Spinsters in Jeopardy
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Spinsters in Jeopardy

Страниц: 62
Символов: 397246
ID: 127014
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Создана 2 декабря 2010 09:09


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Peering into the early morning dark as his train neared its destination, Alleyn glimpsed a horrifying tableau. A lighted window masked by a spring blind. A woman falling against the blind and releasing it. Farther back in the room, a man in a flowing white garment, his face in shadow. Beyond his right shoulder, something that looked like a huge wheel. His right arm was raised. And in his hand… Abruptly, the weird scene was cut off as the train roared into a tunnel… And it was only later, in an ancient chateau, that Alleyn discovered the ghastly truth of what he had witnessed!

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