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"Get off my property!" Cletus. Beautiful.

"What?" I hollered back, waiving, and watching him stomp closer. He was so determined he was causing a fine spray of whitish mud to splatter around his ankles as he came toward us. I looked back into my bag.


I looked up. Son of a bitch was fast. He was already at the back of my car.

"Hi, Cletus!" I grinned.


I checked the other two. They were a good fifty feet away, but coming on. Coming in for the fun, I thought.

By that time, Cletus had come around my car, and grabbed me by my shoulder. "YOU HEAR ME?"

I just stepped back, held out a copy of the arrest warrant, and handed it to him. As his eyes dropped to read it, I pulled my handgun out, and stuck it in his face.

"You're under arrest for murder," I said. "Get in the car."

"What?" He was too startled to even be particularly loud. He just stared at the gun barrel three inches from his nose.

George had stepped in behind him, and Cletus was handcuffed in two seconds flat.

"Watch your head," I said, as we stuffed him into the car, and shut the door.

"What the FUCK is going on here?" Cletus's support group was about twenty feet off the rear bumper.

I kept my gun in my hand, but pointed downward. "Cletus is under arrest for murder," I said. They both stepped forward. "Interference with this arrest permits me to use deadly force," I said, perfectly evenly. It was hard to say it that way. I was nearly laughing. "Think twice, gentlemen."

They were absolutely rooted to the spot. Stunned. These weren't hard-core professionals, obviously.

I got in the car, looked over at George, grinned, shut the door, and was backing up before the two men in the drive could even move. Splash. Not intended, but funny as hell.

As we hit the end of the drive, I let out a loud "YES!" and hit the gas.

"You can't do this," said Cletus. He didn't sound too convinced.

"You're under arrest for murder, Cletus," I said. "You might want to remember that you do have a right to remain silent…"

Cletus had made the big mistake. He was predictable. Altogether too predictable.

I looked over at George. "What'd I tell you?" He just grinned. I picked up the mike. "Comm, Three is ten-seventy-six, one ten-ninety-five."

In other words, we were en route, and we had one prisoner in custody.

"Ten-four, Three." She sounded relieved.

"Three, One?" That was Lamar. "Meet you back at the office." He sounded pleased.

"Ten-four." Nonchalant. You had to be.


Thursday, January 15, 1998, 1737

We got back to the office, and I was just getting my proud little ducks in a row to begin booking Cletus into the jail, when Lamar approached me.

"Mike can start that," he said. He looked very grim. "You come back here with us."

I thought it was sort of strange, but I went back with him into his office. George and Volont were there. They didn't look too happy, either.

"Sit down," said Lamar. "Special Agent Volont has something to tell you."

I didn't like the sound of that.

"First," said Volont, "you have to know two things. One, I'm telling you this because events have, well, overtaken us here. Two, the two brothers were killed by a single individual, acting alone." He looked at me, evenly.

"Your surveillance team did witness the murders," I said. Hell, that wasn't such bad news. Not at all.

"No." He sighed. "No, they managed to miss that, with the same skill they demonstrated when you caught them."

He made a little pyramid with his extended fingers. "They were killed by a man I've been tracking for years. You know him as Gabriel."

"You're kidding me…" All I could think of to say.


Jesus. In the first place, it had just dawned on me that Gabriel, who was a professional in every sense, and was not only capable of killing without remorse, but who was also very able as well, could very easily have been at Borglan's residence as we were arresting Cletus.

"You might have said something a little sooner," I said. I looked over at George. "Or did you know?"


"That," I said, "violates just about every 'need to know' guideline in the book." It did, too. You were never supposed to expose an officer to danger in the name of confidentiality. Never.

"He isn't there," said Volont. Just a flat statement. "I'm just telling you this because you'll probably find it out from Cletus." He looked at me. "You do intend to interview him, don't you?"

"So where the hell is he?" I thought it was an appropriate question. "Gabriel, I mean. We'll need to find him as soon as we get a warrant for his arrest."

Volont held up his hand. "Just a moment. The Bureau has a source fairly close to our Mr. Nieuhauser," he said. "I receive the reports on a regular basis. Gabriel's movements and intentions are usually known to us in near real time." He sounded pleased. "We have to wait until Gabriel is at a location that we could discover by other means, before we can move on him. Otherwise, we reveal the informant, and place them at risk."

"That the purpose of your surveillance team, then?"

"One of them, yes. So we can reveal them at the proper time, with their data, and show that they were the ones who tracked Gabriel. Saving the life of the informant is a high priority." He made a tight little smile. "The irony is, now we can use you to confirm the presence of the team, now that you've… uhmmm… apprehended them, as it were."

I knew Volont just well enough to think that he would tell his superiors that he'd planned for the surveillance team to get busted by us. He was adept at that sort of thing.

"Our Mr. Nieuhauser, or Gabriel, has much unfinished business in this county. He'll undoubtedly be back, and we think fairly soon."

Volont said that he'd known Gabriel had been in Nation County since around Christmastime. He hadn't been precisely sure where, but he was now certain it had been the Borglan residence, at least part of the time.

No shit.

"I want that son of a bitch busted as soon as he sets foot in my county," said Lamar. "None of this pussy-footin' around like last time."

"Ah." Volont actually chuckled. "Understood. This time, we won't let him blow up Maitland."

"That's right." Lamar glared at Volont. "This time we just got two people killed… so far."

"So," said Volont, "please tell me more about the murders…"

I did. I even repeated some detail. Drive it home. When I got to the part about the Colson brothers very likely attempting to convince their killer that they were undercover cops, he nodded. "Really not the man to use that story on," he said.

I explained about the 5.45 mm PSM shell casing. He nodded again. No surprise to him. Well, now that I knew who the perp was, it wasn't a surprise to me, either. During the last incident with Gabriel, we'd found that he had been assigned to Europe a lot of the time he was in the Army.

I went through the autopsy findings, and the best guess as to the manner of the death. He spoke.

"What he likely did was to shoot the first one as soon as the undercover cop story was brought up," he said, slowly. "The other one was probably on his knees, pleading his case by denying he was a cop. He was either shot because Gabriel had to conceal the death of the first, or because Gabriel was still convinced both were officers. From what you say, it seems he still thinks they were officers of some sort."

I continued with the part about Davies and me interviewing the hired man, our helicopter flight over the area, and ended with the snowmobile chase.