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Mia was a good mom, which he knew she'd be, but he knew it surprised the hell out her. Jeremy was thriving, having found an affinity for soccer. Mia was training him for the peewee leagues. But he still found time to watch the History Channel.

She wasn't a daughter anymore. Annabelle Mitchell had been incensed that Mia had told "lies" about Bobby when she'd been negotiating for Jeremy's release. And "when every cop could hear every word from her wire," which Reed suspected was the real sin. Not the "lie" but the disclosure, which had not brought the pity Mia had feared. She'd earned far too much respect in her career. She was a good cop.

He kissed the top of Mia's head. And she was a good wife. On the day of their wedding Beth had informed him it was the first day of spring. It hadn't been his plan, but it seemed appropriate. Beth thought Christine would approve. Reed agreed.

"What's this?" he asked as a picture of an awards ceremony filled the screen.

"Lynn Pope was up for the Newscasters Award for the story she did on Bixby and Hope Center. Looks like she won. I hope Wheaton's watching this from her cell."

"Not that we're bitter or anything," Reed said and she poked him.

The picture changed to Hope Center, an excerpt from the expose Pope had aired months before. Bixby and Thompson had been determined to test therapy methods that had been rejected by every reputable group, so they'd started Hope Center. Further investigation had shown impropriety in handling state funds as well as kickbacks from pharmaceutical reps who wanted their meds to be exclusively administered. Teachers were fired before they could become suspicious.

Then the unforeseen happened and Andrew Kates had brought the spotlight on Bixby's life's work.

Pope had tracked Bixby to London where he'd hoped to lay low until excitement from the Kates case had blown over. Then he'd planned to quietly resume his work, but Pope's story had resulted in the closing of the school and the placement of the kids elsewhere.

"I hope those kids get a chance at real rehabilitation," Reed said as Pope signed off.

Mia blinked up at him, surprised. "I thought you didn't believe in rehabilitation."

He shrugged. "Maybe for some people. It's worked for Kelsey."

"But she's still in." Parole had been denied once again.

He hugged her close to him. "Next time."

"Maybe." Mia shook off her dark mood and crawled from the bed. "But it's not a day for the blues. Get up and get dressed, Solliday. I can't be late." He didn't move, instead rolling to his side to better watch her get dressed. "Reed, hurry. You know how long it takes you just to pick out your shoes."

"Shoes are an important accessory. You won't wear boots to the church. Please?"

"No, I bought these." With a grimace she held up a pair of sexy little sandals with a killer heel. "I'm going to hurt my feet for a kid who won't even remember it."

"I'm sure you'll remind her when she's old enough," Reed said dryly, choosing his suit. "It's not every day you become a godmother, Mia. Suck it up and wear the shoes."

Mia picked up the photo from her dresser. The infant was wrinkled, but to Mia she was beautiful. Faith Buchanan, Dana's child. She'd be Aunt Mia to this baby, too. But it was okay, because to Jeremy she'd be Mom. He hadn't called her that yet, but it was coming. She wasn't sure what she'd do the first time she heard it. Probably the same thing she did the first time Reed told her he loved her, which was to cry like a baby herself.

"Mia? Are you going to stand there looking in the mirror all day? I need help with my buttons."

She blinked, unaware that her gaze had lifted to her own reflection. Setting the picture back on the dresser, she quickly worked Reed's buttons up to his collar, tied his tie, and secured his tie tack. "How did you manage before me?"

He kissed the tip of her nose. "It took me a lot longer to get dressed. Plus I ate my hot dogs dry and slept alone." He grinned down at her. "My quality of life has drastically improved."

She had to laugh. "So has mine."

About the Author

RITA Award-winning author Karen Rose has always loved books. Jo Marsh from Little Women and Nancy Drew were close childhood friends. She was introduced to suspense and horror at the tender age of eight when she accidentally read Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" and was afraid to go to sleep for years, which explains a lot.

After earning her degree in chemical engineering from the University of Maryland, Karen married her high school sweetheart. She started writing when characters started popping up in her head and simply wouldn't be quiet. Now she enjoys making other people afraid to go to sleep! She lives in sunny Florida with her husband and their daughters.

Karen was honored and totally thrilled to receive the Romance Writers of America's highest award in 2005-the RITA for Best Romantic Suspense for I'm Watching You (Warner Books, 2004).

Visit Karen's Web site at www.karenrosebooks.com for more information on Karen, her books, and upcoming events. She loves to hear from readers, so please contact her at karen karenrosebooks.com.

Karen Rose

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