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Everyone knew that in time there would be no more Oltec to take from the ruins of the cities. Everyone was afraid of what might happen then. Everyone knew that trying to go outside the Law would make matters worse. Under the Law, Blade was actually guilty of two capital offenses: using Oltec unnecessarily and trying to repair it.

«If you hadn't discovered the secret of the fire jewels, I do not think even our father could have kept you alive until the Gathering,» said Kareena grimly. «The people would storm this tower and tear you to pieces in front of his eyes, and set a new chief in his place if he tried to speak against it.»

«They may still try it, if Saorm tells the city before we talk to our father,» said Bairam. «Blade, have you heard enough so that you can stand before him?»

«I have.»

«Good. Then let us go to him.» He rose, and Blade noted that the boy was gone, at least for the moment. In his place was a sober, quiet young man. Blade wondered if it was the rivalry with Kareena which had brought out the worst in Bairam. He certainly hoped this new maturity would last.

Chapter 8

Peython quickly understood the importance of Blade's discovery. Before Blade could even finish his story, Peython summoned his guards.

«Go to the house of Saorm the merchant in fire jewels,» he told them. «Bring him and his daughter Geyrna here at once. Do not harm them, but do not let them resist you or delay you. If anyone questions you on the way, say that Saorm is suspected of giving aid to Doimar.»

After the guards left, Peython glowered at his son. «If the Doimari learn about this because you lost your head, you will be guilty of aiding them. I'm not going to punish you for that, but I will hardly forget it either. Now continue your story, Blade.»

Blade did so. Peython let him finish, then asked Kareena and Bairam to tell their versions. When all three were finished, Peython squatted cross-legged on his table and seemed to be meditating. Neither his children nor Blade dared to interrupt him. Before he'd finished his meditations, the guards returned with Saorm and Geyrna. Peython dismissed the guards again and listened to Saorm tell his story.

Much to everyone's relief, the merchant had told no one of what he'd seen. He'd been too busy praying to the Sky Masters, the Spirit of the Law, the Lord of the Towers, and anyone else he thought might listen. He was barely able to believe what he'd seen and was quite sure he'd never be able to make anyone else believe it. Since she was already in her father's bad graces for her affair with Bairam, Geyrna hadn't dared move a step or say a word without his permission.

When the man was finished, Peython said, «You have done nothing against the Law. You will do nothing against my pleasure, as long as you are silent about what you saw today.»

«I can do this, Peython. But what about my daughter and your son?»

Peython smiled as he studied the girl. «I have decided that you must give your permission for your daughter to see Bairam. I will have Bairam follow the Law if Geyrna bears his child, of course. Otherwise I think it best we save our words until they are needed.»

Both Bairam and Geyrna looked happy at Peython's words. The merchant shrugged, apparently realizing that he had no say in the matter and that the interview had come to an end. «Come, Geyrna.» He was reaching for her hand when she suddenly jumped back.

«Tell them about the fire jewels of Gilmarg! Tell them where they are and why you hid them, Father!»

«What are you talking about?» the man snarled, but Blade saw his eyes flicker and his tongue come out. Blade moved close to him and signaled Kareena to do the same.

«You hid enough fire jewels to bring life to all the Oltec in Kaldak, because you and your friends wanted a good price for-«

«Peython, my daughter is lying! You can't believe-«

Peython stood up. Suddenly he no longer looked quite so much like a professor playing the part of a barbarian chieftain. His face showed the same cold rage Blade was used to seeing on Kareena's. Bairam drew his sword and stood close to Geyrna. Saorm looked at all the grim faces around him and swallowed hard.

«My son, who knows your daughter well, does not think she is lying,» said Peython. «My daughter, who is wise beyond her years, does not think she is lying. Blade of England, who has seen many lands, does not think she is lying. I myself, chief of Kaldak, do not think she is lying.» He jumped down from the table and walked up to the merchant.

His voice softened. «You have done no harm yet. When you found these jewels, you could not have known their secret. They were no more than pretty things you bought and sold. Now they are more. They are the future of Kaldak and perhaps of all the Land. They are no longer yours. So where are they?»

The merchant's mouth hardened, although sweat was breaking out on his forehead. «And if I do not choose to tell?»

At a signal from her father, Kareena put the bar in place across the door. «Among us, I think we know enough to make any man talk,» said Peython. «After that-well, wagging tongues can be cut out. Hands which reach for what belongs to other men can be cut off. Eyes which see only greed can be put out.»

The merchant started trembling so hard Blade was afraid he might faint on the spot. «Come, Saorm,» said Blade more gently. «The only way you can keep your secret now is by killing yourself. We might not let you do that. Even if you succeeded, you would get no profit from your discovery. If you tell us what we want to know, I at least think you should have some reward.»

«M-m-my life?» said Saorm.

«Yes,» said Peython. «Perhaps more. But start talking!»

Now that he'd found himself with no choice but to talk, Saorm could hardly get the words out fast enough. When he'd finished, Kareena asked, «Does anyone else know where these jewels are?»

«No, lady. Only me. The stone I pushed into the mouth of the tunnel-one man could move it. I swear it, by the Sky Masters!»

«We believe you, Saorm,» said Peython. «If you hold your tongue and guide my men to the jewels, I will even reward you. For now, you will be my guest. I will also take your daughter and your slave into my care.» He sounded the gong for his guards.

After they'd taken Saorm out, the chief turned to the others. «We have won ourselves some time, but not much. The sooner we send men to Gilmarg, the better. But I think we shall speak more wisely after some food. Geyrna, will you accept a place at my table?»

The girl flushed and looked at the floor. «I would be honored, Peython.»

The dinner was supposed to be a planning session for the expedition to Gilmarg, to bring home Saorm's roomful of fire jewels. Instead it became a celebration of Blade's discovery, the bright new future it opened for Kaldak, and all the other discoveries he might make in the future. The table creaked under the weight of platters of meat, and the beer and liquor went around and around, one toast after another.

The liquor still tasted like gin to Blade. Now it seemed like good Bombay gin, not the sort of cheap rotgut sold in dockside pubs. Kareena slid lower and lower in her chair and sometimes broke into song. It was always a relief when she stopped. She had a lovely speaking voice but couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Geyrna giggled a lot and leaned openly on Bairam's shoulder, while he held her up and caressed her. Only Peython seemed to remain completely sober, although he drank half again as much as anyone else in the room. For all the effect the liquor had on him, he might have been drinking fruit juice.

At last Bairam and Geyrna staggered off to his room, both nearly naked and their arms around each other's waist. Kareena was having trouble standing up, so Blade went over to help her. She sprang up like a jack-in-the-box, then leaned against him and raised her face to him. The invitation in her eyes was unmistakable. Blade bent and kissed her. For a moment her lips flared wide and hot, her seeking tongue darting out to meet his. Then she jerked as if she'd gripped one of the power cells, and she twisted away from Blade. He watched her lurch off to her room, and he was very conscious of Peython watching him.