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Was it worth it? A little voice inside me curls like the smoke from the candle. Was it worth all this to get a family like the ones you used to spy on?

My mother puts her arm around my shoulders. “Make a wish, Theo,” she says.

A year ago, this is exactly what I would have wished for. What I did wish for, with or without the cake. But there’s something in her voice, like a string made of steel, that suggests there’s a right answer here, one collective heart’s desire for all of us.

Which just happens to rest in the hands of twelve jurors.

I close my eyes and blow out the candle, and everyone claps. My mother starts to cut slices from the cake and gives me the first one. “Thanks,” I say.

“I hope you like it,” my mother replies. “And I hope you like this.”

She hands me an envelope. Inside is a note, handwritten:

Your debt is paid.

I think of my crazy trip to California to find my father, of how much money those tickets had cost, and for a second I can’t talk.

“But,” she says, “if you do that again, I’ll kill you.”

I laugh, and she wraps her arms around me from behind and kisses the top of my head.

“Hey, there’s more.” My father hands me an envelope, which has a cheesy “To My Son” Hallmark card inside, and forty bucks.

“You can start saving for a faster router,” he says.

“That’s awesome!”

Then Oliver hands me a package wrapped in Bounty paper towels. “It was this or a pizza box,” he explains.

I shake it. “Is it a calzone?”

“Give me a little credit here,” Oliver says.

I rip it open and find the Vermont Driver’s Manual.

“After this trial’s over, I thought you and I could make an appointment at the DMV and finally get that learner’s permit.”

I have to look down at the table, because if I don’t, everyone’s going to realize I’m totally about to cry. I remember how, when I was little, my mother would read us these ridiculous fairy tales where frogs turned into princes and girls woke up from comas with a single kiss. I never bought into any of that crap. But who knows? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe a person’s life can change in an instant after all.

“Wait,” Jacob says. Until now, he’s been watching, his face bisected by a smile-and this is an improvement. At all my birthday parties growing up, the unwritten rule was that Jacob had to help me blow out the candles. It was easier to share my moment than to have him ruin the festivities with a meltdown. “I’ve got a present for you, too, Theo.”

I don’t think, in all the years that I’ve been alive, Jacob’s ever gotten me a present. I don’t think he’s ever gotten anyone a present, unless you count the perfume I pick out at CVS for Christmas and give to my mother, after putting both my name and Jacob’s on the tag. Giving gifts just isn’t on my brother’s radar.

“What’s he got?” Oliver murmurs, as Jacob hightails it upstairs.

“I don’t know,” my mother answers.

A minute later, Jacob’s back. He is holding a stuffed duck he used to sleep with when he was small. “Open it,” he says, holding it out.

I take it and turn it over in my hands. There’s no wrapping; nothing to be opened. “Um,” I say, laughing a little. “How?”

Jacob turns the duck upside down and pulls on a loose thread. It unravels a little, and some of the stuffing comes out in a clump. I poke my finger into the hole and feel something smooth and hard.

“Is that where my Tupperware went?” my mother says when I pull it out of the chest cavity of the duck. Inside, there’s something I cannot quite make out. I open the lid and find myself staring at a pink iPod Nano. Gingerly, I pick it up, knowing even before I turn it over that Jess Ogilvy’s name is etched into the metal on the back.

“Where did you get that?” my mother whispers, from somewhere on the other end of the vacuum I’ve fallen into.

“You wanted it, didn’t you?” Jacob says, still excited. “You dropped it on the way out of her house that day.”

I can barely move my lips. “What are you talking about?”

“I already told you-I know you were there. I saw the tread from the bottom of your sneakers, the same ones I used here for my fake crime scene. And I knew you’d been taking other stuff from other houses-”

“What!” my mother says.

“-I saw the video games in your room.” Jacob beams at me. “At Jess’s, I cleaned up for you, so no one would know what you did. And it worked, Theo. No one ever found out that you killed her.”

My mother gasps.

“What the hell is going on?” Oliver asks.

“I didn’t kill her!” I say. “I didn’t even know she lived there. I didn’t think anyone was home. I was going to look around, maybe take a CD or two, but then I heard water running upstairs and I peeked in. She was naked. She was naked and she saw me. I freaked out, and she got out of the shower and she slipped. She hit her face on the edge of the sink, and that’s when I ran. I was afraid she’d catch me.” I can’t breathe; and I’m sure that my heart’s turned to clay in my chest. “She was alive when I left, in the bathroom. And then all of a sudden the news says she’s dead and her body’s found outside. I knew I wasn’t the one who moved her out there… someone else had, someone who probably murdered her. I thought maybe she told Jacob about me, when he came for his lesson. And they had a fight about it. And that Jacob… I don’t know. I don’t know what I thought.”

“You didn’t kill Jess,” my mother says.

I shake my head, numb.

My mother looks at Jacob. “And you didn’t kill Jess.”

“I just moved her body.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ve been telling you that the whole time.”

“Jacob,” Oliver asks, “was Jess alive when you got to the house?”

“No! But I saw that Theo had been there, so I did what was right.”

“Why didn’t you call your mother, or an ambulance?” my father asks. “Why would you set up a crime scene to cover up for Theo?”

Jacob stares right at me. It hurts; it actually hurts. “House rules,” he says simply. “Take care of your brother; he’s the only one you’ve got.”

“You have to do something,” my mother says to Oliver. “It’s new evidence. Theo can testify-”

“He might be implicated or charged with withholding-”

“You have to do something,” my mother repeats.

Oliver is already reaching for his coat. “Let’s go,” he says.

Jacob and I are the last ones out of the kitchen. The cake is still sitting on the table, along with my other presents. It already looks like a museum exhibit, untouched. You’d never guess that, five minutes ago, we were celebrating. “Jacob?” My brother turns around. “I don’t know what to say.”

He awkwardly pats my shoulder. “Don’t worry,” Jacob replies. “That happens to me all the time.”


Today is April 15. It is the day, in 1912, that the Titanic sank. It’s the day, in 1924, that Rand McNally published its first road atlas. It’s the day, in 1947, that Jackie Robinson first played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. It is also the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, author Henry James, the girl who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies, and my brother Theo.

I used to be jealous of Theo’s birthday. On mine, December 21, the most impressive thing that happened was the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, in 1988. Frank Zappa was born on my birthday, but honestly, that doesn’t compare to da Vinci, does it? Plus, my birthday is on the shortest day of the year. I’ve always felt like I’d gotten shafted. Probably Frank Zappa did, too.

Today, though, I was not jealous of Theo’s birthday. In fact, I couldn’t wait to give him the present I’d been keeping for him.

Oliver says that, at the courthouse, Theo and I will both have a chance to talk. Apparently, it is not enough for the jury to know, as the medical examiner testified, that Jess’s facial bruises were caused by a basilar skull fracture in the periorbital region, blood dissecting along fascial planes and creating the appearance of contusion. Or in other words, what looked like a girl who was beaten might very well have been a girl who simply fell down and hit her own head. Apparently, the jury-and the judge-need to hear Theo and me explain the same exact thing in different words.