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‘Master Shardlake-’ He broke off as he saw my face.

‘Yes,’ I said grimly. ‘I have had a hard time in the Tower.’

‘I heard you were released, sir. I got your address from Lincoln’s Inn. Sir, I am sorry I had to detain you at the wharf. Those were my orders-’

‘What do you want?’

‘A word, sir, if I may.’

He seemed tired and crestfallen. I took pity on him. ‘Come in, then.’ I walked past him, opened the door, and led him into the parlour.

‘Would you take off your sword, sergeant? Only I am wary of sharp blades just now.’

‘Of course, sir.’ He reddened as he hastily unbuckled his scabbard. I took it and stood it against the door.

‘Now, sergeant, what may I do for you?’

‘I – I have been discharged, sir. I am plain George Leacon now. For letting those men get drunk, they said, providing Broderick’s killer with an opportunity.’ He hesitated. ‘I was told Master Radwinter took his life. In the Tower.’

‘Yes, he did.’

‘I was questioned yesterday, by Archbishop Cranmer himself.’ I studied his face but he looked only dejected and exhausted. So Cranmer had not told him I was his informant.


‘He asked me how it came the guards were drunk.’

‘What did you say?’

‘That they were a pair of sots, sir, and drunks can always find liquor. They smuggled it aboard.’

‘Who chose those men?’ I asked quietly.

‘The guard captain suggested them to Sir William, I think to get them off his hands, save trouble on the journey back. When Sir William gave me the names of those two, said they were to come on the boat, I objected. I told him they were not good men to choose.’

I frowned. ‘Then why did he pick them?’

Leacon shrugged. ‘He did not want to be seen to do the bidding of a mere sergeant. I believe it was poor judgement on his part.’

That phrase again. ‘Poor judgement. Yet it is you that pays the price. You are made the scapegoat.’

‘That was ever the way of things, sir. Sir William has paid a price too, though. I hear he has been stripped of his place on the Council of the North.’

‘Tell me, do you think Radwinter killed Broderick?’

He looked puzzled. ‘Who else could it have been? Radwinter became stranger and stranger in his mind as time went on.’

‘Perhaps.’ I looked at him, then asked quickly, ‘Does the name Blaybourne mean anything to you? Or Braybourne?’

‘Braybourne is a place in Kent, sir, some way from where I come from. Have you another land case there?’ He looked puzzled, and a little concerned, as though the dishevelled figure before him might also be wandering in his mind.

‘It is not important,’ I said with a smile. ‘Now, Master Leacon, why have you come to see me?’

‘Sir, you may think it an impertinence, after I arrested you, but -’

‘Your parents’ land case. Of course.’ I had forgotten all about it.

‘They are in London. And now I am dismissed, I have no money for a lawyer.’

‘I will see them. A promise is a promise. But I have been away two months, I need a few days to straighten my affairs. Bring your parents to my chambers next Wednesday. Have they their papers with them?’

‘Yes, sir.’ His face relaxed with relief. ‘Thank you, sir. I knew you were a gentleman.’

I smiled wryly. ‘I shall have had a shave before then, I will look more presentable.’

‘I am grateful to you, Master Shardlake.’

‘Here is your sword.’ I looked out of the window. The rain was teeming down again. ‘I fear you will have a wet journey back.’

I watched him walk down my path from the little window by the front door. Dutiful soldier, I thought, dutiful son. Surely Leacon had nothing to do with any of what had happened. But what of Maleverer? Bad judgement? Or had he shut Broderick’s mouth to stop him naming him as connected to the conspiracy? Did he have the papers? Yet Maleverer could not have struck me down at King’s Manor – he had been away.

I climbed the stairs again to Giles’s room. He was asleep but as I came in he stirred and opened his eyes.

‘I am sorry,’ I said. ‘Did I wake you?’

‘I sleep too much.’ He heaved himself into a sitting position. ‘I shall get up for supper this evening.’

‘Guy said you should have a few more days in bed.’

He laughed. ‘I shall take root here.’ He looked at me. ‘You still look tired yourself.’

‘I am. I have just had a visitor. Young Leacon. He seeks my help on a legal matter.’

Wrenne raised his eyebrows. ‘After arresting you on the wharf? I would have sent him off with a flea in his ear.’

I sighed. ‘I promised him help in York. And as I told him, a promise is a promise.’

‘That is true,’ he said emphatically. ‘There is nothing more important.’ He looked at me. ‘Unless you are the King, who breaks them all the time.’

‘Ay,’ I answered inattentively.

‘You seem preoccupied, Matthew.’

‘I am sorry. Only I still wonder who really attacked me at King’s Manor, and helped Broderick die. Who is it who has been scurrying and slipping through our midst all this time? And if the person was on the boat, he is in London now.’

‘Do you think you could be in danger?’ Giles asked.

I shook my head. ‘No. If I was, something would have happened long before now.’ I gave him a wry smile. ‘I should forget about it. I have told Cranmer I want only to live quietly as a lawyer from now on.’

‘ ’Tis a sensible policy these days.’

‘For the rest of my life. Barak feels the same.’

‘A lawyer’s life is a good one,’ Wrenne said. ‘I found it so.’ He sighed deeply. ‘But that is over, now I must find my nephew, make my dispositions. I shall go to Gray’s Inn, perhaps not tomorrow but the next day.’ He leaned back on his pillow and his eyes closed. I thought, he is still weak, is he fit even to go up Chancery Lane to Gray’s Inn?

I thought again about Bernard Locke’s strange words to me in the Tower. He had said Martin Dakin was no conspirator, and he was safe. But if he was not a conspirator, what had Locke meant by safe? I decided I would go to Gray’s Inn tomorrow, seek Martin Dakin out.

Chapter Forty-six

BARAK AND TAMASIN returned in the afternoon. Barak came to my room where I was resting. He looked exhausted.

‘I haven’t been able to lay hold of my mate on Cheap-side,’ he said. ‘He’s on a job out of town. He won’t be back till tomorrow.’

I put a hand to my sore jaw. I must visit Guy soon, have it looked at. ‘Not breaking into a house, I hope.’

‘No. He’s a locksmith, as it happens. Fitting locks for a new house in the country. Why d’you always assume all my contacts are criminals?’

‘I am sorry.’ I pulled back my sleeve, displaying the rusty manacle. ‘I’ve put some grease on it to ease the chafing, but it stinks and makes my shirt messy. I won’t feel properly free of the Tower till this thing is off.’

‘I’ll try him again tomorrow. I was told he would be back then.’

‘Thank you.’ I looked at his tired face, his wet hair. Outside it was still raining. ‘Did Tamasin go to Whitehall?’

‘Yes. She was told there were to be rearrangements in the Queen’s household, she should go back in a few days.’ He looked at me seriously. ‘She is afraid to return, given that questions are being asked of the Queen’s ladies.’

‘Not the servants, like Tamasin?’

‘No, but she fears it may come to that, considers it better just to melt away into the background. I think she’s right.’

‘But she will lose the chance of getting a job in the household. The best-paid work in the land for a servant.’

He shrugged. ‘She’s afraid, especially after seeing what they did to you. She’ll find something else. And she still has a little of her grandmother’s money left, she says.’

‘That has lasted her well.’

‘Ay.’ He sighed. ‘I spoke with my old mate.’

‘Any luck?’

He frowned. ‘Seems there’s a possible candidate. I’ve got to go back tomorrow.’