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I thought I was already beyond the residual radiation range but I turned and went on again because if they landed I would hear them. I would give myself until then.

The weight of the transceiver was dragging me forward and I fell twice, the second time pitching down off balance and lying prone, a flashing in my head as I got on to all fours and dropped again, sudden rage rising, can't stand being feeble,Christ sake get up, trying again and hanging on the sand like a dog,get up and get on, trying again, no go, trying again as the dunes in front of me turned dazzling white and I squeezed my eyes shut, dropping again and groping for the transceiver, hitting the switch.

Slowly the white light was dying.

Beneath me the desert shuddered.

Mission completed.

They would hear it in Kaifra. Loman was waiting for it and until it came he'd be staying open to receive. There wasn't any hurry because the sound would take nearly a minute to reach there, but I called him up straight away because I didn't know how long I could last out here in the burning sand, under the burning sky.


He didn't answer immediately. Wasn't expecting a signal.

Tango receiving you.

About time.

I did the bang.

Of course he started asking a lot of questions but I cuthim short, told him where I was, north of the rocks, told him to pull me out.

The End