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"So be it."

Jake blinked awake, pain shooting through him. He felt Zamara trying to comfort him. Eat, she said. Some things I must show you, for you need to understand them on more than an intellectual level. Other things, I can simply tell you and not tax you any more than isabsolutely necessary.

Jake loved the sharing of memories now. But he also loved the idea that somehow he might not die from brain tumors, and so he sent his agreement. Zamara had indeed figured out how to operate some of the dark templar equipment that had been left behind, and the news was good. The water was potable, clean and clear and refreshing, the creatures that lived in it—a cross between amphibian and insect and ugly as sin—edible, and fruits and roots from various plants added a little variety. At the very least he would not starve to death here. As he used his pocketknife to cut through the thick black peel that hid startlingly sweet white pulp and tiny red seeds, Zamara continued speaking to him.

On the planet Char, we discovered to our shock who It was who had been calling to Tassadar. She had once been a female human telepath named Sarah Kerrigan, a ghost, who was now Infested by the zerg. She was crying out for aid at that moment—but soon enough became content with her lot. Later, with the death of the Overmind, she would become even greater than the being that had created her—she would become the queen of the zerg.

Startled, Jake cut himself with the knife and sucked on the nick. Queen ? Like... oh, God... Ethan talked about a queen....

Indeed he did, and you will recall I said I knew of her.

I do too, sort of. What hasn 't been censored and regurgitated by the government. Ijust didn't put two and two together.

Bear in mind also—while many protoss encountered James Raynor, and thus discovered that human males could be staunch allies, Sarah Kerrigan was the only human female with whom we had any contact.

Oh great. That's not going to help Rosemary any.

She does have prejudice to overcome, yes. But my people are by and large rational. Rosemary will tell the truth. Do not despair yet, Jacob.

He sighed. He was trying not to. He urged her to continue.

But while the protoss were on Char, attempting to fight Kerrigan and the zerg, we met Prelate Zeratul and his soldiers. Tassadar sensed their presence almost immediately. He was sickened and horrified and angry. They met. ...It did not go well.

But...oh, right. You weren't allowed to tell Tassadar about Raszagal and the others. That they weren't evil or even really rebellious.

Sorrow and regret washed through him along with her affirmative. He thought that it must have been very difficult for her.. .to know that there was no real reason for hatred between these two factions, and be forbidden to do anything to heal the rift.

Fortunately, Tassadar did not need me to open his eyes to the truth. At first, they fought—how could they not? Tassadar had been taught that everything the dark templar represented was to be despised. Eventually, he agreed to speak with Zeratul. And along with James Raynor, Tassadar learned things about the dark templar that no one save the preservers knew. For a long time, I was not permitted to leave the Gantrithor, because of the possible danger from the dark templar. I did not see these things first hand.. .not at that time. Later, with Tassadar's death and regretfully those of many others, I knew and understood all that had transpired.

She showed him a little then, bits and pieces of images, nothing too intense that would tax him unduly. Jake marveled at what he beheld: two masters fighting with a grace almost inconceivable, the executor dealing what surely must have been a fatal blow, the prelate uncannily sidestepping the—no, no, not sidestepping, simply not being there when the glittering blue blade sliced, the clash and hiss of vaporous green warp blade contacting with the gleaming blue blade of the Aiur high templar.

Time passed and the images changed; the two protoss leaders sat, conversed, and Zeratul began to teach Tassadar. Jake was proud to see that much of the time, Jim Raynor, terran, was included in these conversations. Perhaps what was even more curious was he found himself being proud of Tassadar, almost as if Tassadar, like Raynor, was a member of his own species.

You are more than an ordinary terran now. You could not be closer to the protoss than if you had been raised as one. In a way, Jacob, you understand us better than we do ourselves.

Jake blushed.

And then it dawned on him what was happening. Zeratul is telling Tassadar the real story—well, as much as he knows about it. And Tassadar's listening! Yes.

Zamara. ..I know you are trying to spare me, but please—I want to do more than just see this.

Reluctance, then acceptance, and then Jake again was Zamara.

Once Tassadar realized he could fully trust the other protoss, the prelate was permitted aboard the Gantrithor. Tassadar's warriors had learned to respect Zeratul almost as much as their leader did; there was no hostile thought turned toward the visitor as he made his way through the vessel to where Jake waited for him.

Jake was nervous and excited. A dark templar...she had the memories of those who had known them, but meeting one herself was something she had never dreamed possible. She rose when the prelate entered, smoothing her robes and composing her thoughts.

Zeratul bowed deeply. "A preserver, " he said. His mental voice was dry, like scudding leaves, and bespoke age and wisdom. She liked him at once. " What a privilege, to meet one. I did not think I would live so long. Then again, I did not think our people would be reunited in my lifetime. "

She caught a name, an image: Raszagal. "Raszagal.. .she is your leader now?"

"Indeed, she is our matriarch, a wise and just leader. She is old enough to remember the exile from Aiur. Few of my people still remember our brethren. Like myself, she desires that our people reunite. "

Jake nodded slowly. Raszagal was ancient now, over a thousand years old. "I have within me the memories of your matriarch as a child. It would be interesting to meet her. "

He looked at her, wistfully, almost hungrily. "The dark templar do not regret severing our nerve cords. We do not need the Khala as you do. But what you represent, Zamara... that I respect and wish we had."

" You have no way of keeping the knowledge of the past then? " Jake was appalled. To think of all that history, the journeys the dark templar had made, the things they had discovered, lost to time saddened her.

"Nothing so ideal as a preserver, no. But we have learned how to manipulate the khaydarin crystals to preserve memories. The solution is imperfect, and passionless, but the information is not lost to us."

"So that's how you knew!" exclaimed Jake. "You heard it from the horse's mouth."

"I...from the source, yes. Your human phrases are colorful indeed, Jacob."

Jake hesitated for a moment. "I... am pleased the two of you have learned to see past the lies. I would ask your forgiveness. I knew the truth that you, Tassadar, have only recently discovered. But I was and am forbidden to speak of it to those who do not know. Everything Zeratul has told you is true. Adun did not sacrifice himself to ensure that Aiur would be rid of some perceived evil influence. He did it to help the dark templar.. .in hopes that one day, they would again be accepted by us. "

Tassadar was stunned. Zeratul seemed almost exultant. " We have a blessing among our people. 'Adun toridas.. .Adun give you sanctuary.' We knew he was our savior." He seemed about to say something more, then his thoughts were shuttered from both Aiur protoss. "In due time, I will share more of this. For now, I will content myself with training you — I will teach as much as you care to learn, Tassadar."