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Hunter’s head lifted at that. “What do you mean?”

Abbie worked the lump down her throat, recalling how she’d planned to give that information to Gwen in exchange for Gwen helping her mother. “Mom told Tatum when she was coming awake in recovery from a procedure two years ago at Kore she could hear a woman scream, ‘No, you can’t take my baby, I won’t let you… my father is Peter-’ then silence.”

“That’s not conclusive.”

She agreed but noted that Hunter hadn’t scoffed either. “But Dr. Tatum says he has some kind of evidence that will support what Mom had told him.”

“Such as?”

“Don’t know. He said if I got the information on Mom and that information corroborated what he had in hand on the Wentworths he’d give me the evidence and tell me the rest of the story so I could blow it wide open. I could help other women in the same situation.”

“What exactly would that situation be?”

“Tatum believes Kore is holding something over my mother, some kind of blackmail. He thinks they have the same power over Gwen.” She sat back, zapped of energy. “I’ve told you what I know-”

“Not all of it. What was Gwen saying to you right before she was shot?”

Abbie squinted in thought. She rubbed her forehead, replaying those last tense seconds leading up to Gwen’s shooting, which she’d tried to forget. “Let’s see… told her I knew about secret tests… and I’d release the information if I didn’t get what I needed for my mother. She said if I did they’d kill me and her-”

“Who would?”

“The Fras… or maybe she said friars.” She replayed the words again in her head. “No, Gwen said Fras. I have no idea who or what that is.”

Hunter kept his thoughts hidden, not letting on that he knew what a Fra was. Abbie had walked into the middle of a pit of vipers and shown them her jugular. The original target might have been Gwen, but if Gwen shared her and Abbie’s conversation with anyone connected to the Fratelli the crosshairs would adjust to target Abbie’s head.

His thoughts jumped back to Gwen being shot.

Why hadn’t the sniper taken a head shot? The shooter hadn’t missed and knew she’d be outside. And why had Gwen left the safety of her house without a guard? “Whose idea was it for you to meet Gwen outside to talk? Yours or Gwen’s?”

Abbie cocked her head at the change in the direction of his questions. “Mine. Dr. Tatum told me I had to get Gwen outside to talk, that the house would be so wired with security and listening devices she wouldn’t be honest with me inside.”

That didn’t track. He doubted the entire Wentworth house would be wired that way, and Gwen would know where she could talk privately indoors.

Hunter’s suspicion swung to Tatum now.

Had the doctor been in on the shooting? Why else would the sniper have known to expect Gwen outside? She had a private patio with heating. If he knew she would be drawn outside to talk her private patio would be an easy guess on a chilly night.

“That’s all I know.” Abbie slumped in the chair, the down jacket billowing around her. As warm as it was inside, she still had to be cold not to have shed that. “I did my part, now you have to get me inside the Kore center.”

Like hell. The last place she needed to go would be out in public anywhere. “Can’t do it, Abbie. I’ll pull everything I can find on your mother and bring it to you.”

“I told you that you can’t get a thing without me.”

“Yes, I can.” He had six minutes left to contact Joe, and the good news? He’d come up with a viable plan for entering the complex that didn’t require covert insertion, but once he was inside he’d have to find a way to access the files. That would be one of those make-it-up-as-he-went plans he hated.

That had been Eliot’s area of expertise.

Abbie wasn’t arguing.

That should worry Hunter. He didn’t want this conversation popping up again, so he finished with, “I’m trained to do this. You aren’t. In fact, you’d be a liability.”

“You’re not listening. You can get inside the center, but I am the key to getting the information.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “You’ve got thirty seconds to convince me.”

She frowned but didn’t waste time scrapping with him. “Dr. Tatum said the only way to access family records was by having a prior patient checked into the facility. On top of that, a staff member has to enter a code that changes daily.”

“I’m not willing to involve your mother in her condition.”

“Me either, but I’m not talking about her. I was born at Kore. I’m a prior patient of the clinic and I have rare blood. All qualifications to be admitted for testing.” She took a steady breath, but the vein in her neck jumped with her rapid pulse. “You obviously need something from the Kore center and must have skills to hack through computer files. You get me in there and I can gain you access to the database. There’s one more step to accessing the database that requires my presence, but I’m not sharing why or how until you agree. Get me inside, then you can do your James Bond impression.”

Good God. Hunter checked his watch. Less than two minutes to contact Joe.

And he hadn’t thought this could get any more fucked up.

Chapter Twenty-three

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Hunter waited for Abbie to go upstairs to take a bath, then made sure the house was locked and all alarms were on.

He’d figure a way around taking her with him.

She would tell him the last part of how to access the database by tonight.

Borys shoved a bowl of jambalaya at Hunter with a bottle of water, grumbling that he had no appreciation for his talents in the kitchen when he stalked off. Hunter locked the office door before setting up the videoconference connection with BAD again.

This time, Gotthard came on and had him wait until he’d routed Joe and Retter’s computers into the conference since the other two were off-site.

All three faces appeared in boxes on Hunter’s monitor.

“I have a solid plan for inserting into the Kore center and accessing the records by Friday morning,” Hunter stated, opening the conference. “I’ll offer a sizeable donation to the Kore Women’s Center based on reviewing the facility in person. It’s good timing after having just attended the fund-raiser. Let them think the donation is motivated by sympathy for Gwen. Once I’ve toured the facility I’ll find a way to insert later that night.”

“What about getting into the database?” Joe asked.

“The quickest access is through patient files, but that’s only available while the patient is physically on the premises and checked into the system,” Hunter explained. “It’s a dual access that requires a staff member’s code, and that changes daily. I’ll breach the employee files to find out how they receive their individual daily code, then locate a current patient to tap their information.”

That sounded so simple. It wasn’t. Gotthard was the only one who might question Hunter for more specifics, but he didn’t.

“How you going to get around after hours?” Gotthard had asked the question, but Hunter knew his friend was voicing what he’d expect Joe or Retter to be thinking.

“There are men in the genetic testing center.” Hunter caught a whisper of surprise in Retter and Joe’s faces.

Surprise or suspicion?

Hunter had no idea if there was an area for men or not, but Abbie had said a former patient could come in. Why couldn’t a former male patient come in? The Fratelli were a male-dominated organization. Seemed highly possible that Wentworth would have a private area where no one would see the men come and go. Would Joe go for his plan? Depended on how much time they had. “Any word from our contact?”

“Yes,” Gotthard answered. “Vestavia passed out packages to three operatives with maps noting major cities that could possibly be attacked, at least sixty, but only one will be the actual target. The contact thinks Vestavia is preparing in a defensive manner because Fra Bardaric in the UK is driving this mission. The three packages included contact information for explosives experts Vestavia’s team would coordinate with, so we’re dealing with a bomb situation. The contact was told to be ready to act as early as Saturday, coinciding with our speculations. We don’t have as much time as we thought.”