The Iron Wars
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Monarchies of God

Страниц: 56
Символов: 361515
ID: 126732
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 2 декабря 2010 08:17


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The Kingdom of Hebrion has been thrown into turmoil, following its release from the clutches of the Church. Its capital in ruins, its king in a coma, Isolla, Abeleyn's bride-to-be, and Jemilla, his scheming mistress, step into the power vacuum. Both are intent on taking control of Hebrion for themselves and a fierce power struggle ensues. To further complicate things, the explorer Richard Hawkwood returns to Hebrion with news of a new continent in the west and something terrible lurking in his ship's hold. This third book in the series continues the acclaimed saga of politics and religion in a world rife with magic, terror and war.

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