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Hu wheeled on her. “Of course they do! Who wouldn’t want such a disorder eradicated? Any sane and compassionate person would agree-”

“And if the greater good were really the end goal of eugenics then I’d be campaigning for it,” Grace cut in. “But-”

“Whoa, slow down,” Bug said. “You lost me two turns back. Why are you getting so wound up?”

But Hu ignored him. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to make the case that all attempts to remove genetic defects have a master race agenda. That’s unfair. A lot of solid genetic research is intended to prevent disease, increase health and strength, and lessen human suffering. And it’s not just Big Pharma and Big Medicine that are behind it. Early funding for serious eugenics research was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kelloggs, the Carnegies-”

Grace looked like she wanted to spit. “Well, some of that was probably very well intentioned, I’m sure, but surely, Doctor, you can’t be so effing naïve as to believe that everyone involved in medical research is altruistic and has the greater good at heart.”

“Okay, let’s try to keep our focus here,” I interjected, holding my hand up like a traffic cop. “We don’t have time to debate bioethics.”

“No,” said Church, “we don’t, and this is beside the point. The research in those records wasn’t intended to prevent harelips or autism. The Cabal was working to provide data that would justify state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization of persons deemed genetically defective, and the killing of institutionalized populations.”

Grace’s face was alight with triumph. “That’s what I bleeding well said!”

Bug leaned toward me. “This is… what? Like trying to create a master race?”

It was Church who answered him. “Yes. We’re talking about the ethnic-cleansing research of the Nazis in the hands of scientists who had access to advanced research and development methods and who wanted to see the eugenics program succeed.”

Grace said, “And your lot-the List-sorted them out?”

“Yes,” said Church.

Bug nodded. “So… the stuff from Deep Iron. Is that the eugenics research?”

“Not entirely. There is quite a lot of data from experiments in forced trauma-beatings and other abuse-as part of Mengele’s study to determine the limits of physical endurance under traumatic circumstances. Ostensibly this was intended to help the German soldiers in the field, but few rational people believe that.”

I noticed he cut a significant look at Hu when he said that, and for once Hu kept his mouth shut. Grace, to her credit, did not break into a smug smile.

Church said, “The experiments that Mengele performed, and those by other doctors in the various camps, were never intended to benefit the German soldier. They cared nothing for the man in the field. Jerome Freund did extensive interviews with camp survivors as well as those members of camp staff who were not executed after the Nuremberg Trials. What Mengele did-everything Mengele did-was fueled by his insanity and driven by his need to participate fully in the eugenics program.”

“Why?” asked Bug. “What was his deal?”

“Mengele believed in the master race concept. Through his experiments he tried to determine the physical vulnerabilities of the different races. It’s one of the reasons he and his masters picked Jews and Gypsies for much of their work, because those groups married within very limited family bloodlines. It allowed Mengele to work with a group who shared many common physiological traits, and that in turn allowed him to make intuitive jumps. The collection of statistics is more than just how the body reacts to trauma but how the bodies of specific races reacts. Think about the use for that when waging a war on what they believed were the lesser race. They believed that by researching common bloodlines they would find vulnerabilities that would give them weapons against the entire race.”

Grace growled out a comment that would have shocked a stevedore, then said, “Yes… and we can thank God that Mengele was not a geneticist.”

“Why?” asked Bug.

Hu fielded that one. “Because there are diseases and disorders that affect certain genetic lines. Tay-Sachs, for example, is a genetic disease that affects Jews whose bloodlines can be traced back to a certain region. Predominantly the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. ‘Ashkenaz’ is a word from medieval Hebrew that refers to the Rhineland in the west of Germany.”

Hu was starting to show off, so Church stepped in. “If Mengele had known about Tay-Sachs and had access to genetic science… there’s no telling what kind of mass slaughter he might have perpetrated. It’s not inconceivable that, given time, the Nazis might have developed genetic weapons that could indeed wipe out all of the world’s Jews.”

“Holy God,” said Bug, looking aghast.

I had a very bad thought and I looked at Church. “The Cabal records that you destroyed… what were their lines of research?”

Church was silent for so long that I knew the answer would be bad.

“They were working on a way to weaponize genetic diseases. And, yes, that included Tay-Sachs. They wanted to create a version that could be given to people rather than inherited.”

Grace shook her head. “Bloody maniacs.”

Church punched some keys that put the letter I’d found up on the screen side by side with the English-language translation I’d written out during the flight back from Denver.

“This was written during Mengele’s tenure at Auschwitz. The reference to ‘Herr Wirths’ would be to Dr. Eduard Wirths, the chief SS doctor at the camp. He was Mengele’s superior and was a fiercely dedicated Nazi. Wirths was a highly trained physician who specialized in communicable diseases, and his appointment to the camp was made so that he could try and stop the typhus epidemic that was affecting SS personnel at Auschwitz. He was successful in that and stayed on to oversee other areas of research. We don’t have complete records of what he did, but we know from camp survivors that he was particularly interested in any prisoner who demonstrated symptoms of communicable diseases. It was Wirths who recommended Mengele for promotion to a senior doctor at the camp.”

“Sounds like a right charmer,” said Grace.

“Strangely,” Church said to her, “Wirth had a reputation for protecting inmate doctors and even improving some of the health care provided to inmates at Auschwitz.”

“Which is on a par with giving a man a nice cold glass of water before shoving him into a pit of fire,” I said.

Church nodded. “Wirths was a complicated man. He insisted that the deaths at the camp were ‘natural deaths’ and not state-sanctioned executions. Jerome Freund viewed him as a villain because of Wirth’s unflinching dedication to the three spheres of Nazi ideology: the goal of revitalizing the German race, the biomedical path to a perfected master race, and the belief that the Jews were a significant threat to the immediate and long-term health of the Germanic race. So, he was no hero by any stretch, even if certain inmates praised his compassion during the trials.”

“What happened to him?”

“He was taken into British custody in 1945 but shortly thereafter hung himself. Whether to escape punishment or out of remorse is anyone’s guess. However, it is because of men like Wirths and Mengele that we now have the Nuremberg Code of research ethics and principles for human experimentation.”

“What’s ‘noma’?” I asked.

“It’s a disfiguring gangrenous disease that was sweeping through the camp,” said Hu. “It’s triggered by malnutrition and is still a significant threat in Africa and other third world countries. Anywhere you find poor food sources, inadequate health care, and unsanitary conditions.”

I asked. “Okay, and what’s ‘zoonosis’?”

Hu took that one, too. “It’s the category for any infectious disease that’s able to be transmitted from animals to humans. HIV, bird flu… that sort of thing. Usually there isn’t a species jump, but sometimes contamination, a botched experiment, or someone getting jiggy with the livestock will do it.”