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Alex was fingering her plaid while he listened to her explanation. He suddenly yawned wide enough for her to see the back of his throat. She instructed him to cover his mouth with his hand and then began a story that used to be her favorite when she was a child.

Alex was sound asleep less than a minute later. His head dropped to the side of her chest. Johanna was so content to have the little one in her arms, she closed her eyes to say a prayer of thanksgiving. She fell asleep almost as quickly as Alex had.

Gabriel didn't know who to carry up to bed first. Calum came to his rescue. He took Alex.

"Where should I put him for the night, MacBain?" he asked in a low whisper so the little one wouldn't wake up.

Gabriel didn't have any idea. Clare was using the second chamber and so he couldn't put his son in there.

He didn't want Alex to sleep with the soldiers either. The boy was too young and needed to be close to his mother and father in the event he became fearful or disoriented during the night.

"Put him in my bed for now," Gabriel instructed. "I'll figure something out before tonight."

He waited until Calum had carried Alex out of the hall before turning his attention back to his wife. He squatted down next to her chair and started to reach for her when she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Gabriel." She said his name with wonder in her voice. He felt as though he'd just been caressed.

"Were you dreaming about me perchance?"

He was trying to tease her, but his voice was gruff with emotion. Damn but he loved this woman. He let out a sigh then and added a frown in a bid to get his thoughts under control.

He wanted to bed her. He knew he'd have to wait, so he decided to growl at her instead. "You should go upstairs, wife. You're clearly exhausted. You're doing too much work. I've told you time and time again to rest, but you blatantly…"

She reached over and brushed her fingertips down the side of his face. Needless to say, his concentration was broken. He thought it might be a deliberate ploy.

"I'm not doing too much," she replied. "I wasn't sleeping just now. I was dozing and thinking about something wonderful. I still can't quite believe it, Gabriel. It doesn't seem possible, and when I tell you my important news…"

She suddenly stopped and peeked around her husband to make certain they were alone. She didn't want anyone else sharing in this special moment.

Keith and three other Maclaurin soldiers came strutting into the hall just as she realized Alex was missing.

"Do you see, you were sleeping," Gabriel told her. "You didn't even notice Calum took my son upstairs."

"He's our son," she corrected.

He liked the sound of that. Johanna was becoming possessive, and he thought that was a good sign. In time he hoped her possessiveness would extend to him.

"Yes, he is our son," he agreed. "Now tell me your news."

"It will have to wait until later."

"Tell me now."


His eyes widened. He stood up, then hauled her to her feet. "You dare to deny me?"

She smiled. "I dare anything these days, thanks to you, husband."

He didn't know what she was talking about. He decided he'd wait until later to badger her into giving him a proper explanation. Now he was determined to make her tell him her news.

"I wish to know what has you worrying. You will tell me now," he commanded.

He was sounding arrogant again. Heaven help her, she was beginning to appreciate that flaw. "I'm not worrying," she said. "I'll tell you my news when I'm ready, m'lord, and not a moment before. I won't be rushed."

"You going to tell your laird what happened down in the meadow?"

Auggie shouted his question from the entrance. Johanna turned to look at him. The old warrior bounded down the steps and started across the room. Dumfries let out a loud growl. Auggie hushed him with a quick growl back.

"Yes," Johanna called out. "I'm going to tell him after dinner."

"If you don't, I'll be telling on you come morning, lass. Just see if I don't."

"What in thunder…"

She deliberately interrupted her husband's mutterings to call out a greeting to the priest. "Good evening, Father." In a low whisper she said to her husband, "Do try to be patient this once. I promise you'll be richly rewarded."

He grunted. She couldn't tell from his expression if he was going to be agreeable or not. "I wish to have some privacy when I tell you my important news."

He finally nodded. Gabriel tried not to smile. He thought he'd finally figured out what it was she wanted to tell him. Lord, he felt good, and all because the daft woman had finally realized she loved her husband.

He would let her have her way, he decided. If she wanted to give him her declaration in the privacy of their bedchamber, he would accommodate her. Damn, but he wished dinner was over. He was anxious to be alone with her. He hadn't realized until this minute how important her love was to him. Wives didn't have to love their husbands, but this one had to love him, he decided. If he was going to be miserable, then by God so was she.

"Matters of the heart are damned confusing." He'd muttered his opinion in a low voice.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked, not certain she'd heard what he'd said.

"Never mind," he snapped.

"Your moods, m'lord, are like the weather here," she remarked. "You're most unpredictable."

He shrugged. Johanna's attention was turned when the soldiers filed into the hall.

She noticed a serious breach in their manners immediately. "You should bow your heads to your laird and his wife when you enter the room."

She called out her instruction and then waited to see if the soldiers were in the mood to be polite. If they gave her any trouble, she was fully prepared to ask Megan to fetch a few more bowls.

The men bowed their heads. Johanna was satisfied. She left her husband standing by the hearth and went over to the MacBain table. Two of the younger soldiers, allowed the privilege of dining with their laird tonight, had already taken their seats. She asked them to stand up again.

"No one sits down until your laird and his wife have taken their places," she patiently explained.

There was a bit of grumbling over her dictate, but in the end everyone complied with her request.

Johanna didn't want to prod the men too much. For that reason she didn't scold them for shouting every other word during their supper. She was quite pleased with their progress. The men were trying to be polite. She didn't hear a single belch throughout the meal.

Auggie asked his laird what he was going to do with the liquid gold sleeping in the cave. Because he'd stated his question in a low whisper, everyone was alerted something secretive might be going on.

Johanna was astonished. The men had ignored her shouts the night before but now fell silent as soon as Auggie's whisper caught their attention. She put that observation away in the back of her mind for further use.

"What's Auggie talking about?" Keith asked his laird.

Gabriel leaned back in his chair and told the group about the barrels in the cave. There was a considerable amount of hooting and cheering over the news; and when the men had calmed down, Gabriel added the fact that they all had Auggie to thank for the treasure.

"Let's go and get a barrel or two to drink tonight," Bryan enthusiastically suggested.

Johanna didn't give her husband time to agree or disagree with Bryan's request. She stood up and shook her head at the soldiers.

The soldiers immediately stood up. The show of manners was impressive.

"Are you leaving or staying?" Niall asked.

"I'm staying," she answered. "You may sit down, gentlemen."

"But you're still standing," Lindsay pointed out. "It's a trick, isn't it, m'lady? Once we sit down, you'll start in throwing bowls again."