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"Where'd Spooner get the half-million for the personal loan?" the mayor asked.

"There was no half-million. It was a fictitious loan. That was Spooner's cut in the business," Lester said. "They put it on paper, and hid the paper. In fifteen years, with interest, Spooner's cut is maybe two million. And that way, Spooner always had a hold on the business, if he and Rodriguez had a personal falling-out. He could file suit down in Dade County, and nobody up here would ever know and Rodriguez would have to settle."

"Still would have worked even after Rodriguez died," Lucas said. "If anybody even found out about the loan, they might have thought Spooner's investment was a little questionablebut hell, it'd be a minor thing. Especially if he trotted out all that bullshit about helping minorities and so on."

"Is anybody going to sue us?" the mayor asked.

"I don't know," Rose Marie said. "Spooner's wife might. She knows that Spooner's name was mentioned in our briefing of Olson, and that led indirectly to his death."

"That won't get her anywhere," the mayor said. "I've done those kinds of suits, and she'd be lucky to get a buck and a half. We didn't kill her husband, his own greed killed him. Along with a nutcase."

"And then there's Al-Balah," Rose Marie said.

"He might not be around long enough to sue," Lucas said. "The guys from Narcotics said he went back on the street, but all of his old territory was under new ownership. The new owners don't want to give it back. There's gonna be trouble."

"That would clean things up nicely," the mayor said.

"What, a cocaine war?"

"Hey, dopers die. There's not a lot you can do about it," the mayor said. "It's a tragedy, of course. No man is an island, et cetera." They all nodded.

When the mayor was gone, Rose Marie looked at Lester and Lucas and said, "We're good."

"I don't believe he bought the whole thing," Lucas said, meaning the mayor.

"He didn't. He knew there was some bullshit going on. But he was a very good lawyer. He knows there are times when you don't ask the obvious question."

"So we're good," Lucas said.

"By the skin of our teeth," Lester said.

"But we're still good," Rose Marie said. She stood up and did a heavy little hop-and-skip over to her window, not quite a jig. "Ail these other cities, all these big crimes, the media goes in, the controversy lasts for months. We have a big crime andbang, one killer's dead, andbang, the other guy confesses to a national audience. One week. The goddamn movie people think the sun shines out of our asses."

Lester seemed embarrassed. He said, "Yeah, but you know"

"Don't say it," Rose Marie said. "Don't even think it."

"Can't help it," Lucas said. "A. lot of things got fucked up this time around, and I personally fucked up most of them. I jumped all over Rodriguez. I bought Olson. I didn't think that the shooter could be using a rifle, because it was a. 44. Dirty Harry'spistol. I didn't think about the way the word gets around in a small town"

"We've all got a little hubris in us," Rose Marie said.

"Yeah, yeah," Lucas said.

"You more than most," she added.

Tom Black said, "They took her up to a regular room." "She's better," Lucas said. "She's gonna make it," Black said. "You gotta go get some sleep," Del told Black.

Marcy was awake.

"Don't do that pneumonia shit anymore," Lucas said.

She didn't smile. She whispered, "Hurts."

"I know, goddamnit."

"Hurts," she said again. She looked at Lucas as if he might be able to help. He sat helplessly with his hands in his lap. "I know it does"

Lucas hadn't seen Jael since the fight in the gas station, although she'd left a message. And he had a call-back slip from Catrin. Weather needed to talk to him: "About a frog," the message slip said.

He didn't quite know how to start. Instead of starting, instead of deciding anything, he went back to his office, put his feet in a desk drawer, leaned back in his chair, and tried to work it out. One thing was, he really wanted a couple of more days with Jael. Of course, Weatherthe only woman he'd ever really loved. But remember the time that he and Catrin Jeez. That thing with the Lady Remington, that he'd done with Jael on the phoneCatrin hadinvented that.

He smiled, remembering, and he'd almost fallen asleep when the phone rang.

He jumped, opened his eyes, picked it up.

A woman's voice said, "Lucas?"