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“Do you know his name?”

“N-no,” Levi said. “Only…”

“Only what?” He hardened his voice, letting the old souse know he was treading on thin ice. When he didn’t get an immediate answer, he leaned down with his knife, grabbed the shoulder strap of Asher’s undershirt, and slit it clean through.

The man whimpered, and Creed figured he had another Boy Scout badge coming for this one.

“Wh-where he lives,” Asher confessed, a gasping, high-pitched whine in his voice. “I-I know where he lives.”

Very, very good information.

“Tell me.”

Levi looked up at him from where he was cringing on the floor, and despite still looking pathetic, there was a definite change in his gaze.

“W-we should make a deal. This man has a statue, a sphinx, old, priceless, worth-”

“No deal,” Creed said, cutting him off. Yeah, that’s what this whole damn deal was about, some damn statue. “Tell me where this guy lives while you still have a tongue in your mouth. Comprendes?”

“No, no. There’s money, I tell you, mill-”

Creed was done with the weasel. With one move, he hauled the old man to his feet and shoved his head down into the sink. Then he turned on the water, the cold water. Geezus. Creed wouldn’t have given somebody the time of day for running cold water on his head, but he knew his man, and old Levi Asher rolled over because his hair was getting wet.

He spluttered and choked and said something, and Creed turned off the water.

“What was that?”

“Costa,” Levi repeated, spitting water into the sink. “Costa del Rey That’s where this guy lives.”

And that pretty much clinched the Twilight Zone for Creed. Oh, yeah, this mission was headed there at light speed. Conroy Farrel had the magic statue and was gunning for Suzi Toussi.

Leaning heavily on the bathroom counter, barely holding himself up, Levi watched the man leave the suite. Thank God. He needed to call Gervais. He couldn’t be alone. This was awful. The whole night was awful.

My God, his room had been broken into twice, and he’d been roughed up, and manhandled, and practically tortured.

He looked down at himself. He was drenched.

A small hiccup escaped him.

He was doomed. All his work had been for nothing.

He wiped his hand over his face. He probably needed another drink. His nerves were shot.

Step by shaky, trembling step, he eased his way out the bathroom door and toward the bedroom. He always kept a bottle of whiskey by the bed, just in case he needed a little swig in the middle of the night. He had trouble sleeping, but nobody seemed to care.

My God.

That man-with the big knife and fierce, heartless gaze, that wild man with the long blond hair and the iron grip had practically lifted him straight off his feet from the floor.

Battle of the Titans, that’s what was going to happen up at Costa del Rey with the Memphis Sphinx in the middle of it. How in the world was he supposed to come out ahead in a ruckus like that?

My God. It was going to be brutal, epic, and Suzi was going to be worthless.

And Gervais? Did he dare send him up the river in the morning as planned? Was there any hope?

Gervais didn’t know about the brutes. Was it possible to send someone into a melee, completely unaware, and have them come out on top with the goods?


Gervais certainly wouldn’t go upriver if Levi told him about the men set to go mano a mano. The man wasn’t that devoted. In fact, he wasn’t devoted at all. He worked for his money, the same way Levi did, and there was a lot of money at stake in this damn country-twenty million dollars to be exact. If Levi could get the Sphinx, and if Suzi survived, it was certainly possible to squeeze the name of her buyer out of her. He had no doubts about that. He was good with women.

He finally made it to the bed and flopped down onto it. He was so exhausted, he probably didn’t need the extra booze. He would probably fall asleep like a log any minute now.

Rolling over onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling and just tried to relax and catch his breath. Ciudad del Este was everything he’d been told and more, violent and crime-ridden and lawless, a cesspool. Good God, he couldn’t wait to get out of here.

He’d forgotten to call Gervais, he remembered, and he would, in a minute, but he was starting to drift just a bit, and it felt so good, he decided to just keep drifting…

“Good morning, asshole.”

He awoke with a start, harsh words in his ear, and a hand around his throat.

“This is your wake-up call.”

Levi stared, panic-stricken and wide-eyed, into the fiercely dark-eyed gaze of the reporter.

“D-danny Kane,” he stammered, feeling the man’s hand squeeze tighter and tighter around his throat. “Pul-lease.”

“Where is she?” the man demanded to know, and Levi didn’t have to ask who.

He let out a small choking sound, and Danny Kane lightened his grip ever so slightly.

“I know you had a deal with her for this morning, and I want to know what, you sonuvabitch,” Danny Kane’s voice was low, and gruff, and mean, like he wanted to know what very much, indeed.

Levi hated this place.

And he hated this damn room.

And he suddenly felt very guilty about Suzi Toussi, but she was the one who’d begged him to get in on his deal. She was the one who’d wanted to help-and really, on second thought, it wasn’t his fault that she had all these over-testosteroned brutes ready to tear him limb from limb in order to get to her. She’d gotten herself down to Ciudad del Este all on her own.

She’d done this to herself, not him, and she was dragging him down with her.

It simply had to stop.

“Costa del Rey” he said as clearly and succinctly as he could with some behemoth practically strangling him. Who were these guys? he wondered, and why did Suzi Toussi know so many of them? It was crazy. “That’s where she was going for me this morning, to bargain for the Memphis Sphinx, the Maned Sphinx of Sesostris III. That’s where it is.” He couldn’t protect her anymore. He’d done his best, but now the truth must out. “Costa del Rey is up the Paraná River, north of Ciudad del Este, on a tributary called the Rio Tambo. I don’t know exactly where that is, but I’m sure it’s on a map and that you can find it. You look like a guy who’s good with maps.” All brawny and tan from being outside. “And if you care for Suzi at all, you will find it, because two other guys are already trying to catch her, for God only knows what reasons, and they all seem to be heading there-Costa del Rey” He enunciated the words very carefully. He was done. He didn’t want any more encounters involving the Sphinx. He was handing off the problem.

Danny Kane released him, and he fell back onto the bed.

“What two guys?” Mr. Kane’s voice was still plenty mean, but Levi didn’t care anymore. He was getting used to being abused.

“The last man in here had long blond hair and a big knife, and I gave him your name and suggested the Posada Plaza as a good place to look for her.” His mind was so clear now that he’d made his decision. He was leaving, getting out of here, immediately, today, this morning.

“You asshole.” Danny Kane looked like he could chew nails-and he probably could.

“Be that as it may.” Levi was beyond being offended. “But I told the first guy the same thing, to look for her at the Posada Plaza. He was big, dark-haired, forceful, without actually strangling a person, and he had a nice voice-much nicer than yours-I gave him your name, too. So I’m guessing if they don’t find Suzi, they’ll both come looking for you.” Fair game as far as Levi was concerned. His neck hurt from being squeezed and rattled around. “I’m guessing it’ll be an even match, with all three of you going hand to hand, or whatever it is guys like you do.“

He didn’t care. Good God, the Maned Sphinx of Sesostris III finally shows up on the world stage, and there was just no getting to it.