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Iuz started to interrupt. "But you- "

"I said otherwise? Of course! We need his cooperation in gaining the Final Key. Once dear Queen Zuggtmoy has it safely, she can turn on him and the vile Kostchtchie and the rest. They will be powerless against her then, and their foes will rend the braggarts' petty kingdom plane from plane."

"You are a dear!" the demoness said, leaping up and hugging Iggwilv.

The cambion had to smile broadly himself, thinking of how his hated progenitor would fare in such a situation. "I am proud to be your son, Mother!"

"Just so," Iggwilv said dryly, smirking slightly in Iuz's general direction. "Moving ahead, though, We must lay out exactly what course We will follow once Zuggtmoy gains the Final Key." The other two assented eagerly, so the ancient witch went on. "Graz'zt will be hard-pressed by his growing number of enemies. Worse still, for him, the boastful swine will be confined to his own personal domain.

These circumstances, Zuggtmoy, will enable you to send aid to Us. Then you, Iuz, with your demons – and you will command many hordes with the Theorpart – and My skills and powers, will overthrow the Brotherhood. You will destroy those scum, and then the Initial Key will be in Our hands as well."

"I will be Emperor of Oerth!" Iuz crowed, barely able to suppress the urge to beat his massive chest in delight as he did so. Zuggtmoy started to frown slightly as she witnessed this outburst, and Iggwilv acted quickly to soothe her.

"Be not alarmed, sister!" the witch said, taking and holding Zuggtmoy's shapely little hand. "Iuz, in his excitement, wrongly assumed that he would retain possession of the Initial Key once the Brotherhood is obliterated. But in truth, he will not need it to maintain his power. And what could be more fitting than a bestowal of that object upon she who assured Our success here? What more proper, adored Zuggtmoy, than you using the Initial Key to become Queen and Ruler of all the Abyss?" Iuz bristled a bit when he heard this, but was wise enough to hold his tongue.

Still suspicious, the demoness looked sharply at Iggwilv and asked, "Why would you hand so great a thing over to me so willingly?"

"Without mention of the undying love that Iuz and I hold in Our hearts for you, great queen, I need only point out two simple facts. First, with the whole world Ours, what need do either of Us have for more than the single key We now possess? Second, who better to hold two, and thus assure rule of the entire Abyss, than Our staunchest friend and ally?"

"You speak with wisdom beyond mortals and the powers beyond them," the Queen of Fungi said solemnly. "I had resolved to speak of the problems which the unruly Graz'zt might cause should he somehow blunder into possession of the Final Key, or even the initial one. I am happy that you, dearest Iggwilv, have anticipated My needs thus. Your once-husband will never forgive the humiliation he once received at your hands. Graz'zt will cause much trouble for both of you, should he ever manage to gain a Theorpart. Your understanding of this fact and your pledge of loyalty to Me indicate that My past judgment has been correct. You, Iggwilv, and you too, Iuz, shall be the most favored when I rule the Abyss. You have the word of Queen Zuggtmoy!"

Thanking her profusely, Iggwilv and Iuz both embraced the demoness. "Shall we now refrain from this tiresome business and enjoy ourselves?" the witch said with urging in her voice.

Iuz implored Zuggtmoy to let that be the case, but the demoness demurred. "There are matters on My own plane which need My attention now. After all, I must alert Szhublox and the others and make preparations." Promising to come back as soon as possible, the "Queen of Fungi took her leave.

As soon as she was gone, Iuz turned angrily to his mother. "Are you growing senile? How dare you suggest that she possess two keys, let alone pledge them to her?!"

"Mind your tongue, lest I have reason to severely punish you, Iuz. Never forget that I am your mother and guide!" Then, softening her tone and smiling, Iggwilv hugged the scowling cambion. "You are My own, dear son! I would never betray Mine own flesh and blood thus. Never suppose I would actually give anyone but you the Theorpart. You will rule Oerth with the strength of two keys, and none will ever be able to remove your yoke then. Let the Abyss squabble and contend as its princes will – so much the better for Us! Not even Zuggtmoy will dare challenge Us when We hold two thirds of the artifact."

"What if Graz'zt should somehow manage to win the contest and gain the Final Key?"

"Leave that to Me. It is an outcome I have considered, and one which I will deal with soon. You run along and enjoy yourself as you please, Iuz. I will personalty descend to see your father in the Abyss and handle the contingency you speak of. I will act, and you need have no further concern. Soon all Oerth will bow to you, My son, as Emperor Iuz, Lord of All!"

Humming a deep dirge, the cambion went off to do as Iggwilv had suggested. Desporting himself always cleared his mind of cobwebs, and Iuz knew that he must work out careful plans for ridding himself of that woman's oppressive and interfering presence as soon as he held two parts of the artifact. Meanwhile, it was only fitting that he did enjoy himself a bit.

Chapter 5

THE DEEP DARKNESS of Graz'zt's own layer of the Abyss pleased Eclavdra. The blackness reminded her of her own homeland deep beneath the surface of Oerth. The mockery of a tropical paradise where demon-inflicted pain and suffering befell helpless and unsuspecting creatures satisfied and pleased her senses. The worst of the drow city of Urlisin-datu, a sink of debauchery and base cruelty, could not compare for a moment to this wonderful place ruled by the demon king.

Best of all, the beautiful dark elf female enjoyed her status on this weird Abyssal plane. Because of her own prowess and Graz'zt's evident favor, Eclavdra was rightly accorded a station very near that of the great lord of the place. Of course, the hyena-headed Yeenoghu and the scum Kostchtchie and certain other demons as well took precedence over her. That matter would be set right in the fullness of time, that she knew. As champion of Graz'zt in the contest for possession of the Final Key, she would certainly prevail. Then would Graz'zt bestow even greater favor upon her, and Eclavdra would be a Princess of Demonkind, a fitting ruler, too, for all drow to bow before!

Before Eclavdra sprawled the polished, jet-pillared structure that was the grand palace of King Graz'zt. Its black marble and obsidian gleamed with mirror brightness, reflecting more darkly still the ebon foliage and fire-opalescent sky of the demon lord's realm. Soon now she would stand before the assembled court of King Graz'zt and receive his charge. The prospect was exciting, and she relished the opportunity. Was she not named as his handmaiden, after all? Now only further honors and greater power could come to her, Eclavdra of the Clan of Eilserv, soon to be known as the greatest ever of that house.

The dark elf squared her perfect shoulders, shaking her head so that her shoulder-length tresses fell like a silver frame around her lovely face, each delicate feature presented to perfection. Eclavdra's violet-hued eyes looked out from beneath long, curling lashes of bright silvery color, and her sensuous mouth looked ripe and inviting as she chose, or hard and unyielding if need be. All drow females had near-perfect skin of shining black, but none among the dark elves could boast of a complexion such as she had, and well she knew this. Shoulders back, perfect breasts pointing the way beneath her filmy gown of violet to match her eyes, a single large amethyst at her throat, Eclavdra entered the palace and strode toward the great valves that gave onto the demon king's throne room.