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'Now where's this sorcerer of yours?'

'He is in the Keep, sir. How do you know of him?'

'That's why we're here, man. He contacted one of our priests last night and told us of your plight. Damn it all, this could be a turning point for us.'

'I hope so, sir.'

'You did wonderfully well, Gellan.'

'I lost almost half my men, sir. I should have abandoned the wagons two days ago.'

'Nonsense, man! Had we not arrived in time and you had all been killed, I would have agreed with you. But the victory was worth the risk. I've got to be honest – I didn't expect it of you. Not that I doubt your courage, but you are a cautious man.'

'You use "cautious" as an insult, sir.'

'Maybe I do. But these are desperate times and they call for the odd risk. Caution won't send the Vagrians packing. And make no mistake, Gellan, what I said to the men was not mere rhetoric. We will win. Do you believe that?'

'It is very hard not to believe what you say, general. The men think that if you wanted the sky green instead of blue, you would climb a mountain and paint it as it passed.'

'And what do you think?'

'I am ashamed to admit that I agree with them.'

'The men need leaders, Gellan. Men with fire in their bellies. When morale goes, there can be no victory. Remember that.'

'I am aware of it, sir. But I am not good with speeches.'

'Don't worry about that, I'll handle the speeches. You've done fine work today and I'm proud of you. You know Purdol is still holding?'

'I am glad to hear it, sir.'

'I'm going there tomorrow.'

'But it's surrounded.'

'I know, but it's important that the fortress holds. It ties down the bulk of the Vagrian force.'

'With respect, sir, it is far more important that you stay free. It is said they have put a price of 10,000 gold pieces on your head – almost as much as they've offered for Egel himself.'

'Have you forgotten so swiftly what I just said about risks?'

'But if they realise you are in Purdol, they will redouble their efforts to take it and bring in more troops.'


'I am sorry, sir, but I think it's insane.'

'That's where you and I differ, Gellan. You don't see things on the grand scale. Look at me! I'm too big to sit a horse with any confidence and I am no cavalry general – give me a fortress to hold and I'm in my element. But Egel is a strategist and a fine, wily campaigner. They don't need me in Skultik. But if I can get into Purdol the Vagrians will mass troops there, giving Egel a chance to break from the forest.'

'I see the logic and I don't want to sound like a sycophant, but we need you. If you are captured or killed, the Drenai cause will be close to lost.'

'Nice of you to say so. But the plan is set. How do you fancy coming with me?'

'I wouldn't miss it for the world,' said Gellan, grinning.

'That's my man,' said Karnak. 'Now where is this sorcerer?'

Gellan took the general into the Keep where Dardalion sat with the children.

'That is the sorcerer?' asked Karnak, staring at the young man in the silver armour.

'I am afraid so,' replied Gellan.

Dardalion turned as they entered and stood, bowing to the general.

'You are Dardalion?'

'I am.'

'I am Karnak.'

'I know, general. You are most welcome.'

'You are the most unlikely sorcerer I ever met.'

'I am hardly a sorcerer; I cast no spells.'

'You certainly cast one over the Vagrians – you saved the fort and every man in it. Will you ride with me?'

'I should be honoured.'

Karnak smiled at the children, but they hid behind Dardalion. 'You know, I believe the tide is turning,' said Karnak. 'If I can but avoid the soldiers around Purdol and the cursed Dark Brotherhood, I think we might just be ready to deliver a few death blows to the Vagrian hopes.'

'The Dark Brotherhood are hunting you?' asked Dardalion.

'They have been for months. And added to that, it is said that Waylander the Slayer has been hired to kill me.'

'That is most unlikely,' said Dardalion.

'Really? You are a prophet also?'

'No … yes … it is not Waylander's way.'

'You know him?' asked Karnak.

'Yes, he knows him,' said Waylander, moving into sight on the stairway with his crossbow in hand.

Karnak turned slowly and Gellan moved in front of him.

'I am Waylander, and if I wanted you dead you would be dead. So now all you have to worry about is the Brotherhood.'

'You think I should believe you?'

'It would be a wise move in the circumstances.'

'I have four hundred men within call.'

'But they are not here now, general.'

'That is true,' Karnak agreed. 'So you are not here to kill me?'

'No. I have other business.'

'Does it affect the Drenai cause?'

'And if it does?' asked Waylander.

"Then I will walk over to you and break your neck,' said Karnak.

'Luckily it should help your cause,' said Waylander. 'I have been asked to supply Egel with a new suit of Armour!'

They rode warily, a dozen scouts ringing the main party and the warrior general at the centre of the force shielded by six riders. Dardalion rode on his left and Gellan on the right. Behind them came the wagons, each pulled by six oxen.

Danyal and the children rode in the lead wagon alongside the warrior Vanek. She found him to be an amusing companion. At one point, as the two lead oxen pulled in opposite directions, Vanek said, straight faced: 'Highly trained these animals – obey my every command. I'm making them do this.'

Behind the wagons rode the rearguard of a hundred men led by Dundas, Karnak's aide: a young man with fair hair and a friendly open face. Beside him rode Waylander, in no doubt that he was a virtual prisoner; four riders sat their mounts close to him, hands on sword-hilts.

Waylander hid his annoyance and allowed his mind to wander as his eyes soaked in the green beauty of the Sentran Plain where it merged with the grey-blue mountains of the north. After all, what did it matter if they killed him? Had he not murdered their king? And what was so special about life that he should desire to extend his span?

None of it mattered, he realised, as the mountains loomed ever more close. How much death had these peaks seen? Who would care about this petty war in a thousand years?

'You are an undemanding companion,' remarked Dundas, lifting his helm and running his fingers through his hair.

Waylander did not reply. Swinging his horse's head to the left, he made to canter forward but his way was blocked by a rider.

'The general thinks we should hold formation while in dangerous territory,' said Dundas smoothly. 'You don't object?'

'And if I do?'

'It will not be for long, I assure you.'

As the day wore on, Dundas tired of attempting conversation with the dark-haired warrior. He didn't know why Karnak wanted him guarded and, in truth, he didn't care. But then that was Karnak's way – to explain only what was necessary and expect his orders to be carried out to the letter. At times it made him an extraordinarily aggravating man to serve under.

'What is he like?' asked Waylander suddenly.

'I am sorry, my mind was wandering,' said Dundas. 'What did you say?'

'The general – what is he like?'

'Why do you want to know?'

'Curiosity. I understand he was a First Dun officer in charge of a hill fort. Now he is a general.'

'You have not heard of Margate and the siege?'


'I should really let the general tell it. There are so many wonderful embellishments to the tale now that it would not surprise me to hear that dragons have been introduced. But still … would you like to hear it?'

'Were you there?'


'Good. I prefer first-hand accounts.'

'Well, as you say, Karnak was First Dun at Margate. The fort is not large – probably twice the size of Masin, and there is … was … a small town outside the keep. Karnak had six hundred men under his command. The Vagrians poured into Skoda and surrounded Margate, demanding our surrender. We refused and held off their attacks for the first day, then watched as they made their night camp. We had lost sixty men during the day, but we were holding well and the Vagrians believed they had us all in their net.'