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Kaiser attacked her venomously. "No one asked for your opinion. Put the papers down and show yourself out!"

Rita Sutter smiled tremulously, blinking back tears as she retreated.

Rudolf Ott kept his fists bunched to his chest and snickered. "You were saying, Neumann?"

"I came in to help Reto Feller with the portfolios. I hadn't heard that Konig had reached the thirty-three-percent barrier."

In fact, Nick had no intention of helping Feller liberate more shares. His days as a willing accomplice were over. He had come for one reason only: to steal the Pasha's file from DZ.

"He may have his thirty-three percent," Kaiser said, "but I won't allow him his seats on the board. Not while I command this bank. To think that at one time he worked with us. The traitor!"

"And not the only one among us," hissed Ott.

Kaiser ignored him. "I won't permit it!" he said. "I simply won't!"

Nick averted his eyes from the Chairman. He knew Kaiser wouldn't give up until the final vote had been cast at the general assembly. But the truth was that once Konig had purchased this last block of shares, the battle was over. Kaiser would fight the changes in management Konig's presence would bring, but in the end he would lose. Public sentiment was in favor of any measure that might result in a company's rapidly increasing its earnings. The Chairman was the last of the old school; the last of the men who believed that long-term growth was more important than short-term results. In the end he was too Swiss, even for the Swiss.

Kaiser turned his attention back to Nick. "Get down to Feller's office and find out where our holdings stand. I want a list of all the votes we can count on from our institutional shareholders and-"

Ott placed a pale hand on the Chairman's shoulder. Kaiser stopped speaking and followed his lackey's gaze to the entryway. Armin Schweitzer walked slowly into the room. His face was waxen, damp with sweat.

"I arrived as quickly as possible," he said to Kaiser and Ott. His eyes avoided Nick.

The Chairman rose from the couch and strolled to his director of compliance. "Armin, I am sorry to drag you out of bed. Rudy tells me you are suffering from the flu. Remember, rest is the only cure."

To Nick, he just looked badly hung over.

Schweitzer nodded weakly. He appeared confused by the Chairman's solicitous nature. "I'll be sure to heed your advice."

"You've heard the news, I take it?"

"Mrs. Sutter informed me. Our next fight is to oust Konig from the board. We should look at this as only a temporary setback. With your leadership, I have no doubt that we'll succeed in getting rid of him."

"I thought you'd be pleased," said Kaiser.

"How could I be pleased?" Schweitzer laughed awkwardly, looking for support to Ott, and in a sign of his confusion, to Nick.

"The Adler Bank," said Kaiser. "You were close to Klaus Konig at one time, weren't you? Both from the trading side of the firm. Both wheelers and dealers."

"I was a bond man myself. Klaus concentrated on equities and options."

"But you got along?"

"He was a decent sort. Before he went to America, that is. He came back with his head stuffed with all kinds of financial garbage."

"Still, it is exciting what Konig is pulling off these days," Kaiser said begrudgingly.

"Excitement has no place in the world of investments," declared Schweitzer. "It belongs in the gaming halls of Monaco. I think Klaus has become addicted to risk."

"You used to share the same appetites, didn't you?" Kaiser suggested in a salacious tone. "New York? London? Those were heady days for you."

Schweitzer dismissed the suggestion outright. "Another lifetime."

"But one to which no doubt you wish to return."

"Absolutely not. I'm happy where I stand today."

"Come, Armin, you mean you don't fancy a return to the trading side of the family? Compliance must be a dull racket for a man of your proven skills."

"If we are talking about a possible transfer, then perhaps we should do so in private." Schweitzer glanced around him, visibly uncomfortable discussing his present situation. A select audience had gathered in Kaiser's office. Nick sat perched on the couch. Ott stood by his master's shoulder. Rita Sutter crept closer, step by cautious step. Only she prevented Reto Feller from carelessly bounding headlong into the escalating pas de deux.

"Armin Schweitzer," boomed Kaiser, like a man envisaging his own promotion, "executive vice president for bond trading." He paused and asked in a good-natured voice, "Is that what Konig has promised you? A new title with the Adler Bank?"

Schweitzer replied meekly. "I beg your pardon?"

"I asked what Konig has promised you. In return for your espionage?"

"What are you talking about, Wolfgang? There's been no offer. I would never speak with Konig, let alone work for him. You know that."

"Do I?"

Kaiser advanced on Schweitzer, stopping when he stood only a foot away. He ran his fingers along the lapels of the doomed man. Without warning, he drew back his hand and slapped the larger man across the face. "I rescued you from the bowels of another country's prisons. I made a place for you at the summit of this bank. I gave you a life. And now this? Why, Armin? Tell me why."

"Stop!" shouted Schweitzer. He put a hand to his inflamed cheek. For a moment the room was still. All motion suspended. "Stop," he repeated breathlessly. "What in God's name are you talking about? I would never betray you."

"Liar!" Kaiser shouted. "What has Konig promised you in return for your cooperation?"

"Nothing! I swear it. This is insanity. I have nothing to hide." Schweitzer stepped forward and pointed his finger at Nick. "Who's cast these stones against me? Was it him?"

"No," Kaiser stated sharply. "It wasn't him. But have no worry, my source is impeccable. You only think it was Neumann because you stole the list from him, don't you?"

"What list? What are you talking about? I've never given Konig a thing."

Rudolf Ott slithered to his master's side. "How could you, Armin?"

"Whatever you've heard, they're lies," said Schweitzer. "Garbage, pure and simple. The bank is my home. I've given you thirty years. Do you think I'd ever do anything to endanger it? Be serious, Wolfgang."

"Oh, I am, Armin. Deadly serious." Kaiser paced in a circle around the accused man. "I saved you once. If this is how you choose to repay me, fine. Enjoy your new post at the Adler Bank. Your stay here is at its end. Next time you see me on the street, cross to the other side. Next time we happen to dine in the same restaurant, you'll leave immediately, or else I'll stand up and publicly accuse you of these crimes. Do you understand me?"

Schweitzer's eyes were open wide and he blinked wildly to clear them of tears. "You can't mean this. This is a mistake. I never-"

"No mistake has been made, save yours to work for Konig. Good luck to you, Armin. Now get out of my bank." Kaiser's arm pointed stiffly toward the hallway.

Still, Schweitzer refused to leave. He took a few off-balance steps as if walking on the rolling deck of a seagoing vessel. "This is madness. Please, Wolfgang- Herr Kaiser- at least give me the opportunity to clear my name. You have no right to-"

"I said now, dammit!" yelled Kaiser, in a baleful voice Nick had never before heard. "Leave!"

The indignity was complete, the Chairman's cavernous office as silent as a tomb. Schweitzer turned and walked from the room under the bewildered stares of his colleagues.

"And the rest of you," the Chairman commanded, "go back to your posts. We haven't lost her yet."