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Blade went on. «I wanted to see with my own eyes how the purple ray killed. But it did not kill. This surprised me. I would like to know why.»

«So, I think, would the people,» said Krimon. His voice still shook slightly, but there was a wry grin on his thin face that told Blade the neuter had recovered his nerve. Blade headed the machine west again. When he had it back to the desired course and speed he turned to Krimon.

«I thought that the machine would not strike down living creatures who carried nothing that was not once also living because it had orders not to. But I begin to wonder if the purple ray cannot strike down such a living creature even when the machine has orders to fire. We must learn more about this.»

«We certainly must,» said Krimon briskly. «This is a weakness of the Looters. Until now we in Tharn did not believe they had any weaknesses. We would have laughed at anyone who told us we might be wrong. But now Mazda has shown us that our enemy has a weakness. We can learn ways to take advantage of that weakness and fight the Looters. With Mazda to show us the way-«

Blade shook his head. «Though I am Mazda, I cannot show you the whole way. You must discover much of it for yourselves. All that is learned the people must remember. If I die»-Krimon shuddered-«or must go away again before my work is done, the fight against the Looters must go on until victory.»

«It shall be done as Mazda wishes,» said Krimon solemnly.

Blade knew it would be. In this dimension people would willingly follow his orders. But however willing the people might be, could he give the right orders? Could he teach them everything they needed to know-particularly when he didn't know half of it himself?

They spotted their first herdsmen of the people just before noon. Blade made no effort to follow either the herd or the herdsmen as they scattered wildly in all directions.

Krimon smiled thinly. «They will be very surprised when they ride into the villages and learn that the machine was carrying Mazda.»

«They will,» said Blade. Provided, he thought, this machine carries us as far as we want to go. If it ran out of power suddenly, they wouldn't be able to test out the machine's weaknesses and demonstrate them to the people. Also, the two of them would be practically defenseless. They might not live long enough to tell anyone that here was Mazda, returned to Tharn after a whole generation!

Less than half an hour later they passed to the north of a small village, sprawling along the bank of a small stream tinged dark red.

Krimon's eyes noted on the screen the village's streets suddenly exploding into activity as people and animals ran in all directions. His mouth hardened into a thin line.

«It will take days to calm the people after this,» he said with a sigh.

«Would you rather have them panic-stricken now, or dead when the Looters move in sooner or later?»

«Put that way, there is no choice,» said Krimon wearily. He was silent for a moment, then pointed. «The New City of the People, where King Rikard has his house, is off that way.» His hand pointed roughly north-northwest.

«How far is it?»

«Three days on horseback from Red Water, the village we just passed.»

«At this speed we should be there in less than two hours.»

They passed over more herds. Then they passed over villages surrounded by checkerboard fields of growing crops. Then larger villages, with smoke spiraling up from shops and forges, and roads winding away toward the horizon. Each time they saw the people explode into frantic activity as they saw the Looter machine bearing down on them. Each time they were past and gone too fast to see what happened. Krimon's face grew more strained each time. It was obvious that he was fighting a battle inside himself.

Then suddenly the horizon turned gray white with mountains of billowing clouds. Krimon sat up straighter.

«Clouds over the Gorge, Mazda.» With a finger that trembled slightly, he pointed at the screens. «There-on the Plain of War. That is where we built the New City of the People.»

Blade had already seen the little cluster of buildings inside its earthen wall, and the machine was curving toward it as Krimon spoke. Blade could not keep his mouth from growing dry with excitement, or sweat from breaking out on his forehead. In a few minutes he would step forth among people who knew him. Even more important, he would step forth as Mazda, the godlike being who had for better or worse made these people what they were now. And above all, he would see his son.

Blade brought the war machine down so low that a thrown rock or even a high-flying chicken could have hit it. He slowed until they were moving barely faster than a strong man could walk. On the screens he noticed that some of the people who had dashed off in panic at first were slowing down and stopping to look back. This was a Looter machine, but it was behaving like none they had ever seen or heard of! Curiosity was beginning to compete with their fear.

The New City of the People hardly deserved its grand name. It was only another village, larger than any Blade had seen so far, but holding at most five hundred to a thousand people. It was surrounded by a sod and gravel wall about eight feet high. Two more cross-walls divided its interior into three sections.

«The center part holds the House of the King,» said Krimon, pointing. «He-you're not going to land right in the King's yard?»

«Why not?»

The war machine floated in over the walls so low that the sentries on top had to jump for their lives to keep from being knocked off. Blade slipped in over the sod roof of the King's House, stopped in midair directly above the center of the courtyard, and settled down with a thump on the ground.

Several spears and a dozen or so arrows promptly flew at the machine and bounced off with clangs and clatters. Krimon gasped.

«They are shooting at us, Mazda.»

«Of course they're shooting at us!» said Blade. «All at once we're an easy target. They're thinking that perhaps if they get their shots in first, they can-«

«But we're friendly!»

«I know it. You know it. But they don't know it yet. To them we're just another Looter machine, and it takes real guts for them to do what they're doing. Let's sit quiet and wait. Sooner or later they'll realize we're different.»

Krimon sighed. «Mazda has spoken.» His tone of voice indicated he rather wished Mazda hadn't.

An occasional spear or arrow banged off the machine's armor at intervals for about five more minutes. Blade spent the time getting himself a drink of water and watching the screens. He decided against putting on any clothes. Mazda had come naked the first time; he would return naked.

Time passed. One by one people reappeared. As cautiously as mice, they peered out of the windows and doors, crept out to lurk behind bales of grain, flattened themselves on the roof. Blade noticed that in front of the King's House was a pile of teksin blocks, and on top of the pile a short flagpole with a banner. The banner was dark green, and bore a flaming sword in gold-the huge Pethcine sword Blade had carried in the Great War and taken back to England with him.

Finally Blade stood up and went to the hatch. «Krimon, I think we've got our audience. Will you follow me and speak for me?»

Krimon bowed and replied formally. «I will speak for Mazda.»

«Good.» Blade pressed the button to open the hatch. The heavy steel disk swung open. He clambered through the opening onto the rear platform, then drew himself up to his full height. Krimon followed him.

A buzz of voices rose as Blade appeared on the platform. It rose higher as Krimon appeared. Then the neuter took a deep breath and somehow managed to come out with a full shout, a shout that echoed around the courtyard.

«Behold, oh people. Behold-Mazda has returned to us!»