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At least, every failure they could predict. What Carpenter dreaded was the glitch that no one had thought about. And now he asked himself the same question he always did at the beginning of a new mission phase, What have we failed to anticipate?

“ODS has successfully disengaged,” he heard Kittredge announce. “Latches have released. We’re now in free drift.” The flight controller beside Carpenter gave a little punch of triumph in the air.

Carpenter thought ahead, to the landing. The weather at White Sands was holding steady, head winds at fifteen knots. The TACAN would be up and operational in time for the shuttle’s arrival.

Ground crews were at this moment converging on the runway.

There were no new glitches in sight, yet he knew one had to be waiting just around the corner.

All this was going through his mind, but not a flicker of expression crossed his face. Not a hint to any of the flight personnel in the room that he was feeling dread, as sour as bile, in his throat.

Aboard ISS, Emma and her crewmates also watched and waited.

All research activities were at a temporary standstill. They had gathered at the Node 1 cupola to look at the massive shuttle as it undocked. Griggs was also monitoring the operation on an IBM Thinkpad, which showed the same RPOP wireframe display that Houston’s Mission Control was now looking at.

Through the cupola windows, Emma saw Discovery begin to inch away, and she gave a sigh of relief. The orbiter was now in drift, and on its way home.

Medical Officer O’Leary floated in a narcotic daze. He’d injected fifty milligrams of Demerol into his own arm, just enough to take the edge off his pain, to allow him to strap in Mercer, and to batten down the cabin for reentry. Even that small dose of narcotic was clouding his mental processes.

He sat strapped in his middeck seat, ready for deorbit. The cabin seemed to drift in and out of focus, as though he were seeing it underwater. The light hurt his eyes, and he closed them.

Moments ago, he thought he’d seen Jill Hewitt float past with the Thinkpad, now she was gone, but he could hear her strained voice over his headset, along with Kittredge’s and Capcom’s. They had undocked.

Even in his mental fog, he felt a sense of impotence, of shame, that he was strapped into his seat like an invalid while his crewmates up on flight deck were laboring to get them home. Pride made him fight his way back from the comfortable oblivion of sleep, and he surfaced into the hard glare of the middeck lights. He felt for the harness release, and as the straps came free, he floated out of his seat. The middeck began to shift around him, and he had to close his eyes to stem the sudden tide of nausea. Fight it, he thought.

Mind over matter. I’m the one who always had the iron stomach.

But he could not bring himself to open his eyes, to confront that disorienting drift of the room.

Until he heard the sound. It was a creaking, so close by that he thought it must be Mercer, stirring in his sleep. O’Leary turned toward the sound—and found that he was not facing Mercer. He was staring at Kenichi Hirai’s body bag.

It was bulging. Expanding.

My eyes, he thought. They’re playing tricks on me.

He blinked and refocused. The shroud was still swollen, the plastic ballooning out over the corpse’s abdomen. Hours ago, they had patched the leak, now the pressure inside must be building up again.

Moving through a dreamlike haze, he floated across to the sleeping pallet. He placed his hand on the bulging body bag.

And jerked away in horror. For in that brief moment of contact, he had felt it swell, retract, and swell again.

The corpse was pulsating.

Sweat beading her upper lip, Jill Hewitt watched through the overhead window as Discovery unlatched from ISS. Slowly the gap widened between them, and she glanced at the data streaming across her computer screen.

One foot separation. Two feet. Going home. Pain suddenly arced through her head, its stab so unbearable she felt herself beginning to black out. She fought back, holding on to consciousness with the stubbornness of a bulldog.

“ODS is clear,” she said through clenched teeth.

Kittredge responded with, “Switching to RCS OP, low Z.” Using the reaction-control-system thrusters, Kittredge would now gently steer away from ISS, moving to a point three thousand feet below the station, where their differing orbits would automatically begin to pull them farther apart.

Jill heard the whomp of the thrusters firing and felt the orbiter shudder as Kittredge, at the aft controls, slowly backed them apart.

His hand shook, and his face went tight with the effort to retain control of his grip. He, not the computer, was flying orbiter, and a wayward jerk of the control stick could send them careening off course.

Five feet apart. Ten. They were past the crucial separation phase now, moving further and further away from the station.

Jill began to relax.

And then she heard the shriek on middeck. A cry of horror and disbelief.

She turned, just as a gruesome fountain of human debris burst onto the flight deck and exploded toward her.

Kittredge, nearest the interdeck access, caught the brunt of the force and went flying against the rotational hand controller. Jill tumbled backward, her headset flying off, her body pummeled by foul-smelling fragments of intestine and skin and clumps of black hair, still attached to scalp. Kenichi’s hair. She heard the noise of firing thrusters, and the orbiter seemed to lurch around her. A cloud of disintegrated human parts had spread throughout the flight deck, and a nightmarish galaxy swirled, floating bits of plastic shroud and shattered organs and those strange greenish clumps.

A grapelike mass of them floated by and splattered against a wall.

When droplets collide with, and adhere to, flat surfaces in microgravity, they tremble briefly from the impact, then fall still. The splatter had not stopped moving.

In disbelief, she watched as the quivering intensified, as a ripple disturbed the surface. Only then did she see, embedded within the gelatinous mass, a core of something black, something moving. It writhe like the larva of a mosquito.

Suddenly a new image caught her eye, even more startling. She stared up through the window above the flight deck and saw the space station rapidly zooming toward them, so close now she could almost make out the rivets on the solar array truss.

In a burst of panic, she shoved against the wall and dove through that gruesome cloud of exploded flesh, her arms outstretched in desperation toward the orbiter control stick.

“Collision course!” yelled Griggs over space-to-space radio.

“Discovery, you are on a collision course!” There was no response.

“Discovery! Reverse course!” Emma watched in horror as disaster hurtled toward them.

Through the space station’s cupola window, she saw the orbiter simultaneously pitch up and roll to starboard. She saw Discovery’s delta wing slicing toward them with enough momentum to ram it through the station’s aluminum hull. She saw, in the imminent collision, the approach of her own death.

The plumes of firing rockets suddenly spewed out from the forward RCS thruster in the orbiter’s nose. Discovery began to pitch downward, reversing momentum. Simultaneously the starboard delta wing rolled upward, but not quickly enough to clear the station’s main solar truss.

She felt her heartbeat freeze.

Heard Luther whisper, “Lord Jesus.”

“CRV!” Griggs shouted in panic. “Every one to the evac vehicle!

Arms and legs churned in midair, feet flying in every direction as the crew scrambled to evacuate the node. Nicolai and Luther were first through the hatch, into the hab. Emma had just grabbed the hatch handhold when her ears filled with the squeal of rending metal, the groan of aluminum being twisted and deformed by the collision of two massive objects.