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3-4 tablespoons light or dark Karo syrup

Filling ingredients:

¼ cup melted butter

1 cup brown sugar

handful of raisins

½ cup chopped pecans

cinnamon to taste

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Heat oven to 375 degrees.

Stir hot roll mix in a large bowl and prepare according to package directions by stirring in 1 cup hot water, butter, and egg until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. With greased or floured hands, shape dough into a ball. Knead dough for 5 minutes. Cover dough with a large bowl and let rest 5 minutes.

While dough is rising, put all the syrup ingredients (except nuts and corn syrup) into an 11″ by 18″8 baking pan and stir gently over low heat. Dribble corn syrup over all to prevent sugaring. Lay pecan halves on top of the syrup.

Roll out on floured surface into rectangular shape, about ⅛ inch thick. Spread with ¼ cup melted butter, sprinkle with 1 cup brown sugar, shake cinnamon over sugar, and sprinkle with raisins and chopped nuts. Roll as for jelly roll, stretching it out to about 36 inches. Slice into 40 equal slices and place facedown in the prepared pan-5 across and 8 down.

Cover this pan with a towel and let rise about 30 minutes.

Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove from pan immediately by flipping it over onto a tray covered with tin foil so the chewy goo is on top of each bun.

Can be frozen and reheated.


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VALERIE S. MALMONT is also author of Death Pays the Rose Rent and Death, Lies, and Apple Pies, the first two novels in the Tori Miracle mystery series. She lives in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

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