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The gun was knocked into the brush and Richards was on his back. The dog was on top of him, a big German shepherd with a generous streak of mongrel, lapping his face and drooling on his shirt. His tail flagged back and forth in vigorous semaphores of joy.

“Rolf! Hey Rolf! Rol-oh Gawd!” Richards caught an obscured glimpse of running legs in blue jeans, and then a small boy was dragging the dog away. “Jeez, I’m sorry, mister. Jeez, he don’t bite, he’s too dumb to bite, he’s just friendly, he ain’t… Gawd, ain’t you a mess! You get lost?”

The boy was holding Rolf by the collar and staring at Richards with frank interest. He was a good-looking boy, well made, perhaps eleven, and there was none of the pale and patched inner city look on his face. There was something suspicious and alien in his features, yet familiar also. After a moment Richards placed it. It was innocence.

“Yes,” he said dryly. “I got lost.”

“Gee, you sure must have fallen around some.”

“That I did, pal. You want to take a close look at my face and see if it’s scratched up very badly? I can’t see it, you know.”

The boy leaned forward obediently and scanned Richards’s face. No sign of recognition flickered there. Richards was satisfied.

“It’s all burr-caught,” the boy said (there was a delicate New England twang in his voice; not exactly Down East, but lightly springy, sardonic), “but you’ll live.” His brow furrowed. “You escaped from Thomaston? I know you ain’t from Pineland cause you don’t look like a retard.”

“I’m not escaped from anywhere,” Richards said, wondering if that was a lie or the truth. “I was hitchhiking. Bad habit, pal. You never do it, do you?”

“No way,” the boy said earnestly. “There’s crazy dudes running the roads these days. That’s what my dad says.”

“He’s right,” Richards said. “But I just had to get to… uh…” He snapped his fingers in a pantomime of it-just-slipped-my-mind. “You know, jetport.”

“You must mean Voigt Field.”

“That’s it.”

“Jeez, that’s over a hundred miles from here, mister. In Derry.”

“I know,” Richards said ruefully, and ran a hand over Rolf s fur. The dog rolled over obligingly and played dead. Richards fought an urge to utter a morbid chuckle. “I picked up a ride at the New Hampshire border with these three maggots. Real tough guys. They beat me up, stole my wallet and dumped me at some deserted shopping center-”

“Yeah, I know that place. Cripes, you wanna come down to the house and have some breakfast?”

“I’d like to, bucko, but time’s wasting. I have to get to that jetport by tonight.”

“You going to hitch another lift?” The boy’s eyes were round.

“Got to.” Richards started to get up, then settled back as if a great idea had struck him. “Listen, do me a favor?”

“I guess so,” the boy said cautiously.

Richards took out the two exposed tape-clips. “These are chargeplate cash vouchers,” he said glibly. “If you drop them in a mailbox for me, my company will have a lump of cash waiting for me in Derry. Then I’ll be on my merry way.”

“Even without an address?”

“These go direct,” Richards said.

“Sure. Okay. There’s a mailbox down at Jarrold’s Store.” He got up, his inexperienced face unable to disguise the fact that he thought Richards was lying in his teeth. “Come on, Rolf.”

He let the boy get fifteen feet and then said: “No. Come here again.”

The boy turned and came back with his feet dragging. There was dread on his face. Of course, there were enough holes in Richards’s story to drive a truck through.

“I’ve got to tell you everything, I guess,” Richards said. “I was telling you the truth about most of it, pal. But I didn’t want to risk the chance that you might blab.”

The morning October sun was wonderfully warm on his back and neck and he wished he could stay on the hill all day, and sleep sweetly in fall’s fugitive warmth.

He pulled the gun from where it had fallen and let it lie loosely on the grass. The boy’s eyes went wide.

“Government,” Richards said quietly.

“Jee-zus!” The boy whispered. Rolf sat beside him, his pink tongue lolling rakishly from the side of his mouth.

“I’m after some pretty hard guys, kid. You can see that they worked me over pretty well. Those clips you got there have got to get through.”

“I’ll mail em,” the boy said breathlessly. “Jeez, wait’ll I tell-”

“Nobody,” Richards said. “Tell nobody for twenty-four hours. There might be reprisals,” he added ominously. “So until tomorrow this time, you never saw me. Understand?”

“Yeah! Sure!”

“Then get on it. And thanks, pal.” He held out his hand and the boy shook it awefully.

Richards watched them trot down the hill, a boy in a red plaid shirt with his dog crashing joyfully through the golden-rod beside him. Why can’t my Cathy have something like that?

His face twisted into a terrifying and wholly unconscious grimace of rage and hate, and he might have cursed God Himself if a better target had not interposed itself on the dark screen of his mind: the Games Federation. And behind that, like the shadow of a darker god, the Network.

He watched until he saw the boy, made tiny with distance, drop the tapes into the mailbox.

Then he got up stiffly, propping his crutch under him, and crashed back into the brush, angling toward the road.

The jetport, then. And maybe someone else would pay some dues before it was all over.


He had seen an intersection a mile back and Richards left the woods there, making his way awkwardly down the gravel bank between the woods and the road.

He sat there like a man who has given up trying to hook a ride and has decided to enjoy the warm autumn sun instead. He let the first two cars go by; both of them held two men, and he figured the odds were too high.

But when the third one approached the stop sign, he got up. The closing-in feeling was back. This whole area had to be hot, no matter how far Parrakis had gotten. The next car could be police, and that would be the ballgame.

It was a woman in the car, and she was alone. She would not look at him; hitchhikers were distasteful and thus to be ignored. He ripped the passenger door open end was in even as the car was accelerating again. He was picked up and thrown sideways, one hand holding desperately onto the doorjam, his good foot dragging.

The thumping hiss of brakes; the air car swerved wildly. “What-who-you can’t-

Richards pointed the gun at her, knowing he must look grotesque close up, like a man who had been run through a meat grinder. The fierce image would work for him. He dragged his foot in and slammed the door, gun never swerving. She was dressed for town, and wore blue wraparound sunglasses. Good looking from what he could see.

“Wheel it,” Richards said.

She did the predictable; slammed both feet on the brake and screamed. Richards was thrown forward, his bad ankle scraping excruciatingly. The air car juddered to a stop on the shoulder, fifty feet beyond the intersection.

“You’re that… you’re… R-R-R-”

“Ben Richards. Take your hands off the wheel. Put them in your lap.

She did it, shuddering convulsively. She would not look at him. Afraid, Richards supposed, that she would be turned to stone.

“What’s your name, ma'am?”

“A-Amelia Williams. Don’t shoot me. Don’t kill me. I… I… you can have my money only for God sake don’t kill meeeeeeee-”

Shhhhh,” Richards said soothingly. “Shhhhh, shhhhhh.” When she had quieted a little he said: “I won’t try to change your mind about me, Mrs. Williams. Is it Mrs.?”

“Yes,” she said automatically.

“But I have no intention of harming you. Do you understand that?”

“Yes,” she said, suddenly eager. “You want the car. They got your friend and now you need a car. You can take it-it’s insured-I won’t even tell. I swear I won’t. I’ll say someone stole it in the parking lot-”