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“It still creeps me out. I mean, I still can’t believe it. You couldn’t meet anyone sweeter than Robin, I swear. Her hooking up with Fox in the first place was the craziest thing, I’m telling you. It was like some kind of weird fantasy. When he got arrested for killing those two women, Robin literally threw up. Literally. She’d slept with this guy for something like three months. I mean, I’m not pretending she was some kind of saint or anything. I’m not saying that. She had her thing.”

“Her thing?”

“Sex. Robin had a healthy sex life. Normally healthy. Not a freaky sex life, like they tried to say during the trial. She was a healthy American girl living in New York City in the twenty-first century, hello? You don’t go out and slaughter a person just because she wasn’t a virgin.”

“Is that your theory? That someone killed Robin because they were disgusted with what they considered an immoral lifestyle?”

“God, I don’t know. I’m just thinking out loud. Who can get into the mind of a freak? She was a good person. She was a good Quaker. It’s Robin who got me into the whole Quaker thing. She brought me along one day, and I really enjoyed it. You don’t have to sign up or anything like that. That’s part of what’s so cool about it. They accept you however you are.”

I spotted Edward Anger over by the sweets table. “What about him?” I said.

She followed my gaze. “Edward? What about him?”

“I understand he kept in touch with Robin while she was holing up.”

“Sure. He called her now and then. I think he went over to see her a few times. Checked up on her.”

“Any Quaker queasiness on his part about Robin being caught up in this whole Fox thing?”

Michelle laughed. “Oh, you mean like a scandal? No way. I just told you, the Quakers are very cool people. They’ve got that whole thee and thou rap, but come on, have you ever been to a Catholic church? I’ll take thee and thou over smite and hellfire any day.”

“Mr. Anger was quite eloquent,” I said.

“Oh, sure. Edward can’t say ‘good morning’ without turning it into a beautiful speech. That’s just the way he is.”

I let it drop. “Did Robin ever talk to you about Zachary Riddick? I remember seeing some of her testimony. Riddick did a real sleaze number on her.”

Michelle rolled her eyes. “No kidding. I was right there in the courtroom when he started up with that crap. Robin asked if I could be there for moral support on the days she was testifying. Were you watching the day he actually hit on her right there on the stand? Unbelievable. This is a defense attorney? The man is cross-examining the witness and he’s practically reaching a hand up her dress. I don’t mean literally. But really, he might as well have been. Robin told me afterward that was exactly how she felt up there. It was disgusting. Explain to me what is the relevance of a witness’s personal life, anyway. That whole thing was so disgusting, what they did to her. Fox is the one who seduced her, not vice versa. He’s the one with the reputation. But Riddick was trying to make Robin out as the aggressor. Like she was some sort of slut. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

“I know he was,” I said. “He was wrapping his whole defense around the fact that Fox and his wife got back together once he’d managed to free himself of all these wanton women who’d been taking pieces of him just because he was a celebrity down in the dumps. Riddick was just trying to find the angle to make the guy look wholesome.”

Michelle exploded. “He murdered two women! What the hell kind of wholesome is that?”

Heads turned our way. Tears had leaped to Michelle’s eyes, and she wiped at them angrily with the back of her hand. “I’m sorry, but he was a real freakazoid. I mean, Riddick. Fox, too. But Riddick. Do you want to know what he did?” She dabbed at her eyes with the back of her wrist. “When he was getting ready to put Robin on the stand, he called me into his office. I don’t know why I went. It was a stupid thing to do. But I don’t know how these things work. I thought, Anything I can do to help Robin. I got there, and he tried to get me to give him dirt on her. On Robin. I couldn’t believe it. But here’s the thing. He’d actually investigated me. He started telling me about stuff I’d done, he had a list with some of the men I’d dated, stuff like that. Like I was relevant to any of this? There was this one guy I’d gone out with just a couple of times, but there really weren’t any sparks. Riddick had dug this up. We hooked up with Robin one night, and there was actually some chemistry between them. Things were already fizzling with us, and he called up Robin and asked her out. Robin checked with me first. There’s no way she would have gone out with him if it had bothered me, but I could’ve cared less. I told her to go for it. They dated a bit. I think they slept together a few times. And it ended. Nothing to it. Life in the city.”

“But Riddick was trying to pump it up?”

“You bet. He kept trying to get me to say that I was secretly pissed off at her, that she was sexually aggressive and was a man-eater and all this crap. I told him to go to hell.”

“It’s an old ploy,” I said. “Lawyers try that move all the time.”

“Well, here’s the thing. While I was in his office? He came on to me. Big-time. It was just like he did with Robin when she was on the stand. The guy’s digging into my sexual history, and I don’t know, I guess it gets him all turned on. For some reason, he thinks he’s God’s gift to women. But I can tell you, he was no gift to me. I probably should have contacted some lawyers’ association or something. That couldn’t have been ethical, what he was pulling. You know what his basic move was? He started telling me what I looked like. I mean, like, describing me in detail. To me. As if I don’t know what I look like? Maybe he thought he was coming off as complimentary and sexy, but no way. I couldn’t wait to get out of that place. Then two days later, I was at a café near where I live. A place I always go. And there he was, just sitting there. Like he was waiting for me. With this big smile on his face.”

“Are you saying he was stalking you?”

“I don’t know. But it happened another time, too. I saw him on the subway platform. I mean, I guess it could have been a coincidence. But it was so soon after seeing him in the café. And there was that smug look on his face again. He started to come down the platform, but the subway pulled in right then, and I got on it. I hopped off at the next stop and waited for the next train.”

“Did you tell anyone about this?”

“About Riddick stalking me? Not really. I mean, I told a few friends. But I made a point not to mention it to Robin. Things were tough enough for her already. Still, it spooked me. I’ve been looking over my shoulder ever since.”

“I guess there’s no need for that now.”

“You mean with Riddick being dead? Yeah, well, you’d think so. But can I tell you something?” Her eyes traveled around the room again before returning to me. Her voice lowered, and she scooted closer to me. A scent of vanilla scooted over with her.

“Even though he’s dead and everything? I’ve still been having this really creepy feeling that someone is still watching me. Or, you know. Following me. I’m probably nuts, but I really feel it. It’s like…I don’t know. It’s like somebody’s eyes are literally on my skin. I can’t describe it, but it’s kind of freaking me out.”

“Have you actually seen anybody?”

Seen seen? No. But someone’s there. I just know it. Right after I heard about Riddick being found dead in the park, I was heading back to my apartment, and I could have sworn there was someone following me. And it’s happened once or twice since. I don’t like it. First Robin’s killed, and then Riddick. And the phone message that was on Robin’s machine? I don’t know what to say. This town is beginning to freak me out. I’m getting really scared.”