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Alex showed the nun Bri's baptism certificate, report card, and the canceled check. She was older than Alex had expected but she looked kind, and she smiled at Bri and welcomed her aboard. Alex loaded the duffel bag onto the overhead rack. The girls crowded in, and Alex noted that Briana sat next to Ashley. She'd already begun making friends, he thought, feeling proud. Her courage and her faith would be an example for all the other girls.

It was too late to go back to Holy Angels and find Julie, he realized as he began the walk back. Better to go straight to the apartment. He'd been avoiding thinking about Julie and how she'd feel, since the important thing was taking care of Briana, getting her to a place of safety. He knew Julie loved Bri, but he couldn't help thinking there was a part of her that would be glad to be the only girl in the household.

It would be hard for him, having Julie without Bri serving as a buffer. But Julie would learn to respect his decisions. She wasn't a bad kid, just spoiled and treated like a baby for too long. Her baby days were over. The world had no more room for twelve-year-old babies.

They'd start tonight, he decided. From now on, Julie would be making supper. She'd get to decide what they'd eat. Bri had been doing the cooking, such as it was, but now Julie would. It would mean more work for her, but more responsibility as well. And she wouldn't be able to complain about the choices if she was the one doing the choosing.

Alex felt proud of himself. He was doing everything he had to do. It was hard for him, hard for all of them, but he pictured Bri and how brave she was, and he felt a new surge of pride. Carlos would say Bri was brave because she was the sister of a Marine, but Alex was learning there were a lot of different ways of being a fighter. Even Papi would be proud of Alex. When he came back, he'd treat Alex with a newfound respect.

He was sweaty, tired, and hungry by the time he unlocked the door to the apartment. It no longer mattered to him what Julie chose to make for their supper, just as long as she prepared it immediately.

But Julie was in no state to make supper. She ran straight at Alex, and instead of greeting him with a hug, began pummeling his chest with her fists.

"Where were you?" she screamed. "Where's Bri: What have you done with Bri? I thought you were both gone forever, that you'd left me behind. I hate you! I hate you!"

Alex grabbed her wrists and held them tightly. "Stop it," he said. "You know we would never leave you behind. Stop acting like a baby."

"You're hurting me," she said.

"You hurt me," he said. "Punching me like that. Would you ever do that to Papi?"

"You're not Papi," Julie said.

"I'm in charge," Alex said. "Until Papi comes home, and you'll respect me like you respect him. Now if you'll behave yourself, I'll tell you where Bri is."

Julie glared at him, but she kept quiet.

"Father Franco told me about a convent upstate that has its own farm," Alex said. "The sisters decided to open the convent to teenage Catholic girls. Bri is old enough so she got to go. You're too young so you're staying here. That's all. No one's disappeared on you. I would have picked you up at Holy Angels, but the van to the convent came late and I didn't have the chance."

"Is she coming back:" Julie asked.

"Not tonight," Alex said. "It's like camp, or school. Maybe she'll like it so much, she'll become a nun. You should be happy for her, that she's someplace safe, where she'll make friends and have food to eat. And I'll take care of you. But you have to obey me just like you obey Papi, because that's what he and Mami would expect of you. Do you feel better now? Do you have any other questions?"

Julie continued to look sullen. "Are you going to send me away?" she asked. "Like you sent Bri?"

"I'm going to do what's best for you," Alex said. "You're my responsibility, and I'll make sure you're safe. Maybe you'll stay with me or maybe you'll go someplace else. Either way, I expect you to be as brave as Bri. She prayed to our Holy Mother for strength, and Mary granted it to her. Bri comforted another girl who was crying. A girl older than her. Do you think you can be that brave?"

"Promise me you won't leave without telling me," Julie said. "Alex, I was so scared. Promise me that."

"I promise," Alex said. "Now how about making supper for us. I don't know about you, but even a can of spinach sounds good to me right now."

"Okay," Julie said. "Do you want some salmon with that? I think we still have a can left."

"It's up to you," Alex said. "From now on, you're in charge of the kitchen." He realized what the consequences of that might be. "But don't use up our food too fast," he added. "Maybe just the spinach for tonight."

"All right," Julie said. "I'll be careful. I promise I will be. And I'll be good. Just don't leave me again."

"I won't," Alex said. "I promise." Half a can of spinach, he thought. No breakfast, no lunch, and a half a can of spinach for supper. He could only hope that Bri would be eating more than that at the convent.

chapter 6

Sunday, June 12

After Mass, Julie asked Alex's permission to spend the afternoon at her friend Lauren's and Alex gladly said yes. He and Julie had an uneasy peace going, with neither of them saying very much for fear of provoking the other. An afternoon of not having to watch every word he said to his kid sister definitely had its appeal.

Father Franco had made a point of stopping Alex after church to tell him he'd heard from Sister Grace that Briana was making a successful adjustment to her new life.

Alex wasn't certain whether he'd tell Julie. She hadn't mentioned Bri since that first afternoon, except to complain that her toothbrush was missing. Alex found an unused one in the medicine cabinet, and that seemed to satisfy her. He knew Julie missed Bri as much as he did, but whatever pain Julie was feeling she kept to herself, for which Alex was very grateful. He had no words to comfort her, not having any to comfort himself.

The electricity was out when he got home. They hadn't had any on Saturday, either, and the apartment, which never got much natural light, was dark and unwelcoming. Alex picked up a flashlight and his chemistry textbook. Finals were coming and this was as good a time to study as any.

He was startled by a tapping on the window. Looking up, he saw Uncle Jimmy. The last time Jimmy had done that, there had been food. Maybe Jimmy had gotten a delivery and was offering to share some with his sister's children. Alex rushed to open the door.

Jimmy entered the apartment and sat down on the sofa. "You kids are taking good care of the place," he said. "Your parents would be pleased."

"Thanks," Alex said.

"I feel kind of funny about this, but Lorraine seems to think it's a good idea," Jimmy began. "The thing is, we're moving out. There's a little bit of food coming in, but I can't afford what they're charging and even if I could, my customers sure can't, so there's no point pretending I can make a go of the bodega. And Lorraine's convinced New York is going to sink. You know how she is."

Alex nodded.

"She may be right," Uncle Jimmy said. "Things are going from bad to worse; a fool can see that. I have my kids to take care of. Anyway, we're getting out while we can. Lorraine has cousins in Tulsa, si Dios quiere, we'll be able to get gas on the way."

"Thank you for letting me know," Alex said. "You and Aunt Lorraine saved our lives with the food you gave us. I hope you get there without too many problems."

"Me too," Uncle Jimmy said. "But the reason I came over —well, of course we wouldn't have just vanished on you—but Lorraine and I talked about it, and we'd like to take Briana with us. Ordinarily we'd offer to take all of you, or at least the girls, but it's hard to know just what's going to happen with food and everything. Lorraine's pregnant again."