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“Well, I’ll act against him,” said Orisian. “Everyone tells me he’s a terrible danger, and I believe it, but no one’s told me yet what I can do about it. Cerys said you might.”

“Perhaps.” She glanced from Orisian to Yvane and back again. “There was a woman at Dyrkyrnon – K’rina – who took Aeglyss as her ward, when he first came there. She raised him, and loved him despite all his faults. For some of our kind, you know, our childlessness is a great sorrow. So it was for K’rina. She took Aeglyss as her child. It broke her heart when he was cast out.”

She hesitated.

“And…?” Orisian prompted her.

“I know K’rina well. I cared for her, for a time, after Aeglyss left. Now, she is moving. She has left Dyrkyrnon, Thane. She is going to Aeglyss.”

“You’re certain of that?” Yvane asked quietly.

“It is part of my waking into the Shared. I can sometimes follow the trails left in it by the passage of familiar minds, sometimes trace the outline of distant thoughts. Just as I know, without doubt, that it is Aeglyss whose stench now fouls everything, so I know that K’rina has heard his cry, and will go to him. And he seeks her; longs for her.”

Eshenna’s confidence was forceful, and convincing, but it still left Orisian uncertain. He glanced at Yvane, whose expression was grave and thoughtful.

Eshenna leaned forwards a little. “It’s a slender hope, but better than no hope at all. The last time I sought her, I could not draw near, so violent were the powers churning about her. She is important. To Aeglyss certainly, perhaps therefore to us. So I thought…”

Her voice trailed away. She was watching Orisian expectantly, hopefully.

“What is it you’re suggesting, then?” he asked her. “That we take her?”

“Yes. She was the only one who could ever talk to him. When he was enraged, she could calm him. She could scold him without earning his hatred. She was the only one – the only one alive – whom he ever loved, as far as I know. He needs her. So take her, and hold her. Make her our ally, not his. Use her against him.”

Orisian stared down at the floor. There were dark stains in the seams between the flat stones: mould, or some kind of rot. The stones themselves had a dull gleam, polished by the usage of centuries. He longed for certainty, for clarity. He longed for the lost days when his choices bore consequences of no more weight than parchment. And he longed for the time before this bitter, cruel strand entered his thoughts; the strand that wondered if this woman K’rina could be used to hurt Aeglyss. He looked at Yvane. She was watching Eshenna, but clearly sensed Orisian’s gaze.

“Perhaps,” she breathed, reluctant and heavy-hearted. “There is no na’kyrim in the world, that I know of, who could match what Aeglyss is becoming. None who could force his submission. You need more subtle weapons to oppose him, I think. Perhaps, if he remembers this woman. .. if he is vulnerable to her… she might be a wedge to open up some crack in him.” She shrugged. “If you hold something precious to your enemy, it gives you some power over him. Isn’t that the way these things work?”

Orisian stood up and went to the shuttered window. He could hear the night breezes rubbing themselves over the rock of Highfast. Putting a hand against the ancient wood of the shutters, he could feel the cold of the darkness without.

“Where is she?” he asked without looking round. “Do you know?”

“Less than two days away, I think,” Eshenna said. “East of here, a little south. He’ll have her soon, if nothing is done.”

“Close, then,” said Orisian softly. He was not sure, but he thought he could hear rain falling.

“Yes. I believe so.”

Orisian turned about and regarded the two na’kyrim women.

“You would come, if I went to find this woman? Both of you? I would need you, Eshenna, to find her.”

“Of course.” He could see her eagerness, even though she kept it on a short leash. As Cerys had said, this one was not yet afraid, not yet finished with the world outside.

“I suppose so,” muttered Yvane. “Not much to keep me here. Hammarn’ll stay, though. He likes it. Found his home, I think.”

Orisian was already making for the door. “I need to talk to Herraic. I’ll send word, Eshenna, when I know what is to happen.”

Orisian’s mind was in turmoil as he followed his torch-bearing guide. Rothe, striding along at his side, looked worried.

“You mean to chase after this woman, then?” the shieldman asked.

“Maybe. If Aeglyss wants her… needs her, even. Maybe.”

“The battle might be done, before we reach Kolglas,” Rothe muttered. He sounded disappointed; worried.

“It might. But this need only take us a handful of days. What if they’re right, Rothe? What if Aeglyss is really our greatest enemy?” Orisian came to an abrupt halt and turned, taking hold of Rothe’s arms, staring into the big man’s face. “Inurian feared him. Yvane, all of them here. They all say the same. And I never knew Inurian to be wrong about someone, Rothe. Never.”

He wanted – needed – Rothe’s support. It was, in fact, almost approval that he sought here. No Thane should require such a thing from a shieldman, but perhaps he could seek it from a true friend, one he trusted more than anyone else.

“I’m no use to Taim Narran, no use to anyone, on a battlefield, Rothe. Do you understand? He’s what our Blood needs there. But I’m here, and this is something I can do. Something that might be important. More important, even.”

Rothe did not look wholly convinced. But he nodded, just once, and that was enough.

They found Herraic deep in conversation with two of his men, outside their barracks. The portly Captain of Highfast had the jittery air of a man besieged by events. He drew Orisian aside as soon as they walked up.

“Thane, Thane. Good. I hoped to speak with you this evening. Some surprising news, I’ve had.”

“In a moment,” Orisian said. “Will you answer me a question first?”

“Of course.”

“You told me when I arrived here that half your men had gone eastwards. Rumours of Kyrinin, you said?”

Herraic nodded, clearly puzzled that the activities of his tiny garrison should be of interest to a Thane.

“Yes, sire. There’re a handful of woodsmen and hunters in the forests to the east of the Peaks. Word came from one or two of them that there had been signs of wights moving. A couple of trappers have even gone missing, supposedly.” He shrugged. “Not seen White Owls on our borders for many years. Still, people said there were warbands moving south. I’d’ve thought there would have been more trouble reported if it was true, but It seemed best to look into it, foolish though it sounds.”

“Warbands,” Orisian repeated.

“It will turn out to be nothing, sire. I’m sure of it.”

“No,” Orisian murmured. “I don’t think it will. I think Eshenna’s right. It’s K’rina. They’re coming for her. Why would he want her so badly?”

Herraic looked puzzled. He spread his hands, displaying his incomprehension. Orisian ignored the gesture.

“I think we’ll be leaving you, Captain.” He turned to Rothe. “Find Torcaill. Get everyone ready.”

The shieldman went without hesitation, and without demur. Herraic stared in confusion after him. There was something rather plaintive in his expression, Orisian thought.

“You will?” the Captain said. “Oh. I don’t suppose… I’ve had word, you see. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about: can’t say I understand how or why, but the Shadowhand – sorry, the Haig Chancellor – is on his way.”

Orisian’s heart sank. His mind went blank, leaving him to stare dumbly at the Captain of Highfast.

“Injured,” Herraic continued. He was clasping his hands, squeezing them together nervously. He had angled his head a little, widened his eyes, like a supplicant seeking some favour. “Quite gravely injured, it would seem. I’m not sure what happened: some boy loosed a crossbow bolt at him, from the sound of it. Unfortunately, the Chancellor’s guards killed the child, so we’ll likely never know why. But could he have been coming to see you, sire? That’s what I wondered. I thought perhaps…”