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She put a small hand on his brawny leg. «Do not call me Empress when we are alone! You promised. I am Mitgu. Your wife, Sire, who adores you. And do not belittle my servants.» She laughed again. «They are stupid and lack imagination to invent the tale I have heard. Is Nizra really dead? Gone and nothing left, not even a corpse?»

Blade nodded. «That is true.»

She nodded in satisfaction. «Then it is not all bad, this thing I hear. We are rid of Nizra — he cannot plot against us now.»

Blade sat down beside her on the pallet. «That also is true. Now enough — do not concern yourself with these matters. It is my province and I will deal with it. And I did not come here to discuss such affairs.»

Mitgu showed her little white teeth behind a scarlet mouth. «Then why did you come, Sire?»

«For this.» Blade caught her to him and kissed her. Her slim arms wound around his neck and her lips opened beneath his and her tongue flickered into his mouth. In that moment he thought of Ooma — they were much alike in their loveplay — and he was glad when the urgency of his desire took over and banished the shade of the dead girl.

In a very few moments the tiny Empress also was caught up in the toils of passion. She was, like all Jedd women, highly flammable. She pulled Blade down with amazing strength and sprawled atop him, dwarfed by his size, but pressing every inch of her tender golden flesh against his. Blade teetered on the brink of pleasure. Mitgu caressed and manipulated him intimately, not speaking but uttering little sounds of satisfaction as she kissed his body. She suckled him briefly but near to bursting point, then leaped astride him and impaled herself with a loud groan of pleasure. Blade dared not move lest he end it too soon. Mitgu rode him down the course with a delightful frenzy and when at last it was beyond bearing they both shuddered and cried aloud in cataclysmic orgasm. Then Mitgu, as was her custom, gave him one moist kiss and fell off to sleep.

Blade rested for a few moments, then left the pallet without rousing her. His head pained him slightly and he knew the signs. Lord L was searching again with the computer. He stool for a moment at the tent flap, looking back at the slumbering naked figure of his Golden Princess. He knew he would never see her again. After one last look he left the tent.

He went straight to his command tent and summoned all the captains into council. Then, with Gath at his right hand and Kaven at his left, he said what had to be said, told them what was to be. The council lasted for more than three hours and it was a sober and chastened group of captains that shook Blade's hand as they filed out. Only Gath remained, on Blade's request.

When they were alone Gath said at once, «I will go with you into the land of the Kropes, Sire. I have served you well and it is my right.»

Blade went back to sit behind the field desk he had made. He pointed to a stool. Gath moved his swordbelt for comfort and sat down, scowling at his Sire.

«You will obey orders,» Blade told him. «It is true that you have served me well. None better. So do not spoil it now. I have great need of you, Gath. As the little Empress will have when I am gone. I—»

Gath would have interrupted, but Blade hurried on. «It may be that I will return. I cannot know the truth of this. But I do not think so — and if I am right the Jedds, and most of all the Empress Mitgu, will need your wisdom and strength. You heard how I spoke to the council just now — you saw them all agree to follow you in my absence. You will be Regent, Gath, and of this moment you must begin to think like one.»

The captain glowered and toyed with his swordhilt. «I would go with you, Sire. Let Kaven be Regent — or Crofta. Or Bucelus or Chardu or Holferne. Why must I be chosen?»

His temper flared for a moment and Blade leaned across the desk. «Because I say so! Because, damn it, I—»

Blade broke off and got himself under control. He smiled. «This is no time for friends to argue, Gath. Listen tome:

«One man, and one man only, has a chance to live beyond the Shining Gate. I am that man. I know that, Gath, and cannot explain how I know because there is no time. And even if I wasted a year in the explaining you would still not understand—»

«Am I so stupid, then?» Gath muttered and would not look at Blade.

«Not stupid,» Blade soothed, «but you are a Jedd. And I am of another world, another place and another time. I tell you this now, at last, in all truth.» Blade raised his right hand and closed his great fist. «In a sense, Gath, and for this purpose, I am the avatar!»

He thought that Gath shrunk a little away from him, but the blue eyes met his own with a steady gaze. After a moment Gath inclined his head.

«I will accept that, Sire. You are the avatar and it is not for me to question. I will obey you in all things, as best I can.»

With that he drew his sword and laid it on the desk with the point toward his own heart. Blade did likewise. Gath placed his hand where the swords joined and Blade laid his hand atop it.

«I charge you,» Blade said, «with the care of the Empress Mitgu. My wife. Not until I return, if I do, are you free of this charge. And if J do not return you must serve as Regent as long as she wishes it. In time, if the events serve and all goes well, it may be that she will take you for husband.»

Gath looked shocked.

Blade chuckled. «It is not beyond belief, my friend. As you will see. And now enough of this — you know what to do?»

«I do, Sire.»

Blade leaned back in his chair. «Repeat it to me then.»

Gath told it off by rote. «If in two days you have not come back to us I am to drive the remaining Api to the Shining Gate and see what happens. If they are destroyed as before I know that you have failed, that you have been slain or made captive by the Kropes, and I am to turn about and lead the Jedds back down the valley. I am to go as far south as possible, beyond the ruins of Jeddia, and found a new city among the ancient temples left there by my forefathers. I am to advise and aid the little Empress in ruling the Jedds.»

Blade nodded. «And if the Api are not destroyed? If the ball of flame does not destroy them?»

«I will know that you have succeeded and I will lead my people beyond the shining wall, through the narrow passage of which you spoke, or find a way to open the gate, and so the Jedds will claim the land of the Kropes and live there and, in time — or so you say, Sire — we will come to know all the secrets of these Kropes.»

It was well enough. Blade gave a few final orders and then took his leave of Gath. He felt suddenly very tired and much in need of sleep. And the pains in his head, though minor, were persistent.

As Blade sprawled on his cot he told a servant. «You will awaken me the moment the sun goes down.»

He slept.