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We’d cleaned up while on the Red Hawk, but apparently not enough to fool a goblin’s heightened sense of smell.

Mychael didn’t say anything. I certainly wasn’t going to admit to bombing and arson.

Imala Kalis’s lips turned up in a secretive little smile as if the two of us stinking of smoke had made her day.

“Markus is alive,” she whispered.

Mychael’s expression didn’t change one iota. Heck, he didn’t even bat an eye.

She waved her tiny hand that was holding a pastry. “But of course, you can’t tell me that. Quite all right, I understand completely. Though about the black powder . . . What you did—excuse me, may have done . . . The evidence is merely circumstantial, of course.” She actually winked at us. “Well-done. I wish I could have been there to see it, better yet to have helped. Bravo.”

I was getting told that a lot lately.

Mychael frowned. “While we are being blunt, Director Kalis—”

“Imala,” the tiny goblin corrected him.

“Imala. You spoke of Prince Chigaru Mal’Salin.”

“His name was mentioned, but not by me.”

“My question concerns his chief counselor. I recently sent a message to A’Zahra Nuru asking that she come to Mid. She sent word back that she would come. She has not arrived, nor have I received communication from her explaining—”

“Considering the present situation with Sarad Nukpana, I told Grandmother I didn’t feel it was safe for her or the prince—”

I blurted, “A’Zahra Nuru is your grandmother?”

“She is.”

I looked from Mychael to Tam. “Why didn’t either one of you tell me this?”

Imala shot Tam an arch look. “Tam prefers not to speak of me at all.”

“It is a relationship that not many are aware of,” Mychael explained.

My look spoke volumes and all of them loud. “Since when have I been one of the many?”

“Raine, you just met Imala last night, and I’m seeing her this morning for the first time in at least a year.”

“Almost two,” Imala said.

“And it’s been a busy evening,” Mychael reminded me. Like I needed reminding.

Imala took a delighted sniff of our collective smokiness. “And satisfying, I would say.”

In more ways than one. I felt myself blush.

Tam looked at me and his eyes widened slightly. I suddenly found the coffee in my cup simply fascinating. When I glanced back up at him, his eyes were still on mine, but they weren’t accusing or angry as I’d thought they might be. Tam’s gentle gaze told me that he understood. A moment later, I felt his lips brush my forehead in a warm kiss. He still stood three feet in front of me. He hadn’t moved, but had reached out with our umi’atsu bond. I gave him a small smile and sent a kiss to his cheek. Tam looked at Mychael and raised his cup in salute, as if to acknowledge the victory of a noble and worthy opponent. Mychael inclined his head in response.

Imala gave us all a quick, knowing look but didn’t say a word.

I realized that I’d been holding my breath.

“That doesn’t explain what’s going on with you two,” I said, changing the subject with no attempt at subtlety. I waved my finger back and forth between Tam and Imala. “I’m a little confused by something; actually I’m a lot confused. Tam, A’Zahra Nuru was your teacher; you trust her. You’ve said it yourself.” I didn’t mention that she was also the one who helped pull him back from the brink of the black magic abyss. Imala might not know that and if she didn’t, she wasn’t going to hear it from me. “And Mychael, you wouldn’t have asked A’Zahra Nuru here unless you trusted her. Am I correct in both instances, gentlemen?”

“You are,” Mychael said.

Tam nodded once.

“So what’s your problem with her?” I jerked my thumb at Imala Kalis and aimed my question directly at Tam.

“Imala is not her grandmother,” Tam said stiffly.

“Well, I wouldn’t expect that she is. From what I overheard, she wants Sathrik out; and from what I assume, she wants Chigaru in. While I’m not the prince’s biggest fan, getting rid of Sathrik sounds like one hell of a good idea. So what’s with the animosity?”

“It’s complicated,” Tam said.

“You’re a goblin, Tam,” I said flatly. “Everything’s complicated. You were the queen’s magical enforcer, and Imala is the head of the secret service. You were both serving in the court at the same time.”

“We were.”

“Considering your jobs, you’d think you’d have common ground.”

Imala blew out her breath through her nose. “You would think that, wouldn’t you?”

“So all you two did was piss each other off on a daily basis?”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Imala conceded. “Weekly would be more accurate.”

“How pissed?”

Tam scowled. “She stabbed me.”

Imala snorted. “A mere flesh wound. He had driven me quite beyond rational thought.”

“Yeah, he’s done the same to me. In other words, he deserved it.”

“I thought so.”

“She tried to kill me,” Tam protested.

Imala turned on Tam in exasperation. “If I had truly tried, you would not be here.”

Tam glared at her. “And if I had truly desired retaliation, you would no longer exist.”

I clapped my hands together. “So, as far as goblin behavior is concerned, you two sound downright cozy.”

“Cozy is not in Imala’s vocabulary, and apparently neither is loyalty.”

“Tam is referring to the fact that I remained in the Mal’Salin family service after he left. He sees this as a betrayal of the late Queen Glicara.”

“You serve Sathrik; enough said.”

“I believe we have been sufficiently over this ground—I serve the goblin people.”

“By carrying out Sathrik’s orders?”

“I do my job and I remain in power; but most important, I continue to gain influence with the people we will need.”

We. You persist in using that word. Leave me out of this.”

“You’re in it whether you like it or not, and I had nothing to do with it. The fault is yours. Your relationship with Miss Benares has hardly gone unnoticed. Not ten minutes go by in the court without me hearing her name.”

“I’m famous in the goblin court,” I muttered. “Great. Just great.”

“Notorious would be a more apt description,” Imala told me. “Tam has thwarted Sathrik’s attempts to capture you, and he has spat in the face of the king’s commands.” She turned to Tam. “Your reasons are your own, but Sathrik has labeled your actions treason. Over the past few months, you have defied him at every turn.” Imala stopped and positively beamed. “Grandmother and I couldn’t be more proud.”

Since we’d set foot in the room, I’d had my eye on the biggest, most decadent-looking pastry on the tray. I handed it to Tam instead; he looked like he needed it. “Well, it looks like you can take the boy out of the court, but you can’t take the court out of the boy,” I said softly. “Tam, you should have walked away from me. Cancel that—you should have run.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that.”

“I know. Imala said you’re going to have to choose sides. I’d say you’ve already chosen. And when Sathrik made Rudra Muralin goblin ambassador, that wasn’t just to help him get the Saghred or me—it was to give him the authority he needed to legally take you out, wasn’t it?”

Tam’s silence answered for him.

“You needn’t concern yourself about Rudra any longer, Miss Benares.” Imala Kalis sank her dainty fangs into a pastry. “He isn’t missing. He’s quite dead.”