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“Later, doctor, if you please,” Angelina said, coining to my rescue. A picture of golden charm, she had been sunning herself on the balcony and the wisps of fabric she wore for this operation had about the same surface area as a butterfly’s wing.

I sat up and shook my head, still foggy with the traces of the drug. The room was colorful and luxurious, with one entire wall opening onto the balcony, with the blue sky and bluer ocean beyond, perched high on top of the Ringa Baligi Hotel. This hotel, supposed to be the best one on Burada and I could well believe it, was in the center of a lagoon and approachable only by water or air. This gave us advance warning of any unwanted visitors—and the warning had just been given. The drill was carefully worked out. I had worn swim trunks during the brain-bending session, just in case of an emergency like this one, so I took Angelina’s hand and we trotted to the private elevator. As we got into it the sound of engines on the landing platform above was loud and clear. We held the grips as the high-speed elevator dropped out from under us.

“Do you feel up to this?” Angelina asked.

“Just a little foggy, but that will go away. Do you think this brain-drainer is any good?”

“He’s supposed to be the best on the planet. He’ll straighten out the kinks Kraj put in if anyone can.”

“He could work a bit faster. Three days now and we’re still in my childhood.”

“You must have been a terrible little boy. Some of the things I’ve heard…”

Before I could think of a snappy comeback the elevator whooshed to a stop and we emerged at water level. Steps led down into the ocean from an enclosed diving room. The attendant was waiting with our scuba gear ready and we buckled it on and dove in. Straight to the bottom and out among the coral reefs. Even if they came looking they would never find us here. I snapped on the sonar communicator and called in.

“Not much of a search,” the operator told me. “I’ll let you know when they reach the lower level.”

Angelina and I dove deep. Rainbow-hued fish burst out and around us, green plants bowed to our passing. The water was clear and warm and was rapidly restoring my thoughts and good spirits. We swam to a grotto, completely surrounded by coral, that we had found on an earlier visit during an alert, and settled down on the golden sand. I put my arm around Angelina and she snuggled up to me, both for the fun of it and to get our masks touching so we could talk.

“Anything new come in on Kraj and his boys while the doc was slogging through my gray matter?”

“They’ve been located, but that’s all. Now that the first stage of invasion is over the Cliaand forces seem to be settling down for the occupation. They’ve taken over this immense office building, the Octagon it’s called probably because it has eight sides, and have cleared everyone out. They seem to have moved most of their administrative operations there—and one of Kraj’s gray men was seen coming out of the building. This must be where they are holed up.”

“I wonder why they left the last building?”

“Afraid of you and your relentless revenge, no doubt.”

I snorted. Hard to do in a face mask. “You’re only saying that, but by Belial there is more than an element of truth in it. The Cliaand operation in general has to be knocked out, but those gray men need special attention. But first we have to grab one of them. I’ll have to get inside the building.”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort.” She pinched the skin over my ribs and I tried to slap her hand away but you can’t do this under water. I settled for a pinch myself, and she was surely far more pinchable than I, and we played around like this for awhile until I remembered why she had distracted me and returned ruthlessly to the interrupted conversation.

“Why can’t I try to get into the building? I’ll be disguised, I speak Cliaandian, I know the ropes…”

“And they know yours. They’ll have cameras on every entrance feeding data to the computers. Which will know your height, your build, your weight, manner of walk, retinal pattern, the works. You can’t disguise everything and you know it. They’ll have you in the bag the instant you walk into the place.”

“You’re just saying that because it is true,” I muttered. “So I suppose you have a better plan?”

“I do. I speak Cliaandian and they have no records on me at all. And I’m an experienced field operator, the only one on this planet besides you.”


“Why the instant no?” She scowled at me and the next pinch hurt. “You’re my husband, not my owner—remember? I’m as good at this business as you are, maybe better, and there is a job that needs doing. Let’s have none of your male superiority and possessiveness.”

She was right of course, but I couldn’t let her know it.

“I was only worried about your safety.”

She melted at this, even the smartest woman is a sucker for the loving attention, and rubbed against me. I felt like the heel I was.

“You do love me, Jim, in your own horrible way. But I’ll be all right, you’ll see. There are some women among the Cliaandian supporting echelons—I don’t see how they can wear those ugly uniforms—and the girls and I will grab onto one. With her uniform and identification I’ll get into the building, find Kraj—”

“You won’t do anything foolish?”

“Of course not. This is too important to bungle by trying it alone. I told you I wanted to give him my personal attention at my leisure. This will be a scouting trip only. I’ll locate the gray men, map the layout and take a look at the detection devices—and leave at once.”

“Great.” I was getting enthusiastic now and trying to put my fears for her safety aside. “That is all we will need to mount a quick kidnapping. Hit them fast and hard, walk right in and grab Kraj and right out again. Foolproof.”

The sonar communicator buzzed and I flicked it on.

“The search party has gone. You may return.”

We swam back slowly, hand in hand, enjoying the moment. Doctor Mutfak was waiting when we climbed out of the water.

“Good, we pick up where we left off. “There was no warmth at all in his smile. “The teddy bears, we must probe the symbolism here so we can move on to more recent things.”

He tapped his foot impatiently while Angelina and I clutched in a nice wet embrace and kissed with abandon. Wearing the masks had been quite frustrating. Then back to the room. I let the doctor put me under at once since I didn’t want Angelina to catch my jumpiness before she left. The mission would be difficult enough without my giving her things to worry about. She waved and went to dress and I waved back and Mutfak stuck a needle in my arm. No romance in his soul.

We must have moved along nicely because when I awoke next the teddy bears had long since vanished and the last dream I remembered had something to do with exploding spaceships and solar flares. Dr. Mutfak was packing up his instruments and the last glimmer of daylight was fading in the night sky outside.

“Very good,” he said. “Coming along nicely.”

“Have you uncovered any traces of Kraj’s tampering yet?”

“Traces!” His nostrils flared and he puffed out his cheek. “They are like heavy boot marks all through your cortex! Butchers, those people, simply butchers! Lucky in a way because their traces are so easy to find. Memory blocks all over, areas of amnesia with connections to patterns of false memory. These memories are the only thing of any clinical value and I must find out what techniques they use. They were placed there very quickly, you told me that, yet they are incredibly complete, all senses involved, and detailed as well.”

“I’ll vouch for that.”

“I think you will have found them impossible to tell from real memories, that is the strength of their technique. I have removed some major ones that seemed to be disturbing you and in later sessions I will take care of the others. Now—look at your wrists and tell me about the red lines you see there.”