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"Do you have anything like the book you sold Sir Eon?"

Klaus chuckled, the sound far deeper than his spare frame should have been able to accommodate. "No, and I doubt there are any more outside of museums."

Lang leaned across the table and lowered his voice. "What can you tell me about the one you sold?"

"Tell?" The old man's eyebrows made snowy arches. "Definitely part of the Nag Hammaddi Library, the Koine Greek, the Coptic Greek that was-"

Lang hated to interrupt, but he wanted to conclude this business before the tables around them were full and the music made shouting necessary to be heard. "I know. I mean, what was the subject matter and where did you get it?"

"Surely you understand my sources are secrets of my trade."

"But Coptic? All the way from Egypt to the Czech Republic?"

"I never said I got it in Prague. I will say that we have to look back in history. By the fourth century, the time these books were written, the western Roman Empire was shattering. The capital was moved to Ravenna, near Italy's east coast, more easily defendable than the ancient city. Thereafter, conquering Franks were calling themselves Caesar though they were not Roman, or even Italian. In the east, Byzantium was flourishing, the city of Constantine. Do you have any idea how long the Byzantine Empire lasted, Mr. Reilly?"

Truthfully, Lang had never given the matter a lot of thought although he considered himself a student of history.

"From, say, the rule of Constantine in mid-fourth century until the Ottoman Turks finally took the city in 1453. It was because of that city's fall that western Europe needed another route to the Orient. Columbus was seeking one when he found the Western Hemisphere."

Lang looked anxiously at the room's growing crowd. The decibel level was climbing noticeably.

Klaus sensed Lang's impatience. "To make it brief, Mr. Reilly, Byzantium, the city we knew once as Constantinople, now Istanbul, was at the center of an empire for a very long time. As the western part of the Roman Empire declined, the east flourished, much more Greek in culture than Roman. Since the pre-Roman rulers of Egypt had been Greek since Alexander's conquest, there was a cultural if not political tie between that country and the Byzantine Empire, an empire that was much of today's Eastern Europe including what is now the Czech Republic. When various parts of the books went on the antiquities black market back at the time of their discovery, it would seem natural to peddle them to some wealthy collector in what, at one time, had been essentially a Greek empire, particularly if that place was not a party to any international treaties regarding the buying and selling of another country's antiquities." He shrugged. "That's only a theory but it is as good a guess as you will hear as to how Sir Eon's book came into my hands."

He continued. "The Nag Hammaddi texts were written by Coptic, Egyptian, Greek Christians, probably a sect we know today as the Gnostics. In AD 367, the pope Athanasius circulated a pastoral letter declaring Gospels not chosen by the Nicene Council of 325 to be heretical. As you know, only four were chosen. The rest were ordered destroyed. Apparently, the Gnostics, or some of them, decided to bury, rather than burn, their copies."

Having explained it to Jacob the night at the British Museum, little of all this was news to Lang. Still, the subject was no less interesting. He forgot the increasing noise level. "Which was the gospel you sold?"

"The Gospel of James."


"James, called The Just. He was the first bishop of Jerusalem and the brother of Jesus."

Two questions immediately came to mind. "Brother? I didn't know Jesus had a brother."

Klaus's face wrinkled in a smile. "Then you haven't read your Bible. He had a number of siblings. Mark refers to them in chapter six, verse six."

"I never knew that, either. But then, I grew up Episcopalian."

"You were not supposed to know. The existence of siblings presents a problem for the church. First, the doctrine of Mary's perpetual virginity. Multiple children contradict that idea. Second, having brothers and sisters of the Son of God running about is a bit inconvenient."

Lang forgot the background noise and leaned closer. "How do they explain away what the Bible says?"

"The church, particularly the early church, was a master of… what do you Americans call it? Spin. Yes, they were spin masters. I think the standard argument goes something like this: Joseph, Mary's husband, is not mentioned in any gospel by the time Jesus reaches maturity, most likely died. He was, therefore, considerably older than Mary, a man who outlived his first wife who was the actual mother of all of Jesus's half siblings."

"Pretty lame. My next question is, what did the Gospel of James say?"

A shrug. "I do not know. As I said, it was written by Coptic Greeks and I do not read Greek nor understand Egyptian."

"Then how did you…?"

Klaus held his empty glass up to a passing waiter. "How did I know what I sold Weatherston-Wilby was genuine? I assure you, he had it vetted thoroughly before the transaction was complete. The provenance was impeccable if…" He searched for a word. "Not entirely normal."

Lang was silent for a moment, pressing circles into the tablecloth with the bottom of his glass. "I sure would have liked to know what it said."

The old man smiled again, this time creating enough wrinkles to make him resemble one of those Chinese dogs, a shar-pei. "Then I am a fortunate man. I thought the copy I made would have no value other than the satisfaction of having it translated so I, too, would know its contents."

Lang simply stared at him, remembering Gurt's admonition about closing his mouth.

Klaus laughed, a sound like footsteps crunching in dry leaves. "You are surprised, yes?"

"Astounded would be more like it."

"And how much is your astonishment worth?" He saw the expression on Lang's face. "I am, after all, in the business of selling old books and manuscripts."

"Certainly not as much Sir Eon paid. And I'd like to come to your shop, see how legible your copy is."

The old man shook his head slowly. "Only those patrons I know well visit my shop." He waved a blue-veined hand in the air. "Much of my merchandise is… well, of difficult pedigree."

"Provenance, you mean?"

Klaus nodded.


Lang was doing business with a dealer in stolen rare books.

"But I am a reasonable man. Selling the copy is like, like…"

"Finding money on the street."

"Yes, money on the street, say finding five thousand US dollars."

Lang folded his arms. "I'm not that curious."

Klaus nodded again, acknowledging the haggling had begun. "And just how curious are you?"

"About a thousand dollars."

"I have enjoyed the supper, Mr. Reilly." He pushed back from the table and swung the wheelchair around toward the elevator, stopping only to offer over a shoulder, "Many museums will want a reasonably priced copy."

The copy had gone from being self-educational only to a desirable museum exhibit. The prospect of money had been known to work even bigger transformations.

As Lang had suspected, the old man had intended to

make additional dollars with a copying machine all along.

Lang motioned for the check, studiously ignoring the wheelchair rolling across the dining area. He was almost ready to get up and go after Klaus when the old man folded first.

He spun around and rolled back to the table. "We Czechs have a saying: Stubbornness deprives all of a fair bargain."

Lang grinned. "We Americans also have a saying: A fool and his money are soon parted."

"Thirty-five hundred."

"Fifteen hundred."

At two thousand dollars, the two shook hands.

"Give me the money and I will see that your copy is delivered to you."