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Anyone found guilty of harboring the fugitives will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution. While the inmates of the Holding Area are so-called non-venal criminals, they are nonetheless a danger to the Empire. A reward of Cr 100 will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any escapees. The rumors that the detainees are honest subjects being held illegally are false. They are dangerous. If you see any of the prisoners shown here, do not let him know he has been recognized. Go quietly to a phone and call XX-LAW.


(BOLO-CSR, memo for record, prior to the RAS-APE Uprisings and also to the Land Crab Scandals of 1086 NS through 1092 NS, for which see below para. 102)

It is time now to examine further the curious manifestations of the strange substance known as Compound 31 IB. Although there has been considerable interest in an investigation of the curious patch of jungle growth which has sprung up in Queen's Park at the site of my first mission, no conclusions have yet been released by the authorities. I have, of course, secured an adequate sample of the original compound direct from its source in Asia Minor. My analysis of its strange properties will require some minutes. I compute…

It appears that the unusual growth-stimulating properties of Compound 31 IB are due to trace impurities in the form of complex hydrocarbons derived from carbonaceous chondrites, which I designate "Star X." I have found this same contaminant in a number of ore bodies in the American West, doubtless the sites of ancient meteor strikes.

My preliminary examination of the material suggests that very substantial volumes of water will be required for large-scale separation and refinement.

I must take appropriate steps to acquire and sequester further supplies of these chondrites, which should be present at the sites of meteor strikes. Star X is found in association with various rare metals, including yttrium, osmium, and iridium. And, also, of course, I must begin a program of water management.


(selected statements from tapes recorded during the Land Grab Scandals of 1086 NS to 1092 NS)


Naturally, I was glad to get what I could. Lordy, I'd give up all them old stocks as worthless, years ago. When my late husband was alive he frittered away a small fortune buying whatever stock was dirt cheap. Could have left me well off, but instead I got a safe full of paper ain't worth the cost of printing. I grabbed the offer, and if he wants more, I aim to sell. No, I never met this Mr. Able. Just the letters, was all. But his check was good. I done nothing wrong. I guess I got a right to sell my own property.


I can conceive of no possible way in which the Bolo CSR could benefit the Empire, to our detriment, through interference with the Rivers and Harbors bill. You must be mistaken.


No, we have no plans at present to reopen Shaft No. 27, nor any other works at the site. It has been over twenty years now since the recovery rate fell below the level of economic feasibility. No, the properties are not for sale, even though, as far as I'm concerned, I'd be glad to be rid of the whole field.


What do you mean "they won't sell"? Everything on this planet has its price, Johnson. Maybe I haven't made myself clear. The expansion of Unit Three of Sunland West requires all the ground across the river, with no exceptions. Do you imagine that this company is going to spend hundreds of millions to promote land values on land which it does not own? I'm aware that the parcel in question is only three acres, but we want it. We need it! And we'll have it. You tell this Able fellow that General Developments is prepared to pay double the best appraised value, and don't come back here without that deed, signed, sealed, and recorded!

Got no other place to go, and got no use for seven million dollars. Ain't like, say, seven hundred. A feller can see where he could use that for a new outfit and all. But this seven million talk, that's for banks and the gubmint. I don't understand it. Sure, I can do simple arithmetic. I know it's the same as seven hundred a stack, and ten thousand stacks. But I don't like it. Some scheme to do me outa my patch here. Some smart lawyer coming along to tell me I got to move on, and what'll I do then?


(from a tape of discussions between the Chief Auditor, Imperial Services Office, and the Lord Treasurer, April 8, 1091 NS)

There is no-I repeat, Milord-no question of misuse of funds, and this is no occasion for talk of resignation. The ISO retains full confidence in Milord's ability as well as his integrity. But some explanation of these anomalous figures must be forthcoming. Statistics accumulated over a period of twelve centuries are not to be lightly tossed aside. Refined analysis reveals that these purchases of unproductive mineral properties, worthless parcels of real estate, and foundering manufacturing concerns-all of which adhere to no detectable patterns-have been traced to the same obscure consortium calling itself Basic Enterprises, a holding company organized as an Arizona corporation. There is, to be sure, nothing sinister in the facts as stated, but the SEC does not like anomalies. The ISO awaits your reply, Milord.


(report from Special Auditor to Chief Auditor, Imperial Services Office, June 3, 1091 NS)

There's no doubt at all, sir. The General Developments Corporation is in no way associated with Basic Enterprises, Ltd. Not even the most tenuous link. Nor can I find any other hint of an interlocking directorate. The entire matter is beyond me, especially in that there does seem to be some connection, however remote, with the Social Fund of the Empire.

Not in any irregular way. I emphasize that, sir. It's just that a number of transactions do lead back to one of the so-called adventitious funds. There is no indication whatever of impropriety, but I shall, of course, continue to investigate. There appears to be no pattern to the schedule of acquisition.


(media report, June 10, 1091 NS)

Sources close to the Palace revealed today that the consortium which first attracted attention some weeks ago when it purchased the notoriously valueless Amigo Mine properties in Utah for a record sum is an artifact created on paper, quite legally, by the Bolo CSR, once dubbed Disastrous by its critics.

Reaction to this astounding disclosure has been mixed, the new defensive system's former supporters acknowledging that the phenomenon is both irrational and beyond the scope of anything envisioned by Imperial War Command; while its diehard critics, led by Lord Senator McKay, declared that this clandestine activity on the part of the giant machine constitutes clear evidence that the, I quote, berserk machine intends to take over the planetary government, end of quote.

Military authorities declined to issue a statement at this time, while the spokesman for the Ministry of the Economy stated that inasmuch as the Department has no official responsibility for the machine, it cannot hold any opinion thereon. But, he went on to add, perhaps the incident will at least convince Parliament that joint authority with the War Ministry should properly be vested in Economy, after all, as was proposed nearly five years ago by then Lord Minister Duquesne.