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“Magus Silvanus has requested that I take you into custody as an accessory before and after the fact.” Sedge sounded almost apologetic.

“Are you?”

“No. He has no proof or witnesses to substantiate his charge.”

I barked a short laugh. “Give him another hour; I’m sure he’ll come up with something and someone.”

I looked out at Carnades. He must have sensed me and turned toward Sedge’s office. Our eyes met. I’d given Carnades the benefit of a doubt ever since I’d met him; hell, I’d even saved his life twice. He was through playing games. Well, so was I. He had lied and manipulated his way into having Tam caged like an animal, and he wouldn’t stop until he’d done the same to me and Mychael. Though the one thing he wouldn’t be lying about was that Mychael shared an umi’atsu bond with me and Tam. That Mychael had done it to save both of us wouldn’t matter to Carnades and his ilk. Once Mychael was proven to be a criminal, Justinius Valerian’s political power base would be weakened. He’d handpicked Mychael as paladin; his judgment would be suspect.

Carnades Silvanus had taken the first steps to getting himself elected archmagus. If that happened, he would have the power of life or death over every magic user in the seven kingdoms, and the Guardians would be reduced to his personal enforcers.

It had to stop. Tonight. Now. This was war; my gloves were off.

I gave Carnades a slow, cold smile that told him that and much more. If Tam could act cool and confident, so could I. In reality I was scared shitless and mad as hell, but considering how close I was to a whole row of empty cells, I thought I’d keep that to myself for now. I could always let my rage out to play later. I didn’t want to, but if Carnades pushed me too far, I would push back. He’d seen the Saghred’s full power in me when I’d crushed a demon the size of a small house, right here in this very room. He knew what I could do, but he thought I wouldn’t do it. If he laid a hand on Tam or Mychael, I’d show him just how wrong he was.

I opened the door and walked out into the squad room. I vaguely heard Vegard order Talon to stay put. Like that was going to happen, though I hoped the kid showed some sense for once and did as told.

Normally Vegard would be trying to keep me from saying or doing anything to Carnades or Balmorlan that I’d regret later. Not this time. He knew that whatever I did, I’d have no regrets. Vegard was as pissed off and fed up as I was. His solid and reassuring presence at my left shoulder told me, without saying a word, that whatever I wanted to start, he’d help me finish. I got a lump in my throat and forced it down. Hugging Vegard would definitely ruin my badass Saghred-wielder act.

I still had my blades, every last one of them. Since I hadn’t been officially arrested, Sedge hadn’t ordered my weapons be taken. I stopped when I got about ten feet from Carnades Silvanus and Taltek Balmorlan. I didn’t trust myself to get any closer. And to tell you the truth, I didn’t want to be any closer to them. I’d rather touch a dried-up corpse.

When I spoke, my voice was cool and conversational. “So you boys don’t believe Sarad Nukpana has gone on a high-elf killing spree?”

“I believe that he’s a convenient scapegoat for the crimes perpetrated by you and your goblin lover,” Carnades said smoothly. “You even carry goblin weapons.”

“Because they kill better than elf blades.” I gave him a tight smile. “I only use the best.”

“You’ve always preferred the company of goblins, haven’t you, Mistress Benares?” Balmorlan said smoothly. Hell, even his voice was bland.

“I certainly prefer them to elves like the two of you. In fact, I don’t know of any elf who wouldn’t.”

“You have quite the reputation among several of our agents for succeeding where they have failed,” Balmorlan noted. “Goblin prisons are notoriously difficult to break into, some would even say impossible, but you have done it on more than one occasion and made it look almost easy.”

“I’m a Benares, remember? Jail breaking is in our blood.”

“I don’t believe your success was due to skill either as a criminal or a seeker. I believe, as do others, that you had goblin allies inside those prisons. You believe that Markus Sevelien retained your services because of your criminal tendencies, but no doubt he knew precisely what was going on. He didn’t care how or who”—Balmorlan paused in contempt—“or what got our people back; he was only interested in the results. That it was accomplished through a traitor made no difference to him.”

It was like a slap in the face, a knife to the heart of my worst fear—Markus had only been using me. I kept my breathing smooth and steady, my face expressionless. Even if what Balmorlan said was true, I wasn’t about to give him any satisfaction.

“And tonight you brazenly meet in the street with Imala Kalis, shaking hands like old friends,” Balmorlan continued. “Working for the goblin secret service, Mistress Benares? Or will you simply work for any government with a treasury to pay you?”

“I find your theory . . . interesting.” I found the thought of knocking out his teeth even more interesting. “Guardians and goblins were attacked by Nightshades soon after what was merely a civil—and first—handshake between myself and Imala Kalis. Chief Rinker and his men didn’t arrive until after the Nightshades had fled.” I turned to Sedge. “Is that an accurate statement, Chief?”

“It is,” Sedge replied. “We took no living Nightshades into custody; the only ones left were dead.”

I locked eyes with Balmorlan. “It sounds like you were there watching. Did you take a walk down to the entertainment district this evening for a little spying? Or did a Nightshade tell you when he came to collect his pay? Anyone you know been dipping into the elven treasury to pay assassins to attack Conclave Guardians?”

“You dare accuse me—”

“I said ‘anyone.’ If you take offense, maybe it’s because you’re carrying around a load of guilt to go with it.”

“Chief Rinker, I demand that this woman be arrested.”

“On what charges?”

“Vicious public slander against an elven government official.”

“Inquisitor Balmorlan,” Sedge drawled, “I know every law on the books and that’s not one of them.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I believe in government circles, an attempt to sully an opponent’s reputation is called politics.”

“We’re not here for petty arguments,” Carnades snapped at Balmorlan. He turned those arctic eyes on me. “You and Nathrach are working together to get more souls to feed the Saghred, building its power until it and you are strong enough to destroy us all. Your lover drives the coach, and conveniently drops the general at your feet. You think this gives you an alibi, but I will prove that the two of you killed General Aratus together, feeding his soul to the Saghred and attempting to blame a ghost for your crimes.”

Carnades must have been one of the idiot mages Mychael told me didn’t believe in ghosts or specters. I wasn’t surprised. “So you don’t believe in ghosts?”

“They are but feeble vapors that are of no harm to anyone, except the uneducated and superstitious.”

“When you’re face-to-face with Sarad Nukpana, you be sure to call him a ‘feeble vapor.’ I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of it, right before he sucks your life out through your face.”

“Are you threatening me?”

I actually laughed. It felt surprisingly good. “No, Carnades. Once again, I’m warning you. Perhaps if you didn’t have all that education clogging your head, you’d realize that Sarad Nukpana is regenerating himself, and to do a good job of it, he needs powerful victims, the more magical mojo, the better.”

“That which no longer exists cannot be regenerated. Such stories are merely fairy tales to frighten children.”

“They’d be smart to be frightened. I guess there’s a difference between smart and educated,” I noted. “I understand you met Sarad Nukpana while you were at the goblin court, so I’m sure you know how he feels about elves. He thinks the only good elf is either enslaved or dead. I think he plans to do both to you, one right after the other. He hates you, doesn’t he?”