When she complied, the man in the navy bandana set his gun down within his easy reach, pulled out a nylon cord from a pouch on his cargo pants, and bound her wrists together. The other pirate kept his gun temporarily raised toward James who didn’t move from his position behind her.

“Why are you doing this?” James asked.

“Because we can,” came the mild reply. “Besides, I’m in the mood for some sexy entertainment.”

“Me, too,” the other added with a harder tug on the cord’s ends.

When the one finished tying her up, the other said, “Drop your pants, James.”

James didn’t speak again, which was probably for the best. What could he say? You’ll never get away with this might work on the big screen, but in reality it was a stupid statement to make when looking down the barrel of a gun.

The rasp of his zipper was like nails scraped effectively down her spine. Her breathing became unsteady. Adrenaline left her shaky with a heady mixture of anticipation and angst.

“Do you have a condom, James? Or do you use them with…your secretary?”

“I have a couple in my wallet.”

She heard slight shuffling, a soft thud on the bed as he dropped his wallet beside her, and the rip of paper when he opened the packet.

Seconds later, James didn’t wait to be told to enter her. He did that almost immediately after his pants fell, and in doing so lifted her feet clean off the floor. She bent her legs and found support with her knees on the mattress.

She sighed, her face buried in the bed linens, as his hard cock eased into her body. James’ grip tightened on her hips, and she heard him make a soft sound of part-relief, part pleasure.

“Does she feel good?” the more vocal of the pirates asked.

“Yes,” James admitted breathlessly. He pulled her closer and nudged his cock a fraction deeper.

“And how does he feel, Miss Secretary?” Amusement tinged that question.

She grumbled into the bedding.

“I asked a question.” The pirate’s voice was pure authority. “Swat her ass, James.”

“I will not!”

“Do it or…”

She lifted her head to see the man’s gun rise.



She winced and glared at the pirate who looked her in the eye. “I’m waiting, Miss Secretary. Or shall we continue with corporal punishment?”

She stared at him in stubborn challenge.

He gave her a small smirk, glanced at James and nodded once.

James swatted her again, the pop light, harmless.

The pirate frowned. “Harder, unless you want me to do it for you.”

James spanked her again, hard enough to make her flinch.

Again the pirate met her hard gaze. Through gritted teeth, she replied, “He feels…big.”

“Ah, what every man wants to hear,” the pirate quipped, and both gunmen chuckled. “I envy you, James, having such a luscious creature at your beck and call. How do you get any work done?”

The bed jostled when the man in the navy bandana-the one to her left-suddenly got to his feet. Dana tossed her hair as she tried to follow his progress toward the foot of the bed.

“Don’t move,” he said.

“What-? No,” James said with clear agitation in his tone. “Goddammit! Don’t do this.”

James’ grip on her hips vanished, but his cock remained buried inside her and hard as ever.

Dana struggled to see what was happening, but the other pirate who still sat on the bed leaned forward and pressed her bound wrists into the mattress. When she turned to look at him once more, she found him staring back at her, his gaze not unkind.

“It wouldn’t be fair to bind you and not him, now would it?” he asked.

She didn’t answer.

“Take these fucking things off!” James shouted.

“Do you want to fuck her or would you rather cry mayday?” challenged the one tying James up. “I’m sure we could fuck her for you instead if you aren’t willing.”

James ignored the question and the threat and asked one of his own. “How am I supposed to do anything with my hands tied behind my back?”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” the pirate replied with obvious cockiness. “After all, big boss man, your ‘big’ dick is right where you want it to be. Now, shut up…” The sound of muffled grunts told Dana that he’d gagged James somehow. “…and have some fun with your little secretary while you still can. Time’s a-wasting, and we have your safe to plunder, high seas to pillage, treasure to bury…”

Chuckling at his own joke, the pirate removed her panties that hung off one foot and twirled them around his finger as he returned to his spot on the bed. Dana noticed he’d removed his navy bandana, so she suspected that was what he’d used to gag James.

The other gunman patted her bound hands and said, “Get moving, James. The lady and we are waiting.”

James growled but began a hesitant, shallow withdrawal and plunge.

“That a boy,” one of the pirates encouraged. “Pump it.”

Dana buried her face into the mattress again as the tantalizing sensations erupted from her core with each cautious thrust James made into her pussy. Soon, their pace quickened as James became more certain of his movements. Her upper body bowed low, her ass in the air, she clawed at the bedding and began to rock back in contrast to his strokes.

He groaned with pleasure, bucking harder, faster against her.

The voyeurs all but forgotten, she reveled in the wild ride James took her on. “Yes, yes, yesss!”

Their rhythm set, their bodies collided again and again as they raced toward a climax, and when it struck, they both cried out their satisfaction.

When she came back to her senses, had time to catch her breath, she pulled herself forward to sprawl across the bed between the two pirates. James’ cock slipped free in the process, and he bent over to rest his head, face down on the mattress between her spread feet. Soon thereafter, he dropped to his knees.

The larger pirate rolled Dana over and pulled her across his lap. Before she thought to balk at his manhandling, he had her propped up against his body. With one beefy arm, he encircled her neck, and his gun nudged her in the side.

She winced with renewed fear.

“Oh, James,” he said in a singsong manner. “Now that you’ve had your fun, it’s time for business. Tell us where the safe is…or your lover here pays for your stupidity.”

James raised his head and mumbled against the gag still in his mouth, his eyes much more angry than amorous now.

The other pirate jerked the knotted bandana out of James’ mouth to let it hang around his neck.

“You fucking bastards-”

The gun poked her. “James!” she cried out in abrupt panic.

“Don’t piss me off,” the gunman said. “You don’t really want this beautiful lady’s blood on your hands, do you, James?”

Dana watched his expression change as he struggled with what to do-fury at being cornered, remorse for having brought her into this, resolve to comply albeit coerced.

“Behind the portrait on that wall.” He looked to his left.

“Good boy,” the other pirate said, walking over to the safe. He tugged on the portrait, and it swung out on hinges. He turned back to James. “The combination, if you please.”

James glanced at her before he answered. “33, 27, 42. Now let her go.”

The pirate holding her tisked. “A moment…” He relaxed his hold on her neck, slid his palm over one bare breast.

Dana held her breath and stared at James’ angry face.

“We’re in!” the other pirate said. He grabbed a pillow, removed the case, and began to stuff stacks of bills into it. “Whoo hoo! Look at all of this.”

The other one continued to hold her, his thumb brushing back and forth across her beaded nipple. The gun’s hard barrel remained a faint presence at her side, as did another very different hardness against her butt.

Her gaze switched from James to the pirate at the safe and back to James kneeling at the foot of the bed. Frustrated rage marred his expression.