The White House Connection
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The White House Connection


Sean Dillon

Страниц: 52
Символов: 324732
ID: 126620
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1999
Создана 2 декабря 2010 07:55


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The master of intrigue and suspense reunites the unforgettable team of his smash bestseller The President's Daughter to stop an unidentified assassin -- a woman who walks the streets of Manhattan, stalking the members of a secret political organization...and killing them, one by one.

New York: Late at night, the rain pouring down, a well-dressed woman in her sixties stands in a doorway, a gun in her purse, waiting for a Senator to come home.

Washington, D.C.: The phone rings on the desk of Blake Johnson, head of the White House department known as The Basement. The President wants him now.

London: The Prime Minister sits thinking of Sean Dillon, the one-time terrorist, now his most effective, if not exactly trusted, operative. It'll have to be Dillon, he thinks. There's no one else.

Someone is killing off the members of a splinter group known as the Sons of Erin, normally not a cause for much concern, but the consequences are much greater than anyone realizes. For in these actions lie the seeds of disaster: the fall of two governments, the derailing of the Irish peace process. Dillon and Johnson must stop this unknown assassin, the heads of state agree, quickly, quietly, before all hell breaks loose.

. . . But they may already be too late. For in the Manhattan night, the silver-haired woman smiles, adjusts her rain hat more snugly on her head, and steps out into the street. Four down, she thinks.

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