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FOR A MOMENT THERE was silence except for a distant, crumping explosion in the city, the rain pounding on the roof of the Cradle, and the fat throb of the monorail’s slo-trans engines. Then a low-pitched hydraulic hum cut through the air. Eddie looked away from the cartridge dancing across the gunslinger’s fingers (it took an effort; he realized that in another few moments he would have been hypnotized himself) and peered through the iron bars. A slim silver rod was pushing itself up from the sloping pink surface between Blaine’s forward windows. It looked like an antenna of some kind.

“Susannah?” Roland asked in that same low voice.

“What?” Her eyes were open but her voice was distant and breathy-the voice of someone who is sleeptalking.

“Do you remember the voice of your father?”

“Yes… but I can’t hear it.”


Eddie and Jake started and looked toward the control-box speaker, but Susannah seemed not to have heard at all; she only stared at the floating cartridge. Below it, Roland’s knuckles rippled up and down like the heddles of a loom.

“Try, _Susannah,” Roland urged, and suddenly he felt Susannah change within the circle of his right arm. She seemed to gain weight.., and, in some indefinable way, vitality as well. It was as if her essence had somehow changed.

And it had.

“Why you want to bother wit dot bitch?” the raspy voice of Detta Walker asked.


DETTA SOUNDED BOTH EXASPERATED and amused. “She never got no better’n a C in math her whole life. Wouldn’ta got dat widout me to he’p her.” She paused, then added grudgingly: “An’ Daddy. He he’ped some, too. I knowed about them forspecial numbahs, but was him showed us de net. My, I got de bigges’ kick outta dat!” She chuckled. “Reason Suze can’t remember is ’cause Odetta never understood ’bout dem forspecial numbers in de firs’ place.”

“What forspecial numbers?” Eddie asked.

“Prime numbahs!” She pronounced the word prime in a way that almost rhymed with calm. She looked at Roland, appearing to be wholly awake again now… except she was not Susannah, nor was she the same wretched, devilish creature who had previously gone under the name of Detta Walker, although she sounded the same. “She went to Daddy cryin an’ carryin on ’cause she was flunkin dat math course… and it wasn’t nuthin but funnybook algebra at dat! She could do de woik-if I could, she could-but she din’ want to. Poitry-readin bitch like her too good for a little ars mathematica, you see?” Detta threw her head back and laughed, but the poisoned, half-mad bitterness was gone from the sound. She seemed genuinely amused at the foolishness of her mental twin.

“And Daddy, he say, Tm goan show you a trick, Odetta. I learned it in college. It he’ped me get through this prime numbah bi’ness, and it’s goan he’p you, too. He’p you find mos’ any prime numbah you want.’ Oh-detta, dumb as ever, she say, ’Teacher says ain’t no formula for prime numbahs, Daddy.’ And Daddy, he say right back, ’They ain’t. But you can catch em, Odetta, if you have a net.’ He called it The Net of Eratosthenes. Take me over to dat box on the wall, Roland-I’m goan answer dat honkey computer’s riddle. I’m goan th’ow you a net and catch you a train-ride.”

Roland took her over, closely followed by Eddie, Jake, and Oy.

“Gimme dat piece o cha’coal you keep in yo’ poke.”

He rummaged and brought out a short stub of blackened stick. Detta took it and peered at the diamond-shaped grid of numbers. “Ain’t zackly de way Daddy showed me, but I reckon it comes to de same,” she said after a moment. “Prime numbah be like me-ornery and forspecial. It gotta be a numbah don’t newah divide even ’ceptin by one and its own-self. Two is prime, ’cause you can divide it by one an’ two, but it’s the only even numbah that’s prime. You c’n take out all the res’ dat’s even.”

“I’m lost,” Eddie said.

“That’s ’cause you just a stupid white boy,” Detta said, but not unkindly. She looked closely at the diamond shape a moment longer, then quickly began to touch the tip of the charcoal to all the even-numbered pads, leaving small black smudges on them.

“Three’s prime, but no product you git by multiplyin three can be prime,” she said, and now Roland heard an odd but wonderful thing: Detta was fading out of the woman’s voice; she was being replaced not by Odetta Holmes but by Susannah Dean. He would not have to bring her out of this trance; she was coming out of it on her own, quite naturally.

Susannah began using her charcoal to touch the multiples of three which were left now that the even numbers had been eliminated: nine, fifteen, twenty-one, and so on.

“Same with five and seven,” she murmured, and suddenly she was awake and all Susannah Dean again. “You just have to mark the odd ones like twenty-five that haven’t been crossed out already.” The diamond shape on the control box now looked like this:"There,” she said tiredly. “What’s left in the net are all the prime numbers between one and one hundred. I’m pretty sure that’s the combination that opens the gate.”


Eddie ignored Blame’s voice and threw his arms around Susannah. “Are you back, Suze? Are you awake?”

“Yes. I woke up in the middle of what she was saying, but I let her talk a little longer, anyway. It seemed impolite to interrupt.” She looked at Roland. “What do you say? Want to go for it?”


“Yes. You try the combination, Susannah. It’s your answer.”

She reached out toward the top of the diamond, but Jake put his hand over hers. “No,” he said. “This pump primes backward.’ Remember?””She looked startled, then smiled. “That’s right. Clever Blaine… and clever Jake, too.”

They watched in silence as she pushed each number in turn, starting with ninety-seven. There was a minute click as each pad locked down. There was no tension-filled pause after she touched the last button; the gate in the center of the barrier immediately began to slide up on its tracks, rattling harshly and showering down flakes of rust from somewhere high above as it went.



THREE HUMAN BEINGS (one carrying a fourth on his hip) and one small, furry animal ran through the opening in the barrier and sprinted toward Blaine the Mono. It stood humming in its narrow loading bay, half above the platform and half below it, looking like a giant cartridge-one which had been painted an incongruous shade of pink-lying in the open breech of a high-powered rifle. In the vastness of the Cradle, Roland and the others looked like mere moving specks. Above them, flocks of pigeons- now with only forty seconds to live-swooped and swirled beneath the Cradle’s ancient roof. As the travellers approached the mono, a curved section of its pink hull slid up, revealing a doorway. Beyond it was thick, pale blue carpeting.

“Welcome to Blaine,” a soothing voice said as they pelted aboard. They all recognized that voice; it was a slightly louder, slightly more confident version of Little Blaine. “Praise the Imperium! Please make sure your transit-card is available for collection and remember that false boarding is a serious crime punishable by law. We hope you enjoy your trip. Welcome to Blaine. Praise the Imperium! Please make sure your transit-card-”

The voice suddenly sped up, first becoming the chatter of a human chipmunk and then a high-pitched, gabbly whine. There was a brief electronic curse-BOOP!-and then it cut out entirely.