Treasure Of The Stars
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Treasure Of The Stars


Richard Blade

Страниц: 47
Символов: 297588
ID: 126949
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1978
Издательство: Pinnacle
Создана 2 декабря 2010 08:55


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Thrust into an advanced civilization where mountain lions glide across treetops, where flying machines soar through the skies, Blade again fights for survival in Dimension X.Blade's daring rescue of the beautiful but ethereal Riyannah is his first startling contact with the planet's race. But Riyannah turns out to be an envoy to Targa from the utopian planet Kanan.Planet Targa, which has run out of natural resources, is ruled by a Hitlerlike dictator, who intends to conquer interstellar space, then loot and pillage resources from other planets: He is fast developing the technology for the first spaceflight.Racing against time, Blade unites with Riyannah and Targa's underground forces to prevent the dictator's first spaceflight--but will their small army be able to keep the formidable Targans out of space until the dictatorship is overthrown?

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