Wrath of the Lion
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Wrath of the Lion


Sean Dillon

Страниц: 42
Символов: 260252
ID: 126621
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Создана 2 декабря 2010 07:55


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At the height of the Cold War, a renegade submarine threatens to ignite Europe in all-out war. The French submarine L'Alouette prowls deep beneath the surface of the North Atlantic, its crew members eager to spill blood in the service of their frenzied nationalism -- regardless of the cost. And only one man can stop them. That man is Neil Mallory, former lieutenant colonel of the British Special Air Services and Korean War hero. Can Mallory and his team find and destroy L'Alouette before it shatters Europe's fragile peace?  "Jack Higgins is the master." -Tom Clancy Jack Higgins is the New York Times bestselling author of more than sixty thrillers that have sold over 250 million copies worldwide, including The Eagle Has Landed and The Wolf at the Door. Before beginning his writing career, Higgins served in the British Army along the East German border. He lives in the Channel Islands. 

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