Everybody nodded and Anderson said, “I didn't know about any killings. But I knew Leslie and Jane, and when Mrs. Donaldson was killed, I worried. But that's all. I didn't have any proof, I didn't have any knowledge. With Mrs. Bucher, it never crossed my mind… then, when I read about Marilyn Coombs being killed, I thought about it again. But I pushed it away. Just away-I didn't want to think about it.”

Sloan took her back through the whole thing, with a gentle voice and thin teacher's smile, working more like a therapist than a cop, listening to the history: about how Anderson and the Widdlers had become involved in college, and then drifted apart.

How the surprise call came years later, about the quilts. About her move to the Cities, occasional contacts with the Widdlers, including a sporadic sexual relationship with Jane Widdler.

“And then you drove down to a barn full of stolen antiques and began stealing them a second time-with a key you had in your pocket,” Lucas said.

“That's because Jane set me up,” Anderson said through her teeth, showing the first bit of steel in the interrogation. “I couldn't believe it-I couldn't believe how she must have worked it. She knew I was friends with Don Harvey. He's a very prominent museum person from Chicago, he used to be here. She said he was coming to town, and if he authenticated some paintings for them, that they would give me fifteen percent of the sale price, above their purchase price. She thought I had some influence with Don because we'd dated once, and were friends. If he okayed the paintings-I mean, if he'd okayed that Reckless painting, I could have gotten seventy-five thousand dollars in fees for that one painting.”

She shook her head again, a disbelieving smile flickering across her face: “She gave me a key and said she'd send me a map in the mail. I got it out of my mailbox when you were watching me.”

Lucas nodded. They'd seen her get home, go straight to the mailbox, and then out to the car.

“John Smith found the map…” Anderson began.

“He said it was a really old map, Xeroxed, with your fingerprints all over it.”

“And the envelope…” Anderson said.

“Just an envelope…”

“Well, can't you do some science stuff that shows the key was inside? Or the map? I see all this stuff on Nova, where is it?”

“On Nova,” Lucas said.

Her eyes drifted away: “My God, she completely tangled me up…”

They talked to her for another half hour, Sloan watching her face, backtracking, poking her with apparently nonrelevant questions that knitted back toward possible conflicts in what she was saying.

When he was done, he nodded to Lucas, and Lucas said, “It's been fun. We'll get back to you.”

“Do you believe me?” she asked Lucas.

“I believe evidence,” Lucas said. “I don't know about Sloan.”

Sloan said, “I gotta think about it.”

As they were leaving, Anderson said, with a wan, humorless smile, “You know the last mean thing that Botox bitch did? She stole my alprazolam to put in the van, just when I needed it most. I could really use some stress meds right now.”

Out in the hallway Sloan looked at Lucas. Lucas was leaning against the concrete-block wall, rubbing his temples, and Sloan said, “What?”

Lucas pushed away from the wall and asked, “What do you think?”

“She was bullshitting us some, but not entirely,” Sloan said. “I'd probably convict her if I were on a jury, based on the evidence, but I don't think she killed anyone.”


“What happened with you?” Sloan asked. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”

Lucas called the evidence guys at St. Paul, then the supervisor of the crime-scene crew who'd gone over Anderson's house. Then he went down to Del's desk and said, “Let's take a walk around the block.”

Outside, summer day, hot again, puffy white fair-weather clouds; flower beds showing a little wilt from the lack of rain. Del asked, “What's happening?”

“Remember all that shit Smith said? About the evidence coming in?”

“Yeah.” Del nodded.

“So one of the clinchers was an amber plastic prescription bottle,” Lucas said. “You know the kind, with the click-off white tops?”

“Uh-huh. I know about the bottle.”

“When I was looking into Anderson, when I first tripped over her, I didn't have anything to go on,” Lucas continued. “I thought I might take an uninvited look around her house.”

“Ah.” They'd both done it before, breaking-and-entering, a dozen times between the two of them. Life in the big city.

“In the bathroom, I found a bottle of alprazolam and a bottle of Ambien,” Lucas said.

“I noticed them because I use them myself. The thing is, there wasn't any alprazolam in Anderson's house when St. Paul went through the place last night. And the stuff in the van was only three weeks old-it was a new prescription. Unless they used the van some other time, that we don't know about, and that seems unlikely, because they'd had some problems the last two times out… how did the alprazolam get in the van?”

“That's awkward,” Del said.

“No shit.”

“Hey. Don't get all honorable about it,” Del said. “I can think of ways that bottle got there-like maybe she went down to take some other pictures out, or maybe she went down to clean out the van, and lost the bottle. Won't do any good for you to start issuing affidavits about breaking-and-entering.”

Lucas grinned. “I wasn't going to do that. But…”

“We need to think about this,” Del said.

They finished walking down the block, and back, and nothing had occurred to them.

At the door, as they were going back in the BCA building, Del asked, “Did anybody ever ask Anderson about Gabriella?”

“No… Gabriella. She's just gone.”

But that evening, sitting in the den listening to the soundtrack from Everything Is Illuminated, Lucas began to think about Gabriella, and where she might have gone. Assuming that she'd been killed by Leslie Widdler, where would he put her? Because of the “Don't Mow Ditches” campaign, it was possible that he'd just heaved her out the van door, the way he'd heaved Screw, and she was lying in two feet of weeds off some back highway. On the other hand, he had, not far away, an obscure wooded tract where he had to take the van anyway, assuming he'd used the van when he killed Gabriella. And if he had a body in it…

He got on the phone to Del, then to Flowers: “Can you come back up here?”

“I'm not doing much good here,” Flowers said. He'd gone back south, still pecking away at the case of the girl found on the river-bank. “My suspect's about to join the Navy to see the world. Which means he won't be around to talk to.”

“All right. Listen, meet Del and me tomorrow at the Widdlers' shack. Wear old clothes.” They hooked up at eleven o'clock in the morning, out at the Widdlers' place, the highway in throwing up heat mirages, the cornfield rustling in the spare dry wind, the sun pounding down. They unloaded in front of the shack, which had been sealed by the crime-scene crew. Flowers was towing a boat, and inside the boat, had a cooler full of Diet Coke and bottles of water.

Lucas and Del were in Lucas's truck, and unloaded three rods of round quarter-inch steel, six feet long; Lucas had ground the tips to sharp points.

He pointed downstream. “We'll start down there. It's thicker. Look at any space big enough to be a grave. Just poke it; it hasn't rained, so if it's been turned over, you should be able to tell.”

Flowers was wearing a straw cowboy hat and aviator glasses. He looked downstream and said, “It's gonna be back in the woods, I think. Probably on the slope down toward the river. If he thought about it, he wouldn't want to put her anyplace that might be farmed someday.”

“But not too close to the river,” Lucas said. “He wouldn't want it to wash out.”

They were probing, complaining to each other about the stupidity of it, for an hour, and were a hundred yards south of the house when Flowers said, “Hey.” He was just under the edge of the crown of a box elder, thirty feet from the river.