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Father Murdock did his best to try to console the poor, loud woman, but his efforts were all for naught. By the time Alec had left with his contingent of soldiers, Mary was screeching like a trapped hen. The priest went inside the chapel to pray for peace. More specifically, he prayed Daniel would come and fetch his wife.

Alec followed Jamie's trail. When it curved to the east, he began to relax. She was now headed for Ferguson land.

"Did she change her mind, then?" Marcus shouted.

"She's lost," Alec called over his shoulder. "And thank God for that," he muttered to himself.

He caught up with Jamie fifteen minutes later. He forced her to stop by motioning for his soldiers to encircle her.

Husband and wife faced each other. Neither said a word for a long minute. She was desperately trying to come up with a plausible explanation. He was wondering what outrageous lie she'd give him.

"You asked me to leave you in peace for a little while," she said.

"I did."

She nudged her mount forward. When she reached Alec's side, she whispered, "I was just going to try to reason with Andrew. My sister told you all about my errand, didn't she?"

"Your daughter told me."

Her eyes widened in reaction to that announcement. "I must remember in future not to speak so openly."

"You'll remember not to attempt anything this foolish in future."

"Please don't be angry with me, Alec," she pleaded.

Alec grabbed her by the nape of her neck and gave her a long, hard kiss.

"Why didn't you come to me when you heard that Andrew-"

"I was ashamed," she whispered before he could finish his question. "Papa took coins for me. I didn't want you to think my father had actually sold me to Andrew, but even I was beginning to think-"

Alec shook his head. "What your father did has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I'll repay the bastard. Come along, wife. We might as well get this over and done with."

She knew better than to argue with him, yet she did wonder how he was going to repay Baron Andrew. He was riding bareback and didn't have a pouch on his belt.

He had carried his sword along, though. "Alec, are we expecting trouble?"

He didn't answer her. Jamie was left with her worries as she followed behind her husband. He was right, she decided after thinking about it a long while, she really should have gone directly to him. Husbands and wives should share their problems. It felt good, too, to have someone help with the burdens. No, she admitted. It didn't just feel good. It felt wonderful to have him to lean on every now and again.

They didn't speak again until they'd reached Andrew's camp. Jamie tried to move in front of Alec, but he grabbed the reins of her mount and forced her next to him. He raised his hand. His soldiers immediately lined up on either side of their laird and his mistress.

"Oh, Alec, did you have to bring so many soldiers?"

When he didn't answer her, she let out a loud sigh. "At least they'll keep my shame to themselves," she muttered.

Alec smiled, drawing her attention. Then he motioned again.

The other clans came forward then. While Jamie watched in astonishment, the lairds and their clansmen took their positions. A wide, yawning circle formed, with Andrew and his men trapped inside.

The English soldiers drew their weapons. Alec signaled again. The circle began to tighten as the horses moved forward.

When the English soldiers saw the numbers they faced, they threw their weapons to the ground.

Andrew separated himself from his men and started toward Jamie.

She'd forgotten what a little man Andrew was. Had she ever thought him handsome?

She couldn't remember. He was certainly unappealing to her now though, and his short-cropped hair reminded her of a little boy. No, she thought to herself, she couldn't have found him the least bit attractive.

The man didn't even walk properly. He strutted. A shiver went through her when she realized she might have ended up with him. Jamie suddenly wanted to turn to her husband and thank him for saving her from certain misery.

Alec raised his hand again when Andrew was still some thirty feet away. The baron understood the silent command. He came to a quick stop.

"We cut off a man's feet when he trespasses on our land."

Alec's threat seemed to take the wind out of Andrew. The baron backed up several spaces before regaining his composure. His expression showed fear and disdain when he looked from Alec to Jamie.

"You wouldn't let him do it, would you, Jamie?"

Jamie's expression was very serene. She stared at Andrew when she spoke to her husband. "With your permission, I would like to answer him."

"You have it," Alec replied.

"Andrew," she called out in a voice as cold and clear as a frigid winter morning, "my husband does whatever he wishes to do. I am sometimes allowed to help, though. If he decides to cut off your feet, I will, of course, offer him my assistance."

Jamie heard Marcus's low grunt of approval but kept her gaze on Andrew and her smile contained.

The baron looked furious. "You've become a savage," he shouted, obviously forgetting in his anger his precarious position. He pointed to Alec and added,

"He's turned you into a… Scot."

She knew he thought he'd insulted her. Jamie couldn't keep her amusement contained a minute longer. Her lusty laughter echoed through the hills. "Andrew, I do believe your compliment has just saved your feet."

"State your business," Alec roared. He wanted to finish this as soon as possible so he could take Jamie into his arms.

He ached with the need to tell her again how much he loved her, cherished her… and how very proud he was to have her for his own.

His roar accomplished his goal. Andrew fairly tripped over his explanation.

Jamie, humiliated to the very core of her being, kept her gaze downcast as the baron explained the dowry he'd given her father.

When he finished his explanation, Alec pulled his sword from its sheath.

"Are you going to kill him, then, husband?" she asked in a whisper.

Alec smiled. "You know damn well I'm not going to kill him. It would displease you, and I'm forever wanting to make you happy, wife. I'm going to give him the sword. Its value-"

"You'll not give the likes of him your magnificent sword, Kincaid," Jamie returned, staring straight ahead. "I'll forget my dignity and make a scene you'll never live down. They'll be talking about it for years to come, I promise you."

She heard him sigh and knew she'd won. "Aye, you probably would, you contrary woman. Give me your dagger, then."

Jamie did as he ordered. She watched as Alec used the dagger to pry one of the large rubies from the hilt of his sword. When the task was done, he gave her back her weapon.

She watched Andrew when Alec threw the stone. The ruby landed at the baron's feet. "Repayment, Baron, from Lady Kincaid."

Another fat stone hit Andrew in the shoulder. Jamie turned in the direction the stone had come from and saw Laird McPherson replacing his sword. "Repayment from Lady Kincaid," the old man bellowed before turning to look at her.

A third stone hit Andrew on the side of his face. "Repayment," came the shout from Daniel Ferguson.

"Repayment," echoed once again. Jamie didn't recognize the laird who'd thrown that jewel.

"Alec? Why are-"

"McPherson repays because you saved his son's life. Daniel repays because you placed yourself in front of his wife to protect her. Harold threw the emerald.

You took his son's insult and then pleaded for his life."

A fifth stone cut the skin on Andrew's forehead. "Repayment," another man roared.

"Who is he?"

"Lindsay's father," Alec answered. "You didn't think I knew about the boar, did you?"

She was too stunned to answer him. Yet another stone fell in front of Andrew's boots. A young warrior had thrown it. "Repayment," he shouted.