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"Yes. No one was exactly grieving. Mostly because they're superficial. But in T's case and Q's, there was anger. 'Ding dong the bitch is dead,' that kind of thing. Then T started going off on Marty, blaming him for it, saying he was going to call in an anonymous tip to the police and name Marty. Everyone thought that was a great idea. Then everyone lit up and the air started stinking of weed and I wanted out of there but I waited until they were gone, then took out my cell and texted Garret and he called his grandfather and he called the Mendozas. They decided they needed to keep Marty safe until it became clear if those threats were real. Mrs. Mendoza packed up a suitcase and drove Marty to Garret's."

"You texted Garret first because you and he are friends."

"I already told you: The concept of friendship is alien to me. I knew him from surfing. He surfs at County Line and I do, too, because the waves are usually good and I can just drive over the canyon from here." Second smile of the day. "Bet you didn't see me as a surfer. I can't play ball worth shit and I spaz out in basketball but on a board my balance is pretty good."

"You're full of surprises, Charlie."

"Going to put that in your letter?"

"Am I writing a letter?"

"Far as I'm concerned, there's no need. The entire process is utterly absurd, not to mention corrupt and despicable. Look where it led."

"Bad people can turn anything rotten."

"The system's rotten," he said. "The haves keep getting more, the have-nots keep getting ripped off. Don't think I'm a socialist or an anarchist-any kind of ist. Those systems inevitably sink into corruption, as well. I just work at seeing things the way they are."

We walked some more.

I said, "What made you decide T and Q might be guilty themselves?"

"My long-term analysis of their personalities plus the anger-rage, really-that I heard in their voices when they were discussing Ms. Freeman. It all made sense, when you knew about the SAT scam."

"Did everyone at Prep know?"

"I can't speak for everyone, but anyone with a brain in their head had to know. T getting a 1580? Q pulling 1520? That's about as likely as me dating a supermodel."

"So you suspected them, but didn't want to go to your father."

"He's the last person I'd go to. All he'd care about is how it impacted my application."

"Instead you called in those anonymous tips."

Silence. "That was cowardly, wasn't it?"

"The first one was kind of abstract, Charlie. Three dates."

"Abstract as in useless," he said. "No one figured it out."

"We did," I said. "And it led to everything else that followed. Your spelling it out on the second tip was a nice boost."

"We couldn't hide Marty forever and no one was getting anywhere. I knew I'd been too oblique the first time. How'd you know it was me?"

"The second time you phoned Lieutenant Sturgis's cell directly. Only insiders have that. As in your dad. More important, that phone registers caller I.D."

He slapped his forehead. "Oh, brilliant. Put that in the letter: Charlie has trouble with basic logic."

"If you feel like flogging yourself, that's fine. But the truth is you did the right thing and you were the only one at Prep who did."

"Big deal, it was too little, too late." He rotated a finger. "Whoopee-doo."

"Okay," I said. "Good luck."

"That's it?"

"Unless there's something else you want to say."

"No, I guess not… are you going to write the letter?"

"If you want me to."

"Can I think about that?"

"When's the application deadline?"

"Couple of weeks."

"Give me a day or two's notice."

"Okay." Shooting out a spindly, dry hand. "Sorry if I'm being a butt. Things are just weird and all."

The merest hint of shrink-talk would necessitate teenage sarcasm.

I said, "You'll get over it."


One week later, I received an email, posted at two a.m.

dr delaware, it's me, you probably won't see this until tomorrow. if you still think it's appropriate, you can do it. either way, it's okay. thanks.

In late December, I received a follow-up, also sent during the early-morning hours:

dr delaware, it's me. due to profound and alarming lack of judgment on the part of the yale admissions committee, i got in. i'm deferring for at least a year, going to try a seminary in ohio. there was some turmoil which was to be expected. but i'm holding fast.


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JONATHAN KELLERMAN is one of the world's most popular authors. He has brought his expertise as a clinical psychologist to more than thirty bestselling crime novels, including the Alex Delaware series, The Butcher's Theater, Billy Straight, The Conspiracy Club, Twisted, and True Detectives. With his wife, the novelist Faye Kellerman, he coauthored the bestsellers Double Homicide and Capital Crimes. He is the author of numerous essays, short stories, scientific articles, two children's books, and three volumes of psychology, including Savage Spawn: Reflections on Violent Children, as well as the lavishly illustrated With Strings Attached: The Art and Beauty of Vintage Guitars. He has won the Goldwyn, Edgar, and Anthony awards and has been nominated for a Shamus Award. Jonathan and Faye Kellerman live in California and New Mexico. Their four children include the novelists Jesse Kellerman and Aliza Kellerman.

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