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Nothing moved, not even the tiny candles hung on a stained glass screen. The tea lights offered just enough visibility for her to move around without falling into the pool, the surface of which lay still as a sheet of glass illuminated from below. Burgundy and yellow wicker furniture with bloated cushions covered in a sunflower pattern sat around the pool as if posed for a magazine shoot.

“You arrrived here faster than I expected.”

Abbie whirled, hand on her chest. “You scared me to death.”

Gwen stood in a shadowed corner. “Seems only fair since you weren’t exactly subtle in the ballroom.”

“I don’t have time to be subtle.”

“So you say.” Gwen continued in a rich voice Abbie recognized as cultivated to sound both exquisitely feminine and professional. Her creamy skin and smooth cheeks were taut with stress lines, her eyes searching everywhere.

Abbie waited in silence.

Gwen had to make the next move, before Abbie said another incriminating word.

When the heiress lowered herself to a wicker chair next to a glass table, Abbie took the chair that faced Gwen and the grounds beyond the patio. She drew a breath, preparing to gamble her future and very likely her freedom.

Gwen held up a finger. “First, I want the truth about why you’re here.”

“I told you. I found out the real reason my mother has been going to the Kore Women’s Center every year and about the experiments going on there.” Abbie’s heart pounded loud as an angry fist on a door.

Dr. Tatum had warned her not to speak to Gwen inside the house where her conversation might be caught by electronic listening devices. She had to make Gwen believe they had to meet somewhere private outside.

Gwen sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Any facility like Kore has a research division.”

“Not like Kore’s. I know about what happened to women like my mother. Fertile women with rare blood.”

Gwen didn’t say anything for several seconds. “What do you think you know?”

“I know about the scam,” Abbie started. “The Kore Women’s Center convinces unsuspecting women to come in for free tests and lab work, then they use that information to vet potential candidates to be blackmailed into their secret program.”

Gwen’s eyes widened with each word. Her skin rivaled her white dress for lack of color. She visibly struggled for control, then regained it quickly. “You do realize how absurd that sounds.”

“You think I’d be stupid enough to come here without evidence?” Abbie had bluffed her way into a lot of situations, such as getting her first chance in the news business, but the line of hooey she’d just handed Gwen took the prize. She didn’t have anything more than a belief in the doctor who had cared for all the women in her family for over twenty years. Time to start negotiations. “If you help me, I won’t incriminate you in any way. But if you don’t help me, I’m going to expose everything I have on the Kore Women’s Center-and the Wentworths-to the world and let the chips fall where they will.”

Gwen sat so still she seemed mummified, then she shook her head, speaking in a whisper. “You can’t do that.”

“I can and will do that. My mother was perfectly healthy until she entered your clinic ten days ago. Now she’s dying. You help me or I’ll find a way to shut down the clinic. I don’t care how much propaganda you put out about helping other women.”

“We do help women. We-”

“Save it for someone who believes you.” Abbie figured she had very little time before someone came hunting for Gwen and ended her meeting. “I have years of documentation for her visits and blood donations. My mother’s doctor may have believed the bogus medical records Kore sent in response to his inquiries, but I now have proof of what you’re hiding and I’ll use it if that’s the only way to find out what happened to my mother.”

“You don’t have any idea of the repercussions of what you’re threatening.”

True, but that had never stopped Abbie before once she had her mind made up.

Dr. Tatum had shared everything he knew, but he didn’t know what had compelled Abbie’s mother to make annual trips to give blood at the Kore clinic for the past thirty-two years-starting two years before Abbie was born. She planned to find out. Her mother’s rare H-1 blood had to be part of the reason, but whatever test-or treatment-they did during the last visit had caused her mother’s spleen to fail.

Other doctors had concurred with Tatum, who said he’d never heard of a healthy spleen deteriorating so quickly with no clear reason. It had damaged her mother’s liver. At the rate she was going, she’d need a liver transplant soon. An unrealistic expectation with her rare genetic profile.

Abbie had the same rare blood but the RH didn’t match. Her sisters both had normal type-O blood. If she could determine the root of her mother’s illness Dr. Tatum might have a chance at slowing the progression until he figured out a cure.

“I have people willing to back me, so I won’t be alone in dealing with repercussions,” Abbie added. Did the lies get any bigger than that one? If Gwen called her bluff Abbie would find herself fighting a Wentworth lawsuit alone.

“You shouldn’t have involved anyone else.” Gwen’s eyes took in everything around them, jumping as fast as her short breaths. She swallowed hard and leaned forward, grasping the chair arms with finely shaped fingers. What would terrify an heiress of a family as powerful as the Wentworths? Gwen lowered her voice. “Listen to me. Leave here and promise not to mention a word of this conversation and I won’t say a word either.”

Not a chance in hell. “And if I don’t?”

“They’ll kill you… and me.”

Chapter Eight

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Hunter signaled Carlos on his way to the front entrance then waited while Carlos diverted the exterior security force to one side to inspect a suspicious duffel bag. The one Korbin had planted earlier after parking the limo.

With security diverted, Hunter slipped soundlessly around the dark corner of the mansion. Cold penetrated his tux, but he welcomed the fresh air after being inside with so many people.

He lifted a night-vision monocular from inside his coat pocket and slipped it on.

If Linette made the drop where she’d indicated in her last message, he’d find a faux lipstick tube containing the USB key outside a bathroom window on the west side. The tube had a tiny infrared LED light on one end.

The latest in female accessories for the discerning spy.

BAD believed she’d created the device herself. Pretty sharp even for a genius since she had little freedom of movement.

Guess he’d find out soon enough if she could be trusted.

There it was in the middle of a bush, glowing bright as a hundred-watt bulb through the monocular. The poor placement-dangling in the bush-actually gave Hunter a measure of relief. Linette wasn’t a trained operative or she’d have made sure the unit reached the ground when she shoved it through the slit in the screen covering the window.

Hunter flattened his palm, fingers straight, and slid his hand into the center of the evergreen bush.

Out of habit, he made a scan of the grounds. A maze of gardens and walkways led through clusters of yew trees that partially hid the twelve-foot-tall brick-and-stone wall surrounding the premises.

BAD’s intelligence indicated sensors covered the top ledge.

No reason for security to guard the wall since the sensors were linked into a continual loop. Any break in the signal would send an alarm. Sensors detected movement up to twenty feet above the wall, allowing for animals up to the size of a hawk to cross over.

But the body moving through the sprawling limbs of a tree on this side of the wall was no bird.