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The Ningaal were caught unaware; the alarm had not reached them before the knights’ fierce attack. In moments the scene was one of fire and blood, of rearing horses and slashing blades. Many of the Ningaal fled from the camp rather than face the fierce justice of the King’s swords. And for a fleeting moment it appeared to the defenders that the Ningaal would be overcome and crushed.

But that notion faded with the appearance of two warlords astride black war-horses, rallying their panic-stricken troops with cool control.

The knights had encompassed the camp and had driven through to the center of it. Seeing the warlords bringing their scattered regiments together, Eskevar sent a company of knights against them to quell that opposition before it could materialize in force. The rest strove to keep the Ningaal running and confused, not allowing them time to coalesce into a unified front.

But too soon the body of knights surrounding the camp was outflanked by a larger ring of bellowing Ningaal led by the two other warlords. These began pressing forward, pushing the knights inward, shrinking the diameter of the circle by force of superior numbers. It seemed that no matter how many of the enemy were killed, there were more standing than had been there before.

Eskevar realized that the position was indefensible. With Theido on his right and Ronsard on his left, the Dragon King led a withering charge toward a weak section of the circle. There was a tremendous clash and many knights fell into the wall of Ningaal axe-blades, never to rise again. But the circle bowed and broke, and the King led his soldiers out upon the plain.

When they reached a place in the center of the plain, half a league from the castle, Eskevar halted and turned to face the enemy which was now massing for the final assault.


THE WARLORDS, perceiving that the victory was theirs to be won, did not rush at once to the attack. They waited, gathering their forces and ordering their troops for the final conflict. This gave the Dragon King time to position his knights as well, placing them in stout ranks around scores of footmen with pike and spear who had joined them from the castle.

The first clash with the Ningaal found the Dragon King ready and waiting at the forefront of his army. The bellowing mob, with battle-axes swinging, rushed down upon the Dragon King’s forces from the upper plain, led by two warlords. The two remaining warlords held a vast number of their foul flock in reserve.

Amut and Luhak rode with the charge and were met with a wall of steel. The Dragon King’s knights, fighting with a strength born of desperation, held the line against the warlord’s fearsome bodyguard and reduced that number effectively. The Ningaal axe-men boiled onto the field like a tempest-driven flood. Though they beat against the armored knights with terrible blows of their cruel axes, the defenders withstood all.

At the end of an hour’s time the attack broke off and the warlord’s withdrew-to the cheers of the knights-leaving the field dark with the blood of their fallen.

Theido, astride his charger on the King’s right hand, lifted his visor and looked over the battlefield. “We have made a good account of ourselves,” he said. “What is more, we have not suffered much loss.”

“Even one man is too many, brave sir,” said Ronsard, from his place on the King’s left. “They propose to wear us down one by one if need be, until there is none left standing,”

“By Azrael!” said Eskevar, “it is the only way they will take Askelon. But we are far from defeated yet. And I have a plan that may confound them. Theido, gather the commanders. I would speak to them before the next attack.”

They met on the field and the King spoke hurriedly, finishing just as the rolling whoop of the advancing enemy once more filled the air. As the Ningaal closed on the defenders for the second time, there was a stirring within the King’s army and the attack met not a solid wall this time, but a rank which gave way before them. The enemy was instantly drawn inside the ring, like water into a flask, and then the stopper was replaced, cutting off the axe-men from their leaders, who were now inside. Thus the battle began with the Ningaal herded together within a palisade of stinging blades.

No one in the enemy’s camp noticed the small force which broke away from the rear of the Dragon King’s army and made its way back to the castle.

Once more the King’s knights stood to the task, hewing down the enemy before them. The pike-men worked among the flashing hooves of the horses to bring the warlords’ bodyguard down, where they were pierced with spears. The Ningaal axe-men, separated from their commanders within the palisade, ran screaming around the outer ring, throwing themselves ineffectually upon the unforgiving lances of the knights.

Warlords Gurd and Boghaz, watching from a distance, soon realized what had happened and readied a second wave to smash the outer ring of the King’s defenses and thus lay open the battle for a speedy end.

Mounted upon their sturdy black steeds, they swept down into the fray. They had nearly reached the field of combat when their attack faltered and broke apart amidst a deadly flight of arrows. The Ningaal fell in such numbers that the warlords pulled up short of engaging the King and swerved to meet the archers who were now running to join their comrades on the plain, having staved off the second wave. The archers, who had been left behind to defend Askelon in its last need, were led by Myrmior and several of the boldest knights. They had been sent to bring the archers as part of Eskevar’s plan to divide and confuse the enemy.

The charging Ningaal could not draw within blade range of the archers and were at last forced to retreat and regroup. The archers reached the plain with ease, and the air sang with their killing missiles. Within moments of their arrival, the Ningaal withdrew once more and left the field to the Dragon King.

“We have not fared so well this time,” said Theido, once more surveying the carnage around him. “We have lost many good men. Perhaps too many to withstand another charge.”

“Withstand we must!” shouted Eskevar. “We must hold.”

“We have surprised them twice. I do not think we will again,” said Ronsard. “But we have stood them a battle that will be sung in the halls of brave men everywhere. That is something to take with us. Yet I begin to think that if we last this day, we may yet turn the tide of battle in our favor.”

“If Wertwin were as good as his word and brought the armies of Ameronis, Lupollen and the others with him, I would agree with you,” said Theido. He turned his eyes to the north but saw nothing moving on the horizon. “But even if they came now, I think it would be too late.”

“Do not talk so!” charged the King. “We will prepare to meet the attack with courage.”

“As you say, my Lord.” Theido looked at his King and his noble heart swelled within him almost to burst, for he seemed to see a dark shape, like the wings of a raven, hovering around the King’s shoulder. When the knight spoke again, it was with a voice choked with sorrow. “You have ever shown us courage, my King. Lead us and we will follow through the gates of death itself.”

Eskevar’s face shone fierce in the strange white light of the star, shining as bright as day. But when he spoke it was with a gentler tone. “You have served me well, brave friends. I have trusted you with my life on more occasions than a king ought, but I have never found you wanting.” He stopped and looked long at each of them before continuing.

“This is how I want to be remembered-turned out in my finest armor at the head of loyal men and brave. This is how I would enter the rest of my fathers.”

Ronsard raised a hand to protest, but Eskevar waved him silent. “Enough of dying,” he said. “Now to arms! For the enemy once more draws near.”