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She was moist and warm and incredibly tight and snug as he pushed deeper and deeper. He felt himself beginning to have to fight for control. For the moment he won the fight, and his strokes kept on. Gradually her body began to writhe and jerk, rolling gently from side to side with him still deep inside her. The rhythm of her motions increased, her legs tightened around his waist, her hands clawed at his back until he felt blood flow. Then she gave a choking cry and arched her body until Blade wondered that her spine didn't snap. He felt a fierce and terrible contraction of muscles gripping him, and it was all that he could do not to answer her spasm with his own.

But though he might not be able to show ten times the power of a normal man, he could not let her pass with a single spasm her first time. His endurance kept him going, until she heaved and writhed a second time, then a third. Then his own body arched and his breath came out in a terrible groan, and his arms and legs seemed to lose their strength as he poured himself into her.

His arms and legs went so limp, in fact, that he very nearly fell down on top of her with his full weight. But he managed to avoid that embarrassment, and rolled heavily away from her onto the furs. He was breathing as heavily as she was, and for the moment he wanted only to lie quietly and relax.

But Curana was still moving, slowly reaching one hand toward Blade while she reached the other under the furs. Did she want more? Blade hoped she wouldn't be disappointed if he couldn't manage more right now.

Then the hand that was under the furs came out. It came out in a single swift motion, almost faster than Blade's eyes could follow. Clutched tightly in that hand was Blade's knife. It gleamed dully in the faint light as it darted toward Blade's exposed chest. He knew in a second that he could ward it off easily if he brought up a hand to block it. He was far stronger than Curana. But all the strength seemed to have gone out of his body.

Then the knife stopped its point only inches from Blade's skin. For a moment it hung there, as if frozen in midair. Then it began to waver as Curana began to shake and tremble all over. Blade saw her eyes close tight, and tears ooze out from under her long lashes. Then her hand jerked away, and the knife went flying into a corner of the room. It landed with a faint clatter as Curana collapsed onto Blade's chest, sobbing hysterically.

Before Blade could move to either console her or even get out from under her, voices rose outside and fists began pounding on the door.

«Come out of there, you murdering whore, or we'll-!»

Blade recognized Guroth's voice, and stood up. «Nobody's murdering anybody» he bellowed. His voice brought a sudden silence, except for Curana's sobbing.

«Are you all right, Oh Pendarnoth?» came Guroth's voice again.

«Of course I'm all right,» snapped Blade. «Why shouldn't I be?»

«The Rojag bitch drugged the guard, Oh Pendarnoth. Is she in there with you?»

«Yes, but-«Blade couldn't say any more before all the Pendari outside set their shoulders against the door and pushed. There was a squeal of twisted metal and a cracking of wood. The door flew open so suddenly that half the Pendari fell sprawling on the floor. But Guroth came leaping over the sprawled bodies of his men, grabbed Curana by the hair, and jerked out his sword. He set it to her throat and his arm muscles tensed as he prepared to drive it into her flesh.

«Stop!» roared Blade. He took one long stride across the room and a hand like iron pincers clamped down on Guroth's wrist. The Pendari captain gasped and his sword dropped to the floor. Blade gently shoved him back into a corner and picked up the sword.

«Now,» he said sharply, «what's going on here? Why were you going to kill that poor girl? What has she done?»

Guroth was rubbing his wrist as he answered. «I said she gave the guard outside your door some drugged milk.»

Blade nodded and looked from Guroth to Curana. «Is this true, Curana? You said the guard was sleeping.»

«I-oh yes, I drugged him, but-«Her sobs broke through her words.

«Is the guard alive?» Blade asked Guroth.

«Yes, but-«

«Just go on with your story, Captain.» Blade's tone was short and commanding.

«Then she came in here. She was going to kill you, Pendarnoth. She must be in the pay of the Rojags. She must be.»

«Guroth, I do not like having people killed for what they 'must' have been going to do. You-«

«But you are the Pendarnoth!» exploded Guroth. «To think of killing you-«

«What is all this talk of killing me?» said Blade acidly. «Curana and I were doing what is natural to a man and a woman when they are alone together and find each other desirable. That was all. And while I may not have the force of ten men, I do not think she was unhappy with her choice. Nor was I with mine. So let us have no more talk of killing, Guroth.»

«But she drugged the guard. She must have…»

«The next time you say 'must,' Guroth, I am going to tell King Nefus that you are a hot-tempered man whose presence I find displeasing. Do you want that?»

Guroth's throat suddenly seemed to be blocked by something. He made a choking nose and shook his head.

«Very well. Now take yourself and your men out and leave us alone.» Bowing deeply, Guroth backed out. His barked orders brought his men to their feet and took them out the door after him.

When the door was safely shut and Blade was sure that none of the Pendari were lingering to eavesdrop, he turned to Curana. She had fainted, apparently with relief. Blade sprinkled water from the water jug on her face and rubbed her wrists until she revived. Then he sat down in front of her and said quietly, «Now, Curana, you know perfectly well that you were trying to kill me. Guroth need not know it, or why, but I want to know. If you tell me who you are and why you wanted to kill me-and why you didn't-I won't let anything happen to you.» He hoped he could keep that promise.

«I was going to kill you,» she admitted in a small voice. «I… the Rojas chiefs told me to do it. They…» She fell silent, then began again. «They want to help the Lanyri. The Lanyri have promised them Pendari territory and gold and slaves. They want to kill you and take the Golden Steed and put their own Pen-Pend- P-«

«Pendarnoth,» Blade supplied.

Curana nodded. «So I was supposed to kill you. But after.. what we did… I… I couldn't. We were so good together I couldn't.» And she burst into tears again. Blade held her gently until the sobbing subsided, then put a hand under her chin and raised her head until he could look into her eyes.

«Curana,» he said, making his voice gentle and severe at the same time. «Do you want to go back to the Rojag people?»

She very nearly bust into tears again, but managed enough self-control not to. Then she shook her head. «Not now. I have failed. They would have me staked out in the sun over an ant's nest until the ants ate the flesh off my bones. I cannot go back to them now.»

Blade nodded. «Then I will take you with me to Vilesh.» She gasped but he held up his hand to quiet her. «I will take you to Vilesh, and I will ask the Princess Harima to take you into her service and protect you. I have heard that she is a good mistress.» He knew not one single thing about the Princess Harima other than her age and her loyalties. But at this point he would say almost anything to ease this poor girl's mind. «Are you willing to go? Remember, in Vilesh you will be far from the Rojags. And you will have not only Harima's protection, but mine as well. I think as Pendarnoth I will be something of an important person, so that should help.»

Curana found the spirit to giggle faintly at his description of the Pendarnoth as «something of an important person.» Then she was silent for a while, apparently turning the idea over in her mind. Finally she nodded. «I will go with you to Vilesh, Pendarnoth. But will you be able to protect me from that Captain Guroth? He wanted to kill me. I know it.»