalf of the Malacostracans.”

“Of the what ?” Dag Korin bristled.

“Malacostracans. Whom we call the People.”

“Never heard of ’em.”

Bony Rombelle, unexpectedly, said, “I have.”

He and Liddy had been sitting inconspicuously against one wall. Now everyone stared, and he blushed and went on, “Well, not actually heard about them, but read about them. And not these particular things, just the name. I think the word must have come out of a translation unit, because Malacostraca is the official descriptor for a class of Earth crustaceans. It includes animals like, you know, crabs and lobsters.”

Dag Korin scowled at him, and he subsided. Liddy nudged him in the side and whispered, “I was right. You do know every useless piece of information in the universe.”

“Captain Indigo,” Korin said, “you can call your Mala-what-nots anything you damn well please, and it won’t cut any ice with me. First, let me say that I’m sorry you lost your own ship.”

“Where did you get that idea?” Friday looked puzzled.

“Our computer tried to communicate with it, without success.”

“The com antennas were smashed in the storm. But the Malacostracans lifted the whole ship onto land, and the Mood Indigo is in pretty fair shape.” Friday stared around him. “I don’t have any use for it now, of course, but last time I looked at my ship it was in much better condition than this heap of junk.”

Korin’s jaw muscles tightened. “Captain Indigo, I was merely being polite when I mentioned your ship. To be honest, I don’t give a rat’s ass what the creatures on shore did for it or to it. What concerns me is that they disabled two of our orbiters, without provocation and without warning. And they captured two of our people. True, or false?”

“I would prefer to say, they have temporarily detained them. Your crew members are alive and well. Upon the completion of satisfactory arrangements, they will be returned.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s a `satisfactory arrangement’?”

“I will explain.” Friday Indigo’s voice changed again, becoming more formal and precise. “To demonstrate good intention, this information is provided in advance of any agreement between us. I will now make certain statements, to any of which you may if you choose offer objections or countersuggestions.

“First, neither you nor the People are native to this planet, or even to this universe.

“Second, this planet is itself an anomaly, in that it is able to support life. The overall structure of this universe is unfavorable for both the occurrence and the persistence of life. This universe is not therefore a suitable site for widespread colonization.

“Third, the People realize that the universe from which humans came is highly suited for the support of living creatures, including the People; more so, in fact, than any other of their expeditions have reported to date in the exploration of other universes.”

Korin’s head lifted. “Where did they get information about where we came from?”

“I provided it to them,” Friday said calmly. “However, even with all the help that I could give, the People lack enough knowledge of how you came here to perform a Link transition. Let me continue. Fourth, if you do not obtain help from somebody, you’ll never be able to go home.”

“And how the hell do they know that ?” The veins in the sides of Korin’s neck were bulging.

“I suggested it to them, and confirmed the fact when I came here. Although you may have the data needed to return to your own universe, you lack a suitable vehicle in which to do so. This was my suspicion before I came aboard this ship, and it is evident by observation. Space vessels do not take kindly to a sea environment.

“Fifth, this planet itself, while supporting life, is an unsuitable long-term base for operations. Its principal defects are as follows …”

As Friday spoke, Liddy was watching him closely. Finally she leaned close to Bony and breathed in his ear, “He’s changed. He speaks differently, and there’s something peculiar about him.”

“There sure as hell is,” Bony hissed back. “He’s a t-traitor to his own species. He s-sold us out — to a bunch of smart lobsters!”

“I don’t mean that. I mean the way he looks.”

“He looks like shit!”

“I don’t mean that, either. I mean the way he looks at me. When we hadn’t been around each other for a couple of days, he always had that — well, you know, that leer , like he’d bought me and he owned me. But now he looks—”

“Don’t tell me how he looks! He’s a lecherous bastard. If he touches you—”

“Bony! Not now.” Others in the room were looking their way. Only Friday Indigo, smiling serenely, seemed not to notice.

“So there is ample basis for cooperation,” he was saying. “If you do as The One suggests, and guide the People — safely — through the Link to your own universe, you will be granted your lives and your freedom. Those of your party who are now held captive will be released and returned to you. However, if you refuse to cooperate, The One will be forced to regard you as an enemy of the People. Your survival, on this world or elsewhere, will then be highly improbable. The technology of the People is far in advance of anything known to humans, or to any others of the Stellar Group. For example, the People possess full control of gravity. That permits their Links to be placed on the surface of planets, and their interstellar ships to land on or leave from there. They also possess weapons far beyond any that you have ever seen. The device which annihilated your orbiters could with equal ease destroy this ship. It is impossible not to admire and bow down to the superior powers of the People.”

He stood up, apparently unaware of the expressions of disbelief and disgust on the faces of his audience, and continued, “Even when you agree to become allies of the People, many details will still remain to be worked out. It was my task tonight only to come here and propose a way in which you might serve the People to your and their advantage. I will leave now.”

“Now wait a minute.” Chan had been watching Dag Korin. The General was red in the face and seemed beyond speech. Chan went on, “You can’t just say your piece and run away. We have to talk more about this. I have questions — we all have questions.”

“There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions through your chosen representative. But not now. I have been here for too long, and The One awaits my return. I must go.”

“It’s night on the surface. An hour or two more won’t make any difference.”

“I must go.” Friday limped toward the door. “Have your talks. I can find my own way to the airlock and back to the shore without assistance. Tomorrow, you will send two people with your answer. One will be your representative, who will be privileged to meet with The One. The Malacostracans would prefer that you, General Korin, as group leader, be that representative, but they do not insist on it since you must enforce discipline here.” He pointed to Deb Bisson. “She will be the other, to serve only as guide. She will lead you to the place on the shore where we left, and we will meet at midday exactly. Now I must go.”

“This is ridiculous,” Chan said. “At the very least—”

His words were drowned out by the powerful voice of the Angel’s synthesizer. “Let Friday Indigo go. Do not seek to delay his departure.”