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They took the Porsche, and in the car, Lucas said, “When we get there, I’m going to leave you alone for a few minutes… maybe, I don’t know, I’ll think of something. Anyway, when it’s just you two, I want you to suggest that I come back and get you, that you want to talk for a few minutes. Then, I want you to find out how she feels about these other three killings. About the three we don’t know about.”

“You don’t think these two jerks did it?"

"I don’t think so. And I don’t think Frank Willett did it, either. I just don’t have that feeling,” Lucas said. “So why…” Weather began. But she was no dummy. “Oh, no-

you don’t think Alyssa had anything to do with it?"

"I don’t know,” Lucas said. “For Christ sakes, don’t ask her. If she’s involved, she’s nuts. You’ll be okay, but I’d like you to get her to talk about it, and tell me what she says. She’s gotten a little wary with me. I think with you, she’ll open up.”

“Because I’m a friend,” Weather said. “Yeah."

"So I can betray her."

"C’mon, Weather, you’re not betraying her,” Lucas said, turning to her in the dark. “You’re helping out in an investigation. I want you to bullshit with her a bit, and tell me what you think.”

AUSTIN CAME to the door in sheepskin moccasins and an ankle- length white sleeping gown of a soft fine white cloth that might have been made from unicorn hair, and let them in with a blast of cold air. Lucas said, “I’m sorry, you look like you’re ready for bed.”

“I’d just gotten out of the bath when you called,” she said. “What happened now?”

“We arrested Helen and Ricky for Frances’s murder,” Lucas said. “Helen won’t talk to us, but Ricky has given a statement. There’s not much question-Helen stabbed Frances when Frances accused her of taking the fifty thousand dollars, and Ricky helped cover up.”

Tears began running down Austin’s face, and as she backed down the hallway toward the living room, she said, “Why? Why would she do that? She was like a member of the family.”

“Greed, basically-they were trying to start a business, and needed the money, and when Frances figured it out, she confronted Helen and there was a blowup. Helen stabbed her.”

They sat down and Lucas took her through it, step by step, and she got up once to get some tissues and blow her nose, and at the end, she said, “So it’s all done.”

“Not quite done,” Lucas said. He looked at his watch and said, “Shoot,” and then back up at Austin and said, “I don’t think that either Ricky or Helen, or Frank Willett, had anything to do with the other three killings-but I do think that the three killings are tied to Frances, somehow. And maybe Willett and Ricky and Helen are pulling my weenie, but I’ve been doing this for a long time and that’s not the feeling I’m getting. We’ll see.” He looked at his watch again, and then said, “Uh, I’ve got something else going on. We’ve got a big dope guy coming through town, we’ve got a surveillance going, with all this excitement with Ricky and Helen, I forgot to check. I need to use your kitchen phone?”

Lucas stood up and Austin, blowing her nose again, said, “You know where it is,” and Lucas left them, going down the hall toward the kitchen. Weather said, “It’s over now. I really don’t know what else to say-God, if I lost one of my kids… but you don’t want to hear that. Now you’ve just got to hold on. If you need anything…”

They could hear Lucas down the hall on the phone, and Austin said, “Some big dope dealer?”

“You wouldn’t believe what’s going on with that-I can’t tell you now, Lucas would kill me, but when it’s over, we’ll get a cup of coffee,” Weather said. “Some of it’s awful and some of it’s hilarious.”

“Unlike what happened with Helen,” Austin said. “I can’t get over it-why would she do that? I loved Helen.”

Weather said, “My relationship with Lucas started-really started- when a little girl shot him in the throat and I was there to keep him breathing. Since then, we talk about his cases, and I’ll tell you, the craziest stuff happens all the time. I always thought crazy stuff happens in medicine, but if you’re not a cop, you can’t even begin to conceive how weird people get. Lucas arrested a man who borrowed money from a neighbor, and then murdered the neighbor so he wouldn’t have to pay him back-two hundred and twenty dollars that he used to get his snowblower fixed. He killed him.”

“That’s not even crazy,” Austin said. “That’s beyond crazy.” Weather didn’t want to get into crazy cop stories-Lucas would kill her-and so she asked, “Is the funeral still on Saturday?"

"Yes. They’ll release her, and it’s Saturday morning. I just… I just…” Weather said, “She’s in heaven, now, Alyssa. She’s fine.” Austin’s chin trembled and she used another tissue on her nose and said, “I really don’t believe in heaven, I’m afraid. She’s been released from this incarnation into the next; I hope she found a good spirit guide. Maybe her father, if he hasn’t yet been reborn. She was a good girl; she took care of people. I think her karma, her energy, will take her higher yet.” She snuffled some more.

Weather said, “Well.” This time, Austin produced a small smile and said, “I know what all you good Christians think, and I just don’t think that way. I think her spirit may still have been out there, waiting for satisfaction. I never conceived of the possibility of Helen… I just can’t grasp it. Lucas is sure?”

“He got a detailed statement, and he tells me that it’s all supported independently by laboratory evidence. They’re sure.”

“I was so sure those other three… there was negative energy about them, a black karma, I was sure they were involved.” Austin had changed, and Weather sat back, disturbed by the look on her face.

“I have a friend, my friend Loren, who has, well, he’s in a space that intersects with another plane, and he tells me that boats take our souls to the next life; and some boats are glorious, and some boats are dark and dank, like slave ships, going down the Mississippi. They load right there on the St. Paul waterfront, at night… Oh, shit.”

She began weeping, rocking back and forth in her easy chair, and Weather stood up and sat on the arm of the chair and wrapped her arm around her and hugged her, and they both cried together for a bit, then they heard Lucas coming back, and Lucas stopped and looked at them and finally said, “Guys-this was a good thing that happened tonight.”

“I know,” Austin said. “But I’m sorry about Helen and Ricky, too. Oh, God.”

“Should I call your parents?” Lucas asked. “No, no, I’m fine. I’m better, really. It’s over. It’s all over. I’m going to go upstairs, take a couple of pills, and I think I’m actually going to get a good night’s sleep for a change. God, I’m so tired. I’m so tired it feels like my heart is caving in.”

BACK IN THE CAR, Lucas asked, “Well?” Weather looked out the passenger- side window and didn’t say anything for a bit, then, “I’m like you. I get a bad feeling. She thought the other three had black karma that indicated that they were tied to the murder of Frances. And she had a friend who thought the same way. If that’s true, and if they were looking for revenge…”

“Revenge works as a motive. It’s not as common as it is on TV shows, but it happens,” Lucas said.

“She said this friend-she said his name was Loren-said there were riverboats of souls going down the Mississippi, and some of these were glorious riverboats, and some were like slave ships. The bad souls, obviously. She thought Frances might still be here, but on a different plane. Not on a boat yet.”

Lucas interrupted: “Her friend was named Loren?"

"Yeah, that’s what she said. A male Loren. She said, ‘he.’"

"Her friend Loren is dead,” Lucas said. He explained in a few words, and Weather said, “She said he was in a different space. One that intersects with the plane of death. He’s the one that sees these riverboats.”