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LEIN kinsman of the High Lord of Marcher

LUNGOLD city founded by Ghisteslwchlohm; home of the School of Wizards

LYRA the land-heir of Herun; El’s daughter

MADIR ancient witch of An

MARCHER territory in north Ymris governed by the High Lord of Marcher

MATHOM King of An

MEREMONT coastal territory of Ymris

MORGON the Star-Bearer, at one time the Prince of Hed

NUN a Lungold wizard

OSTERLAND northern kingdom ruled by Har

PEVEN ancient lord of Aum

RAEDERLE daughter of Mathom of An

RAITH the Lord of Hel

ROOD Mathom’s younger son; brother of Duac and Raederle

RORK High Lord of Umber

SEC an Earth-Master

SUTH an ancient wizard

TALIES a Lungold wizard

TERIL Son of Rork Umber

TOL small fishing-town in Hed

TOR a territory in Ymris

TRISTAN Morgon’s sister

UMBER Midland territory of Ymris

VERT daughter of Danan Isig

WIND PLAIN the site in Ymris of Wind Tower and a ruined city of the Earth-Masters.

YLON an ancient King of An; son of a queen of An and the shape-changer Corrig

YMRIS a kingdom ruled by Heureu Ymris

YRTH a powerful, blind wizard at Lungold